
Prudential Launches Global Services Hub in Bengaluru, India

Prudential Launches Global Services Hub in Bengaluru, India

英國保誠 ·  03/12 04:00

12 Mar 2025


Prudential Launches Global Services Hub in Bengaluru, India


  • The launch of Prudential's first fully owned facility represents a strategic investment in the Indian market
  • Prudential plc aims to base 400 technology, AI and data, and operations professionals in India within the next three years
  • 保德信首個完全擁有的設施的啓動代表了對印度市場的戰略投資
  • 保德信計劃在未來三年內在印度設立400個科技、人工智能和數據以及運營專業人員

Bengaluru, India, 12 March 2025 – Prudential plc ("Prudential") is delighted to announce the grand opening of its global services hub, Prudential Services India, in Bengaluru, Karnataka. This strategic investment underscores Prudential's commitment to the Indian market and its focus on digital transformation.

班加羅爾,印度,2025年3月12日 - 保德信有限公司("保德信")非常高興地宣佈在卡納塔克邦班加羅爾舉行全球服務中心保德信服務印度的盛大開幕。這項戰略投資突顯了保德信對印度市場的承諾以及對數字化轉型的關注。

As Prudential's global services facility in India, the hub will focus on accelerating innovation and growth across markets by providing a central source of technology and operations expertise. The facility will expand to accommodate more than 400 professionals over the next three years, with a focus on developing deeper skills and capabilities in data, AI, software development, automated testing and cyber security, which enables Prudential to improve core operations processes to deliver a more digital, data-driven experience for customers and agents. Prudential Services India will be one of the two global services hubs supporting Prudential's Asia and Africa operations.


Anette Bronder, Chief Technology and Operations Officer, Prudential plc, officiated the launch ceremony in Bengaluru, and said, "Our vision is to digitise, simplify, and modernise the core of our business, so we can deliver a best-in-class experience for our customers, agents, and distributors. Prudential Services India will play a crucial role in achieving this vision by enhancing our technology capabilities and operational efficiency.

保德信有限公司首席科技與運營官Anette Bronder在班加羅爾主持了開幕儀式,她表示:「我們的願景是數字化、簡化和現代化我們業務的核心,以便爲我們的客戶、代理和分銷商提供一流的體驗。保德信服務印度將在實現這一願景中發揮關鍵作用,提升我們的科技能力和運營效率。」

"With its strong talent and growth potential, India was a natural choice of location for our global services hub. This hub will help to drive digitisation, accelerate innovation, and encourage economies of skill and scale across our 24 markets. I look forward to further expanding our footprint in India as we deliver our Next Prudential strategy."


Shri Priyank Mallikarjun Kharge, Minister of Electronics, Information Technology and Biotechnology, Government of Karnataka expressed support for Prudential's decision to base its Global Services Hub in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Minister Kharge said, "Karnataka's technology ecosystem continues to grow and thrive, increasing its attractiveness as a location for global capability centres. Prudential's new hub will generate numerous job opportunities and give employees the opportunity to develop their skills and careers with a globally trusted brand. We welcome Prudential's investment in India and are grateful for its continued contribution to our communities."

卡納塔克邦電子、信息技術和生物技術部長Priyank Mallikarjun Kharge先生對保誠選擇在卡納塔克邦班加羅爾設立全球服務中心表示支持。Kharge部長表示:「卡納塔克邦的科技生態系統不斷髮展壯大,使其作爲全球能力中心的地點越來越具有吸引力。保誠的新中心將創造大量就業機會,併爲員工提供與全球信任品牌共同發展技能和職業的機會。我們歡迎保誠在印度的投資,並對其持續爲我們的社區做出的貢獻表示感激。」

Prudential Services India will support the development of PRUServices, Prudential's digital customer self-servicing platform, and PRUForce, its digital agency platform, which are being progressively introduced across Asian markets. The team will also help to drive the continued development of a unified data platform and robust security operations.


Prudential has over 100 years of history in Asia. It has offered life insurance in India since the 2001 establishment of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance, a joint venture with ICICI Bank, and it has consistently been amongst the top companies in the Indian life insurance sector.




Media contacts


Prudential plc
Jess Lo
Prudential plc
+852 6890 9128
Sonia Tsang
Prudential plc
+852 5580 7525
Jess Lo
+852 6890 9128
Sonia Tsang
+852 5580 7525

About Prudential plc


Prudential plc provides life and health insurance and asset management in 24 markets across Asia and Africa. Prudential's mission is to be the most trusted partner and protector for this generation and generations to come, by providing simple and accessible financial and health solutions. The business has dual primary listings on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (2378) and the London Stock Exchange (PRU). It also has a secondary listing on the Singapore Stock Exchange (K6S) and a listing on the New York Stock Exchange (PUK) in the form of American Depositary Receipts. It is a constituent of the Hang Seng Composite Index and is also included for trading in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect programme and the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect programme.


Prudential is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc. a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, nor with The Prudential Assurance Company Limited, a subsidiary of M&G plc, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom.

保誠與保德信金融公司沒有任何形式的關聯,後者的主要營業地點在美國,也與保誠保險有限公司沒有關聯,後者是M&G plc的子公司,M&G plc是一家在英國註冊的公司。

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