
How Bitcoin, Ethereum Have Outperformed The S&P 500 Since 2020: Report

How Bitcoin, Ethereum Have Outperformed The S&P 500 Since 2020: Report

比特幣和以太幣自2020年以來如何超過S&P 500:報告
Benzinga ·  03/14 19:09

A new report from, a Swiss-based digital asset service provider, highlights a significant alignment between Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC), Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH) and the S&P 500.

來自Copper.co的最新報告,瑞士一家數字資產服務供應商,突顯了比特幣(CRYPTO: BTC)、以太幣(CRYPTO: ETH)與S&P 500之間的顯著一致性。

What Happened: The report notes that both cryptocurrencies have achieved an 83% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) since their 2020 lows, compared to the S&P 500's 20% CAGR over the same period.

發生了什麼:報告指出這兩種加密貨幣自2020年低點以來的年複合增長率(CAGR)達到了83%,而同期S&P 500的CAGR爲20%。

The findings come as Ethereum briefly dipped below a key trendline on the five-year anniversary of Black Thursday but closed above it, raising questions about its ability to maintain this level.

研究結果顯示,在黑色星期四五週年紀念日,以太幣短暫跌破一個關鍵趨勢線,但最終收盤高於該線,這引發了人們對其能否維持這一水平的質疑。's analysis details the performance of Bitcoin and Ethereum over the past five years, with Bitcoin dropping from $94,265 on March 3 to $80,699 by March 10, and Ethereum falling from $2,518 to $2,020 over the same period, according to data sourced from Copper Calc and TradingView.


Despite these declines, both assets have shown identical long-term growth since March 13, 2020, with Bitcoin's closing price CAGR at 70%, just 1% above Ethereum's.


The S&P 500, currently in correction territory, mirrors patterns observed in 2020, suggesting a possible market shift.

目前處於修正區間的S&P 500反映出2020年觀察到的模式,這表明市場可能會發生變化。

"Ethereum and Bitcoin have tracked remarkably similar growth trajectories since their 2020 lows, with both delivering an 83% CAGR," Fadi Aboualfa,'s Head of Research told Benzinga, adding, "The S&P 500's correction echoes patterns seen in 2020, which suggests a potential turning point and raises optimism levels for investors looking for a bounce."

「自2020年低點以來,以太幣和比特幣的增長軌跡極爲相似,均實現了83%的CAGR,」Copper.co的研究負責人Fadi Aboualfa對Benzinga表示,並補充道:「S&P 500的修正反映出2020年所見的模式,這表明可能會出現轉折點,並提升了希望投資者能夠反彈的樂觀情緒。」

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Why It Matters: The report also explores Bitcoin's relationship with the M2 Global Liquidity Index, which has historically correlated with Bitcoin's price movements at an average of 0.82 since 2015, with a typical lag of 10 to 14 weeks.


The most recent M2 cycle bottomed on Jan. 10, indicating Bitcoin may trade sideways until late March or April, based on 70-day and 100-day lags, respectively.

最近的M2週期在1月10日觸底,這表明根據70天和100天滯後,比特幣可能在3月底或4月之前交投震盪。 noted this timeframe aligns with prior studies, including its Market Cap vs. Realized Market Cap analysis and Bitcoin price simulations, which suggest a potential price peak of $160,000 by May or June, when markets might overheat.


However, the report cautions that M2 must continue rising to sustain this trend, a factor often overlooked in such analyses.


From a portfolio perspective, applies Modern Portfolio Theory, finding that Bitcoin's 70% annualized volatility, a 4% risk-free rate, and a 0.25 correlation with the S&P 500 suggest an optimal allocation of 18% Bitcoin to maximize the Sharpe Ratio.

從投資組合的角度來看,Copper.co應用現代投資組合理論,發現比特幣年化波動率爲70%,無風險利率爲4%,與S&P 500的相關性爲0.25,這表明最優配置應爲18%的比特幣,以最大化夏普比率。

"As of today, the risk-to-return symmetry is striking. With the S&P 500 delivering a 20% CAGR over the past five years, this implies a 4:1 risk-reward ratio compared to crypto assets," Aboualfa stated, emphasizing the potential for balanced investment strategies.

「截至目前,風險與收益的對稱性十分顯著。在過去五年中,S&P 500提供了20%的年複合增長率,這意味着與加密資產相比,風險回報比爲4:1,」Aboualfa表示,強調了平衡投資策略的潛力。

The report, intended for institutional and professional clients, includes a disclaimer that digital assets carry high risks and may not be suitable for all investors, reflecting's adherence to Swiss financial regulations.


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