
The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland Turn to Epson Projection for Six Performance Venues

The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland Turn to Epson Projection for Six Performance Venues

PR Newswire ·  03/11 10:15

Epson's Interchangeable Lens Laser Projectors Prove Essential for Meeting Diverse Content Needs


LOS ALAMITOS, Calif., March 11, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD) is a premier, state-of-the-art facility with six performance venues, supporting over 1,200 events a year. Fostering creativity, education and performance, The Clarice houses the School of Music; School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies; The Clarice's own artistic platform for visiting artists, Clarice Presents; and the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library. As a hub for artistic innovation, projection plays a vital role in illuminating the center's events, productions, educational courses, and communal spaces. Each show and event are very different, demanding a variety of projection solutions along with unique installation challenges and requirements. Epson's extensive lineup of interchangeable lens laser projectors has been crucial for meeting the diverse projection needs across multiple venues.

加利福尼亞州洛斯阿拉米託斯,2025年3月11日 /PRNewswire/ -- 克拉麗斯·史密斯表演藝術中心 位於馬里蘭大學公園分校(UMD)的克拉麗斯·史密斯表演藝術中心是一個一流的、現代化的設施,擁有六個表演場地,每年支持超過1200場活動。該中心促進創造力、教育和表演,設有音樂學院、戲劇、舞蹈和表演研究學院、克拉麗斯自己的藝術平台「克拉麗斯呈現」的訪客藝術家及米歇爾·史密斯表演藝術圖書館。作爲藝術創新的中心,投影在照亮中心的活動、製作、教育課程和公共空間中起着至關重要的作用。每個演出和活動都非常不同,要求多種投影解決方案以及獨特的安裝挑戰和要求。愛普生的可更換鏡頭激光投影儀系列在滿足多個場地的多樣化投影需求方面發揮了重要作用。

The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at University of Maryland Uses Epson Projectors for Diverse Projection Needs


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The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland leveraged 14 Epson large venue laser projectors to light up the annual NextNOW Fest with eye-popping color and exquisite detail that covered nearly 2,000 square feet of space.

"Our team handles all the tech in-house, and I'm a big fan of Epson's versatile lineup and wide range of lens options," said Zach Rupp, projections coordinator, The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center. "Every project has its own unique scope of work, and being able to use the same projectors, with lenses that can be used between models, has been crucial. The projectors' level of adaptability and ability to completely change production with a simple lens swap has been invaluable as we manage so many different types of venues and events."


The Clarice has used Epson projectors in multiple ways for many different productions. From using nine Epson projectors to light up the stage for an opera production with projected subtitles, to students working with the projectors in the immersive media design education program, to deploying 16 projectors to transform an entire lobby for its recent NextNOW Fest 2024. Epson's versatile lineup has allowed the center to meet the diverse display needs of everyone.

Clarice在多種不同的製作中多次使用了愛普生投影儀。從使用九臺愛普生投影儀爲歌劇製作照明並投射字幕,到學生在沉浸式媒體設計教育課程中與投影儀合作,再到部署16台投影儀爲其最近的 NextNOW Fest 2024。愛普生的多功能產品線使該中心能夠滿足每個人的多樣化顯示需求。

NextNOW Fest Projection
In its eleventh year, the annual NextNOW Fest 2024 – an inspiring arts experience that celebrates imagination, creativity and community – took place in early September at The Clarice. A signature event in the University of Maryland's Arts for All initiative, Rupp and his team used 14 Epson large venue laser projectors to cover nearly 2,000 square feet of space in the center's Grand Pavilion, a central hub for its six performance venues. Lighting up nearly every surface in the multi-level lobby, scenes of abstract free-flowing color and form, to marketing content and a live camera feed took over the space, displaying eye-popping color and exquisite detail that wowed guests upon arrival.

NextNOW Fest 投影
在第十一屆年度NextNOW Fest 2024中——這是一個激勵人心的藝術體驗,慶祝想象力、創造力和社區——於九月初在Clarice舉辦。這是馬里蘭大學的 全民藝術 倡議,Rupp及其團隊使用14台愛普生大型激光投影儀來覆蓋中心Grand Pavilion近2000平方英尺的空間,Grand Pavilion是其六個表演場館的中心樞紐。在多層大廳的幾乎每個表面上點亮了抽象自由流動的顏色和形狀場景,市場內容和實時攝像頭畫面佔據了這個空間,顯示出令人驚歎的色彩和精美的細節,讓來賓在抵達時大爲驚歎。

Rupp and his team created and delivered the content using a combination of the projector's built-in curved surface mapping tools, along with blending and stacking techniques and third-party management software, including WATCHOUT 6 multi-display software. The projectors were networked together, allowing for remote access and a convenient set-and-forget solution. Some of the projectors were stacked on top of one another in Epson's projector stacking frame to increase brightness and provide redundancy. This also provided flexible stacking and peace of mind during installation and handling.

Rupp和他的團隊使用投影儀內置的曲面映射工具,並結合混合和堆疊技術以及包括WATCHOUT 6多顯示軟體的第三方管理軟體,創造和傳遞了內容。這些投影儀通過網絡連接在一起,允許遠程訪問,並提供方便的設置和遺忘解決方案。一些投影儀堆疊在愛普生的 投影儀疊放框架 以增加亮度並提供冗餘。這也在安裝和處理過程中提供了靈活的疊放和安心。

"The entryway blew attendees away right from the start," Rupp said. "It truly set the stage for what to expect at the rest of the festival."

