Sportsman's Warehouse and Silencer Central Partnership Allows Seamless Suppressor Purchases Online
Sportsman's Warehouse and Silencer Central Partnership Allows Seamless Suppressor Purchases Online
This partnership allows customers to purchase and complete the paperwork online and have the suppressor delivered direct to home
WEST JORDAN, Utah, March 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc. ("Sportsman's Warehouse" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: SPWH) announced today that customers can now purchase suppressors online through its retail partnership with Silencer Central. Through this unique program, customers can shop the Sportsman's Warehouse website for suppressors, with Silencer Central taking care of the required paperwork and convenient door to door delivery.
猶他州西喬丹,2025年3月12日(全球新聞網)—— Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc.("Sportsman's Warehouse"或"公司")(納斯達克:SPWH)今天宣佈,客戶現在可以通過與Silencer Central的零售合作伙伴關係在線購買消音器。通過這個獨特的項目,客戶可以在Sportsman's Warehouse網站上瀏覽消音器,而Silencer Central將處理所需的文書工作,並提供便利的門到門送貨服務。
Paul Stone, Chief Executive Officer of Sportsman's Warehouse said, "whether you're an avid hunter or firearms enthusiast, this groundbreaking partnership further expands the specialty product offerings that can only be found at Silencer Central has a proven reputation for streamlining the once complex process of purchasing a suppressor, and we are excited to now offer this convenient service and added benefit to our customers. Delivering a high-quality suppressor right to the purchaser's door will be well received. This new partnership further underscores our mission to consistently provide Great Gear and Great Service."
Sportsman's Warehouse首席執行官Paul Stone表示:"無論您是熱衷狩獵還是槍械愛好者,這一突破性的合作伙伴關係進一步擴展了只能在sportsmans.com上找到的特色產品系列。Silencer Central以簡化曾經複雜的購買消音器的流程而享有良好的聲譽,我們很高興現在能夠爲客戶提供這一便利的服務和額外的好處。將高品質的消音器直接送到購買者的家門口將會受到歡迎。這一新合作關係進一步強調了我們始終提供優質裝備和優質服務的使命。"
The Delivered by Silencer Central Program is an exciting development for Sportsman's Warehouse, a leading omni-channel retailer. It allows instant access to suppressor sales and front-door delivery in the 42 states that allow silencer ownership. The Company is able to leverage the unique systems and expertise of Silencer Central that now allows customers to complete all the necessary paperwork online and take advantage of this unique program.
Silencer Central配送計劃是Sportsman's Warehouse的一個激動人心的發展,作爲領先的全渠道零售商。它允許在允許消音器擁有的42個州內,立即訪問消音器銷售和前門送貨。公司能夠利用Silencer Central的獨特系統和專業知識,現在允許客戶在線完成所有必要的文書工作,並利用這個獨特的項目。
"Sportsman's Warehouse is one the premier retailers of firearms and accessories in the country, with a robust ecommerce platform that fits perfectly with our unique online suppressor program," said Brandon Maddox, Silencer Central Chief Executive Officer. "We are thrilled to partner with them, allowing customers to purchase BANISH suppressors directly from their ecommerce website. Through this unique program, we handle the required customer paperwork and take it one step further to deliver the suppressor right to the customer's door. It's exciting to work with Sportsman's Warehouse and provide more people a convenient way to purchase the suppressors they want."
"Sportsman's Warehouse是全國主要的槍支和配件零售商之一,擁有強大的電子商務平台,與我們獨特的在線消音器計劃完美契合," Silencer Central首席執行官Brandon Maddox說道。"我們很高興能與他們合作,允許客戶直接從他們的電子商務網站上購買BANISH消音器。通過這個獨特的項目,我們處理所需的客戶文書工作,並進一步將消音器直接送到客戶家門口。與Sportsman's Warehouse合作併爲更多人提供方便購買消音器的方式令人激動。"
About Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc.
關於Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc.
Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc. is an outdoor specialty retailer focused on meeting the needs of the seasoned outdoor veteran, the first-time participant, and everyone in between. We provide outstanding gear and exceptional service to inspire outdoor memories.
Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc.是一家專注於滿足經驗豐富的戶外老兵、新手參與者以及所有其他需求的戶外專業零售商。我們提供傑出的裝備和卓越的服務,以激勵戶外回憶。
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Investor Contact:
Riley Timmer
Vice President, Investor Relations
Sportsman's Warehouse
(801) 304-2816
Sportsman's Warehouse
(801) 304-2816