ATLANT 3D Secures $15 M Series A+ as Demand Grows for Its Atomic Layer Processing Technology
ATLANT 3D Secures $15 M Series A+ as Demand Grows for Its Atomic Layer Processing Technology
West Hill Capital Doubles Down on Investment to Accelerate Market Expansion
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, March 11, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- ATLANT 3D, whose atomic-scale manufacturing technology enables precise development of advanced materials and devices for optics, photonics, microelectronics, quantum computing, sensors, and space applications, today announced a $15M Series A+ funding round led by West Hill Capital.
丹麥哥本哈根,2025年3月11日 /PRNewswire/ -- ATLANT 3D,憑藉其原子級製造技術,使得高端材料和設備的精確開發成爲可能,涵蓋光學、光子學、微電子、量子計算、傳感器和空間應用,今天宣佈了一輪1500萬美元的A+系列融資,由 西山資本.
West Hill Capital was also the lead investor in ATLANT 3D's $15M Series A round in September 2022. "Our continued investment in ATLANT 3D across both the A and A+ rounds reflects our deep confidence in their transformative technology and their ability to redefine microfabrication," says Alan Richards, Partner and Co-Founder, West Hill Capital. "The team has an unwavering commitment to disruptive innovation and strategic execution, and we believe ATLANT 3D is uniquely positioned to capture significant market opportunities in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing sectors."
西山資本在2022年9月的1500萬美元A系列輪融資中也擔任了主投方。"我們在ATLANT 3D A和A+輪的持續投資反映了我們對其變革性技術的深切信懇智能,以及他們重新定義微製造的能力,"西山資本合夥人兼聯合創始人艾倫·理查茲說。"團隊對顛覆性創新和戰略執行的執着承諾使我們相信ATLANT 3D在半導體和先進製造領域獨具捕捉重大市場機會的優勢。"
ATLANT 3D builds materials and devices, atom by atom, through its direct atomic layer processing (DALP) technology, which places precise amounts of materials exactly where needed. The system creates complex structures for microelectronics, semiconductors, and advanced devices in a single step. By replacing traditional multi-step fabrication with direct atomic-scale manufacturing, this approach eliminates process complexity while reducing material waste by 90 percent. Different research teams use DALP technology to create what was previously impractical or impossible, from quantum computing components to devices that will operate in space.
ATLANT 3D通過其直接原子層處理(DALP)技術,逐原子構建材料和設備,精確將所需材料放置在恰當位置。該系統在單一步驟中創建複雜的微電子、半導體和先進設備結構。通過用直接原子級製造取代傳統的多步驟製造,此方法不僅消除了過程複雜性,還將材料浪費減少了90%。不同的研究團隊利用DALP技術創造出以前不切實際或不可能實現的東西,從量子計算元件到將在太空中運行的設備。
Since ATLANT 3D's series A round, the company successfully launched NANOFABRICATORTM LITE as a product and a prototype of industrial multimodular NANOFABRICATORTM FLOW. NANOFABRICATORTM LITE is a versatile system that uses DALP technology to accelerate materials research, device R&D, and prototype development. The University of Vermont became the first institution to acquire the system, marking a significant milestone. ATLANT 3D has since established partnerships with over 50 industrial and research organizations, including major semiconductor manufacturers like STMicroelectronics, Sony and several other Fortune 500 companies.
自從ATLANT 3D的A輪融資以來,該公司成功推出了NANOFABRICATORTM LITE作爲產品和工業多模塊NANOFABRICATORTM FLOW的原型。NANOFABRICATORTM LITE是一個多功能系統,使用DALP技術加速材料研究、設備研發和原型開發。佛蒙特大學成爲第一個購買該系統的機構,標誌着一個重要的里程碑。此後,ATLANT 3D與超過50個工業和研究機構建立了合作關係,包括像意法半導體、索尼及其他幾家財富500強公司的主要半導體制造商。
ATLANT 3D also grew their team to more than 35 members, bringing in talent specializing in atomic layer deposition (ALD) and material sciences; filed for a total of 11 patents, with one granted in the U.S., Singapore, Japan, and South Korea; and expanded their validated materials library to a potential 20 materials. This allows for greater flexibility and innovation in developing new products and applications across various industries.
ATLANT 3D還將團隊擴展到35名以上的成員,吸納了專門從事原子層沉積(ALD)和材料科學的人才;共提交了11項專利申請,其中一項在美國、新加坡、日本和韓國獲得批准;並將確認的材料庫擴展到可能的20種材料。這爲在各個行業開發新產品和應用提供了更大的靈活性和創新能力。
With the Series A+ funding, ATLANT 3D plans to continue focusing on technology leadership and industrial product development, extending its global innovation network, broadening its application portfolio and strategic partnerships, and expanding its sales and marketing teams and commercial growth.
通過A輪加融資,ATLANT 3D計劃繼續專注於科技領導和工業產品開發,擴展其全球創新網絡,拓寬應用組合和戰略伙伴關係,並擴大銷售和市場團隊及商業增長。
"This investment marks the next chapter for ATLANT 3D," says Dr. Maksym Plakhotnyuk, Founder and CEO. "One of our key discoveries was that labs needed a way to build complex devices without the traditional constraints of multi-step fabrication as well as testing and adopting advanced high-quality materials. Our technology lets research teams create and test advanced materials and prototype devices in days instead of months and prepare them for scaling to manufacturing. With this funding, we'll continue developing tools that make atomic-scale manufacturing accessible to any lab, accelerating the pace of scientific discovery and industrial adoption. The demand we're seeing from R&D, quantum computing, aerospace, automotive, communication, and semiconductor markets shows we're solving a critical need. We are actively seeking partners who want to speed up their research cycles, develop previously impossible devices, and build the next generation of smart glasses, quantum computers, AI chips, and space-ready materials and devices."
"這項投資標誌着ATLANT 3D的新篇章,"創始人兼首席執行官Dr. Maksym Plakhotnyuk說。"我們的一個關鍵發現是實驗室需要一種在沒有傳統多步製造約束的情況下構建複雜設備的方法,還需要測試和採用先進的高質量材料。我們的科技讓研究團隊能夠在幾天內創建和測試先進材料和原型設備,而不是幾個月,然後爲其大規模生產做好準備。通過這筆資金,我們將繼續開發使原子級製造對任何實驗室都可及的工具,加速科學發現和工業採用的步伐。我們在研發、量子計算、航空航天、汽車、通信和半導體市場看到的需求表明,我們正在解決一個關鍵問題。我們正在積極尋找希望加快研究週期、開發以前不可能的設備,以及構建下一代智能眼鏡、量子計算機、人工智能芯片和適合太空的材料和設備的合作伙伴。"
ATLANT 3D has mastered control of matter at the atomic scale, enabling the creation of advanced materials and devices with unprecedented precision. The company's breakthrough technology allows research teams and manufacturers to build what was previously impossible - from next-generation quantum computers to devices that can operate in the harsh conditions of space - while significantly reducing resource consumption. Based in Copenhagen and London, operations in the US, ATLANT 3D partners with research institutions and industrial companies to expand the boundaries of technological possibility. For more information, visit .
ATLANT 3D已經掌握了在原子尺度上控制物質的技術,使得以前無法實現的高級材料和設備的創造成爲可能。該公司的突破性科技使研究團隊和製造商能夠構建以前不可能的產品 - 從下一代量子計算機到能在太空惡劣條件下運行的設備 - 同時顯著減少資源消耗。ATLANT 3D總部位於哥本哈根和倫敦,在美國經營,與研究機構和工業公司合作,擴展科技可能性的邊界。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。