
Unpacking the Latest Options Trading Trends in Cheniere Energy

Unpacking the Latest Options Trading Trends in Cheniere Energy

剖析Cheniere Energy最新的期權交易趨勢
Benzinga ·  03/18 20:45

Deep-pocketed investors have adopted a bullish approach towards Cheniere Energy (NYSE:LNG), and it's something market players shouldn't ignore. Our tracking of public options records at Benzinga unveiled this significant move today. The identity of these investors remains unknown, but such a substantial move in LNG usually suggests something big is about to happen.

資金充裕的投資者對Cheniere Energy(紐交所:LNG)採取了看好的態度,這是市場參與者不應忽視的。我們在Benzinga對公開期權記錄的追蹤揭示了今天這一重要舉動。這些投資者的身份仍然未知,但LNG的如此重大動向通常表明一些大事即將發生。

We gleaned this information from our observations today when Benzinga's options scanner highlighted 8 extraordinary options activities for Cheniere Energy. This level of activity is out of the ordinary.

我們今天的觀察表明,Benzinga的期權掃描儀突出了Cheniere Energy的8項非凡期權活動。這一活動水平超出常規。

The general mood among these heavyweight investors is divided, with 25% leaning bullish and 25% bearish. Among these notable options, 4 are puts, totaling $117,340, and 4 are calls, amounting to $856,197.


Projected Price Targets


Analyzing the Volume and Open Interest in these contracts, it seems that the big players have been eyeing a price window from $175.0 to $260.0 for Cheniere Energy during the past quarter.

分析這些合約的成交量和未平倉合約,似乎大玩家在過去一個季度內關注Cheniere Energy的價格區間爲175.0美元至260.0美元。

Analyzing Volume & Open Interest


In terms of liquidity and interest, the mean open interest for Cheniere Energy options trades today is 674.88 with a total volume of 963.00.

在流動性和興趣方面,今天Cheniere Energy期權交易的平均未平倉合約爲674.88,總成交量爲963.00。

In the following chart, we are able to follow the development of volume and open interest of call and put options for Cheniere Energy's big money trades within a strike price range of $175.0 to $260.0 over the last 30 days.

在下面的圖表中,我們能夠跟蹤過去30天內Cheniere Energy大手交易的看漲和看跌期權的成交量和未平倉合約的發展,行權價範圍爲175.0美元至260.0美元。

Cheniere Energy Option Activity Analysis: Last 30 Days

Cheniere Energy期權活動分析:過去30天


Significant Options Trades Detected:


Symbol PUT/CALL Trade Type Sentiment Exp. Date Ask Bid Price Strike Price Total Trade Price Open Interest Volume
LNG CALL TRADE BEARISH 09/19/25 $9.0 $8.6 $8.6 $260.00 $688.0K 185 801
LNG CALL SWEEP NEUTRAL 03/21/25 $51.7 $48.1 $49.79 $175.00 $74.5K 96 15
LNG CALL TRADE NEUTRAL 01/16/26 $51.0 $49.9 $50.5 $190.00 $50.5K 333 10
LNG CALL TRADE NEUTRAL 09/19/25 $43.6 $42.8 $43.15 $195.00 $43.1K 80 10
LNG PUT TRADE BULLISH 01/16/26 $7.1 $6.7 $6.8 $180.00 $34.0K 860 50
標的 看跌/看漲 交易類型 市場情緒 到期日 賣盤 買盤 價格 行權價 總交易價格 未平倉合約 成交量
液化天然氣 看漲 交易 看淡 09/19/25 $9.0 $8.6 $8.6 $260.00 $688.0K 185 801
液化天然氣 看漲 掃單 中立 03/21/25 $51.7 $48.1 $49.79 $175.00 $74.5K 96 15
液化天然氣 看漲 交易 中立 01/16/26 $51.0 $49.9 $50.5 $190.00 50.5K美元 333 10
液化天然氣 看漲 交易 中立 09/19/25 $43.6 $42.8 $43.15 $195.00 43.1K美元 80 10
液化天然氣 看跌 交易 看好 01/16/26 $7.1 $6.7 $6.8 $180.00 34.0K美元 860 50

About Cheniere Energy

關於Cheniere Energy

Cheniere Energy is a liquified natural gas, or LNG, producer with two facilities in Corpus Christi, Texas and Sabine Pass, Louisiana. It generates most of its revenue through long-term contracts with customers on a fixed and variable fee payout structure. It also generates revenue by selling uncontracted LNG to customers on a short or one-time basis. A subsidiary, Cheniere Energy Partners, owns the Sabine Pass facility and trades as a master limited partnership.

Cheniere Energy是一家液化天然氣(LNG)生產商,在德克薩斯州的科珀斯克里斯蒂和路易斯安那州的薩賓港擁有兩個設施。它通過與客戶簽訂長期合同而獲得大部分營業收入,採用固定和變量收費的交付結構。它還通過向客戶出售未簽約的LNG以短期或一次性方式獲得收入。其子公司Cheniere Energy Partners擁有薩賓港設施,並以主有限合夥企業的形式交易。

Where Is Cheniere Energy Standing Right Now?

Cheniere Energy目前的情況如何?

  • With a volume of 2,189,356, the price of LNG is up 0.68% at $224.03.
  • RSI indicators hint that the underlying stock may be approaching overbought.
  • Next earnings are expected to be released in 45 days.
  • 天然氣的成交量爲2,189,356,價格上漲0.68%,達到224.03美元。
  • RSI因數暗示該標的股票可能接近超買。
  • 下一次業績預計將在45天內發佈。

What Analysts Are Saying About Cheniere Energy

分析師對Cheniere Energy的看法

In the last month, 3 experts released ratings on this stock with an average target price of $254.33.


Unusual Options Activity Detected: Smart Money on the Move


Benzinga Edge's Unusual Options board spots potential market movers before they happen. See what positions big money is taking on your favorite stocks. Click here for access.* An analyst from Mizuho has decided to maintain their Outperform rating on Cheniere Energy, which currently sits at a price target of $254. * An analyst from Scotiabank persists with their Sector Outperform rating on Cheniere Energy, maintaining a target price of $254. * Maintaining their stance, an analyst from Stifel continues to hold a Buy rating for Cheniere Energy, targeting a price of $255.

Benzinga Edge的期權異動板塊提前發現潛在的市場動向。查看大型資金在您喜歡的股票上的持倉。點擊這裏獲取訪問權。* Mizuho的分析師決定維持對Cheniere Energy的表現優於大盤評級,目前目標價爲254美元。* Scotiabank的分析師繼續對Cheniere Energy維持其板塊表現優於大盤評級,目標價爲254美元。* Stifel的分析師持續持有對Cheniere Energy的買入評級,目標價格爲255美元。

Options are a riskier asset compared to just trading the stock, but they have higher profit potential. Serious options traders manage this risk by educating themselves daily, scaling in and out of trades, following more than one indicator, and following the markets closely.



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