Carimin Petroleum Appoints Wee Yiaw Hin As Independent Director
Carimin Petroleum Appoints Wee Yiaw Hin As Independent Director
Carimin Petroleum Bhd has appointed Datuk Wee Yiaw Hin @ Ong Yiaw Hin as the company's independent non-executive director effective March 4, 2025.
Carimin石油有限公司已任命Datuk Wee Yiaw Hin @ Ong Yiaw Hin爲公司獨立非執行董事,自2025年3月4日起生效。
Wee holds a Masters Degree in Science, Civil/Structure from Imperial College in London and a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from University of Wales.
Prior to his appointment, he was a board of member, board committee's member and advisor to Cagamas Bhd, Enra Group Bhd, Anton Oilfield Services, Hextar Kimia Australia Pty Ltd and Green ESteel Enterprise Pte Ltd.
在被任命之前,他曾是Cagamas Bhd、Enra Group Bhd、安東油田服務、Hextar Kimia 澳洲有限公司和Green ESteel Enterprise Pte Ltd的董事會成員、董事會委員會的成員和顧問。
Wee was also former Executive Vice President, Chief Executive Officer of Upstream Business for Petronas between April 2016 and May 2010. He was also the Vice President for Talisman Energy from October 2009 to April 2010.
Wee還曾於2016年4月至2010年5月擔任Petronas上游業務的執行副總裁和首席執行官。他還曾於2009年10月至2010年4月擔任Talisman Energy的副總裁。
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