C3 AI Solutions Listed in AWS "ICMP" for the U.S. Federal Government
C3 AI Solutions Listed in AWS "ICMP" for the U.S. Federal Government
All C3 AI applications, including C3 AI Decision Advantage and C3 Generative AI, are now available to U.S. Government Customers in ICMP
所有C3 AI應用程序,包括C3 AI決策優勢和C3生成AI,現在可供美國政府客戶在ICMP中使用。
REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mar. 17, 2025--C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the leading Enterprise AI application software company, today announced that it listed its offerings in the AWS Marketplace for the U.S. Intelligence Community (ICMP). ICMP is a curated digital catalog from Amazon Web Services (AWS) that makes it easy to discover, purchase, and deploy software packages and applications from vendors that specialize in supporting government customers.
加利福尼亞州紅木城--(商業資訊)--2025年3月17日--C3 AI(紐交所代碼:AI),領先的企業人工智能應用軟件公司,今天宣佈其在美國情報社區(ICMP)的AWS市場中列出了其產品。ICMP是亞馬遜網絡服務(AWS)提供的一個精選數字目錄,方便發現、購買和部署專門支持政府客戶的軟件包和應用程序的供應商。
These offerings include the C3 Agentic AI Platform and the full suite of C3 AI's pre-built AI applications, including the C3 AI Defense and Intelligence Suite and C3 Generative AI.
這些產品包括C3 Agentic人工智能平台和C3 AI的全部預構建人工智能應用程序,包括C3 AI軍工股與情報套件和C3生成AI。
"Offering our application on ICMP is critical to streamlining access to all our purpose-built applications. These applications are ready to be installed and deliver value immediately to federal government agencies looking for AI that is proven to generate value, is secure, and offers appropriate access controls," said Dan Gelston, President, C3 Federal Systems. "Many C3 AI applications — including C3 Generative AI — are already in use at multiple U.S. Department of Defense agencies. These customers and more have demonstrated significant benefits from integrating the C3 Agentic AI Platform and applications into their systems, including lower operating costs and accelerated decision making."
「在ICMP上提供我們的應用程序對於簡化所有我們專門構建的應用程序的訪問至關重要。這些應用程序已經準備好安裝,並立即爲尋求能夠生成價值、安全且提供適當訪問控制的人工智能的聯邦政府機構提供價值,」C3聯邦系統總裁Dan Gelston說。「許多C3 AI應用程序——包括C3生成AI——已經在多個美國國防部機構中使用。這些客戶以及更多的客戶展示了將C3 Agentic人工智能平台和應用程序集成到其系統中所帶來的顯著好處,包括降低運營成本和加速決策。」
About C3.ai, Inc.
關於C3.ai, Inc.
C3 AI is the Enterprise AI application software company. C3 AI delivers a family of fully integrated products including the C3 Agentic AI Platform, an end-to-end platform for developing, deploying, and operating enterprise AI applications, C3 AI applications, a portfolio of industry-specific SaaS enterprise AI applications that enable the digital transformation of organizations globally, and C3 Generative AI, a suite of large AI transformer models for the enterprise.
C3 AI是企業人工智能應用軟件公司。C3 AI提供一系列全面集成的產品,包括C3 Agentic人工智能平台,這是一個用於開發、部署和運營企業人工智能應用的端到端平台,以及C3 AI應用程序,這是一個行業特定的Saas-雲計算企業人工智能應用組合,能夠促進全球組織的數字轉型,還有C3生成AI,這是一個爲企業提供的大型人工智能變換器模型套件。
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C3 AI Public Relations
Lisa Kennedy
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Investor Relations
AWS Contact Information
If you are interested in this product, or ICMP in general, please contact AWS_ICMP@jdiss.cia.ic.gov or icmp@amazon.com for more information.
Source: C3.ai