"入口處從一開始就讓與會者驚豔不已," Rupp 說。 "它確實爲接下來節日的期待設定了舞臺。"

Interchangeable Lenses for Diverse Applications
As an established brand and leader in the projector industry, Epson also works with several equipment rental and staging companies such as 4Wall to offer end users greater flexibility, whether they need a temporary rental or a lens swap based on specific projector requirements.

作爲一個成熟的品牌和投影儀行業的領導者,愛普生還與幾個設備租賃和搭建公司合作,例如 4Wall 以便爲終端用戶提供更大的靈活性,無論他們是需要臨時租賃還是根據特定投影儀要求進行鏡頭更換。

"4Wall has been a fantastic partner for Epson rentals, allowing us to own what we need and supplement our collection with rentals," said Jeff Reckeweg, technology shop manager, The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center. "Owning and renting within the Epson projector and interchangeable lens ecosystem has been both convenient and cost-effective."

"4Wall一直是愛普生租賃的絕佳合作伙伴,讓我們能夠擁有所需的設備並用租賃補充我們的收藏," 亞歷克斯·斯密特表演藝術中心技術商店經理Jeff Reckeweg說。"在愛普生投影儀和可互換鏡頭的生態系統內擁有和租賃都非常方便且經濟實惠。"

Epson projectors provide unmatched creative possibilities and audience experiences with state-of-the-art technology, delivering exceptional color output and durability. Featuring a single lens family that supports a wide range of projectors from 6,000 to 20,000 lumens1 from ultra-short-throw to long-throw. Advanced projection technology combined with motorized lenses enables a wide range of lens shift capabilities for added installation flexibility.

愛普生投影儀憑藉最先進的技術提供無與倫比的創意可能性和觀衆體驗,呈現出色的色彩輸出和耐用性。 特色板塊支持從6,000到20,000流明的多種投影儀,從超短投到長距投影,採用單鏡頭系列。 先進的投影技術結合電動鏡頭,使得安裝靈活性得到了極大的提升。

"At Epson, we prioritize outstanding image quality and reliability while offering tools that make projector installations easier," said Ramzi Shakra, senior product manager, Epson America, Inc. "The feedback we receive from end users is extremely important to us as it plays a crucial role in shaping our product development and improvements. It's great to see The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center taking full advantage of Epson's flexible lineup and versatile lens options."

「在愛普生,我們優先考慮卓越的圖像質量和可靠性,同時提供便於投影儀安裝的工具,」愛普生美國公司高級產品經理Ramzi Shakra表示。「我們從終端用戶那裏獲得的反饋對我們來說極其重要,因爲這在塑造我們的產品開發和改進方面發揮着至關重要的作用。看到克拉麗斯·史密斯表演藝術中心充分利用愛普生靈活的產品線和多功能鏡頭選項,真是太好了。」

About The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
At The University of Maryland
The Clarice is a state-of-the-art center for the UMD School of Music; School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies; and The Clarice's own artistic platform, Clarice Presents; as well as The Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library. For nearly 25 years, The Clarice has leveraged the powerful resources of the University to inspire and support the voices and actions of artists, students and the greater Maryland community with inter-organizational and community engagement, applied scholarship and creative innovation. The Clarice strives to nurture and preserve creative and individual freedoms, to act as a leading culture change agent, and to contribute to the future of the arts on campus, locally and nationally.

克拉麗斯是馬里蘭大學音樂學院、戲劇、舞蹈與表演研究學院以及克拉麗斯自身的藝術平台Clarice Presents,和米歇爾·史密斯表演藝術圖書館的最先進中心。近25年來,克拉麗斯利用大學強大的資源,激勵和支持藝術家、學生以及更大馬里蘭社區的聲音和行動,開展跨組織和社區參與、實踐學術與創意創新。克拉麗斯致力於滋養和維護創意和個體自由,作爲領先的文化變革動力,併爲校園和本地及國家藝術的未來做出貢獻。

About Epson
Epson is a global technology leader whose philosophy of efficient, compact and precise innovation enriches lives and helps create a better world. The company is focused on solving societal issues through innovations in home and office printing, commercial and industrial printing, manufacturing, visual and lifestyle. Epson's goal is to become carbon negative and eliminate use of exhaustible underground resources such as oil and metal by 2050.


Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the worldwide Epson Group generates annual sales of more than JPY 1 trillion.


Epson America, Inc., based in Los Alamitos, Calif., is Epson's regional headquarters for the U.S., Canada, and Latin America. To learn more about Epson, please visit: You may also connect with Epson America on Facebook (, X (, YouTube (, and Instagram (

位於加利福尼亞州洛杉磯的愛普生美國公司是愛普生在美國、加拿大和拉丁美洲的區域總部。如需了解更多有關愛普生的信息,請訪問: epson.com您還可以通過Facebook與愛普生美國聯繫(, X (, YouTube (, 和 Instagram (


Color brightness (color light output) and white brightness (white light output) will vary depending on usage conditions. Color light output measured in accordance with IDMS 15.4; white light output measured in accordance with ISO 21118.

EPSON is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. Copyright 2025 Epson America, Inc.


色彩亮度(色彩光輸出)和白色亮度(白色光輸出)將根據使用條件而有所不同。色彩光輸出依據IDMS 15.4測量;白色光輸出依據ISO 21118測量。

EPSON是精工愛普生公司的註冊商標。所有其他產品和品牌名稱均爲其各自公司的商標和/或註冊商標。Epson對此類商標聲明放棄一切權利。版權所有2025 Epson America, Inc.

SOURCE Epson America, Inc.

來源 愛普生美國公司。




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