Oh Baby! Fatburger Launches $5.99 'Baby Fat' Deal for a Limited-Time
Oh Baby! Fatburger Launches $5.99 'Baby Fat' Deal for a Limited-Time
Iconic Chain Brings Back Beloved Burger with Value Offer
LOS ANGELES, March 10, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fatburger, the all-American burger chain owned by FAT Brands Inc., announces the bold comeback of the fan-favorite Baby Fat for only $5.99. The Baby Fat is packed with the same unbeatable flavor that Fatburger fans know and love. Available for a limited-time only, the Baby Fat is available at the $5.99 value price point starting today through June 30 via with code BABYFAT5 or in-store at participating locations.
洛杉磯,2025年3月10日 (全球快訊) -- Fatburger這家完全美國風格的漢堡連鎖店由 FAT BRANDS INC 8.25% CUM PREF STK SER B宣佈粉絲喜愛的Baby Fat漢堡強勢回歸,售價僅爲5.99美元。Baby Fat漢堡充滿了Fatburger粉絲所熟知和喜愛的無與倫比的風味。僅限時供應,Baby Fat漢堡從今天開始至6月30日以5.99美元的超值價格提供, 通過代碼BABYFAT5在線訂購或在參與的門店內購買。
"Our fans have been asking, and we have heard them—the Baby Fat is back," said Jenn Johnston, Chief Marketing Officer at FAT Brands. "This limited-time value burger offering is sure to hit the spot for both long-time fans and new guests, pairing perfectly with Fat or Skinny Fries, a hand-scooped milkshake or an ice-cold PEPSI."
「我們的粉絲一直在問,我們聽到了他們的聲音——Baby Fat回來了,」 FAT Brands的首席營銷官Jenn Johnston表示。「這個限時增值漢堡肯定能滿足長期粉絲和新客人的需求,完美搭配Fat或Skinny薯條、手工奶昔或冰鎮的百事可樂。」
Ever since the first Fatburger opened in Los Angeles over 70 years ago, the chain has been known for its delicious, grilled-to-perfection and cooked to order burgers. Founder Lovie Yancey believed that a big burger with everything on it is a meal in itself. At Fatburger, "everything" is not just the usual lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, mustard, pickles and relish. Burgers can be customized with toppings including bacon, eggs, chili and onion rings. In addition to its famous burgers, the Fatburger menu also includes Fat and Skinny Fries, sweet potato fries, scratch-made onion rings, turkeyburgers, hand-breaded crispy chicken sandwiches, and hand-scooped milkshakes made from 100% real ice cream.
自從70多年前第一家Fatburger在洛杉磯開業以來,該連鎖店因其美味、完美烤制和現做的漢堡而聞名。創始人Lovie Yancey相信,一個包含所有配料的大漢堡本身就是一頓豐盛的餐餐。在Fatburger,"所有配料"不僅僅是生菜、番茄、洋蔥、蛋黃醬、芥末、醃黃瓜和調味醬。漢堡可以根據個人喜好定製,添加培根、雞蛋、辣椒和洋蔥圈。除了著名的漢堡,Fatburger的菜單還包括Fat和Skinny薯條、紅薯薯條、自制洋蔥圈、火雞漢堡、手工麪包炸雞三明治以及用100%純冰淇淋製成的手工奶昔。
For more information or to find a Fatburger near you, please visit .
欲了解更多信息或查找您附近的Fatburger,請訪問 .
**PEPSI and the Pepsi Globe are registered trademarks of PepsiCo, Inc.
About FAT (Fresh. Authentic. Tasty.) Brands
FAT Brands (NASDAQ: FAT) is a leading global franchising company that strategically acquires, markets, and develops fast casual, quick-service, casual dining, and polished casual dining concepts around the world. The Company currently owns 18 restaurant brands: Round Table Pizza, Fatburger, Marble Slab Creamery, Johnny Rockets, Fazoli's, Twin Peaks, Great American Cookies, Smokey Bones, Hot Dog on a Stick, Buffalo's Cafe & Express, Hurricane Grill & Wings, Pretzelmaker, Elevation Burger, Native Grill & Wings, Yalla Mediterranean and Ponderosa and Bonanza Steakhouses, and franchises and owns over 2,300 units worldwide. For more information on FAT Brands, please visit .
FAT Brands(納斯達克:FAT)是一家領先的全球特許經營公司,戰略性地收購、營銷和開發全球快速休閒、快餐、餐飲和精緻休閒餐飲概念。該公司目前擁有18個餐廳品牌:Round Table Pizza、Fatburger、Marble Slab Creamery、Johnny Rockets、Fazoli's、Twin Peaks、Great American Cookies、Smokey Bones、Hot Dog on a Stick、Buffalo's Cafe & Express、Hurricane Grill & Wings、Pretzelmaker、Elevation Burger、Native Grill & Wings、雅樂科技地中海餐廳,以及Ponderosa和Bonanza Steakhouse,並在全球擁有和特許經營超過2300個單位。想了解更多關於FAT Brands的信息,請訪問 .
About Fatburger
An all-American, Hollywood favorite, Fatburger is a fast-casual restaurant serving big, juicy, tasty burgers, crafted specifically to each customer's liking. With a legacy spanning over 70 years, Fatburger's extraordinary quality and taste inspire fierce loyalty amongst its fan base, which includes a number of A-list celebrities and athletes. Featuring a contemporary design and ambiance, Fatburger offers an unparalleled dining experience, demonstrating the same dedication to serving gourmet, homemade, custom-built burgers as it has since 1952 – The Last Great Hamburger Stand. For more information, visit .
Fatburger是一家經典的美國好萊塢餐廳,提供快速休閒的就餐體驗,專門爲每位顧客定製大而多汁、美味的漢堡。Fatburger擁有超過70年的傳奇歷史,其卓越的品質和口味激發了其粉絲群體的堅定忠誠,其中包括許多一線明星和運動員。Fatburger以現代化的設計和氛圍爲基礎,提供無與倫比的餐飲體驗,展現了自1952年起始終如一地致力於提供美味、家常、定製漢堡的精神——最後偉大的漢堡攤。有關更多信息,請訪問 .
Erin Mandzik