FTP, INC. Announces Strategic Acquisition of Coastal Flood Underwriters
FTP, INC. Announces Strategic Acquisition of Coastal Flood Underwriters
OLD BRIDGE, N.J., March 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- FTP, INC. announced today its acquisition of Coastal Flood Underwriters, LLC, a premier provider of flood insurance solutions. This strategic move strengthens FTP's commitment to delivering comprehensive and tailored flood insurance solutions throughout the country.
新澤西州舊橋,2025年3月7日 /PRNewswire/ -- FTP, INC. 今天宣佈收購 Coastal Flood Underwriters, LLC,這是一家領先的洪水保險解決方案提供商。此項戰略舉措增強了FTP承諾在全國範圍內提供全面和量身定製的洪水保險解決方案的決心。
Founded in 2017 by Paul E. Papangelou, ANFI, Coastal Flood Underwriters has earned a reputation as a trusted leader in the flood insurance market. Under Papangelou's leadership, the company represents over 19 private flood insurance providers, along with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). His expertise in underwriting, risk management, and nationwide agency training has positioned Coastal Flood Underwriters as a key player in the industry, serving clients across 28 states.
Coastal Flood Underwriters 成立於2017年,由Paul E. Papangelou創辦,在洪水保險市場贏得了可信賴領導者的聲譽。在Papangelou的領導下,該公司代表19傢俬營洪水保險提供商以及國家洪水保險計劃(NFIP)。他在承保、風險管理和全國代理培訓方面的專業知識,使得Coastal Flood Underwriters在行業中成爲關鍵參與者,爲28個州的客戶提供服務。
Paul Papangelou, President & CEO of Coastal Flood Underwriters, shared his enthusiasm for the acquisition:
Coastal Flood Underwriters的總裁兼首席執行官Paul Papangelou分享了他對收購的熱情:
"Joining forces with FTP, INC. marks an exciting new chapter. Our shared commitment to innovation and customer-focused flood insurance solutions makes this partnership a natural fit. With FTP's resources and expertise, we will continue providing agents and clients with the best possible flood coverage options, ensuring that communities and businesses remain protected against increasing flood risks."
"與FTP, INC.聯手標誌着激動人心的新篇章。我們共同致力於創新和以客戶爲中心的洪水保險解決方案,使這一合作關係成爲天然的契合。憑藉FTP的資源和專業知識,我們將繼續爲代理商和客戶提供最佳的洪水覆蓋選項,確保社區和企業在不斷增加的洪水風險面前得到保護。"
The acquisition aligns with FTP's long-term strategy of expanding its specialty insurance offerings through strategic partnerships and underwriting expertise. In addition to strengthening its position in the flood insurance market, FTP is launching its Flood Platform later this month—an innovative comparative platform that integrates FTP's own managed flood program alongside other industry-renowned flood products.
"At FTP, we are always looking for opportunities to invest in organizations that bring exceptional knowledge and service to the insurance marketplace," said Frank Powell, President of FTP, INC. "Coastal Flood Underwriters has demonstrated a remarkable ability to deliver flood insurance solutions nationwide. This partnership allows us to enhance our capabilities and better serve our clients in an evolving risk environment."
"在FTP,我們始終尋找機會投資於能夠爲保險市場帶來卓越知識和服務的組織,"FTP, INC.的總裁Frank Powell說道。"Coastal Flood Underwriters在全國範圍內展示了提供洪水保險解決方案的卓越能力。這一合作關係使我們能夠增強能力,更好地爲客戶服務於不斷變化的風險環境。"
Paul will play a pivotal role in the FTP flood team moving forward, bringing his expertise and leadership to drive future success and growth.
This acquisition reinforces FTP's commitment to meeting the rising demand for comprehensive flood insurance solutions amid evolving climate risks. Together, FTP and Coastal Flood Underwriters will continue to empower agents and clients with innovative products, enhanced service, and cutting-edge technology.
To learn more about FTP, Inc. Flood products visit ftpins.com/flood.
要了解更多關於FTP, Inc. 洪水產品的信息,請訪問 ftpins.com/flood。
About FTP, INC.
FTP, Inc. is a multi-generational, independent Managing General Agency (MGA) and Wholesale insurance provider headquartered in Old Bridge, New Jersey. Since its founding in 1957, FTP, Inc. has been a trusted leader in specialty insurance solutions, fostering strong partnerships with best-in-class carriers to ensure that every risk is managed with the highest level of service and expertise. With access to over 100 carrier partners nationwide, FTP, Inc. offers a comprehensive portfolio of personal and commercial insurance products across both admitted and non-admitted basis, delivering prompt, reliable, and tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of its clients. To learn more about FTP, INC visit FTPins.com.
FTP, Inc. 是一家多代經營的獨立管理總公司(MGA)和批發保險提供商,總部位於新澤西州老橋。自1957年成立以來,FTP, Inc. 一直是專業保險解決方案的可信賴領導者,與一流的承保商建立了強有力的合作伙伴關係,以確保每項風險都得到最高級別的服務和專業知識。通過全國100多家承保合作伙伴,FTP, Inc. 提供全面的個人和商業保險產品組合,包括承認的和未承認的基礎,快速、可靠且量身定製的解決方案,以滿足客戶的多樣化需求。要了解更多關於FTP, INC的信息,請訪問FTPins.com。
Media Contact
For any inquiries please contact: Helen Diamandis, 732-765-6776, [email protected]
如有任何詢問,請聯繫:海倫·迪阿曼迪斯,732-765-6776,[email protected]
來源:FTP, INC.