
Patriot Announces Discovery of a Large Cesium Zone at Shaakichiuwaanaan

Patriot Announces Discovery of a Large Cesium Zone at Shaakichiuwaanaan

PR Newswire ·  03/02 22:00



  • A review of the Company's drill core assay dataset has identified multiple distinct areas of considerable cesium enrichment (>1% Cs2O)
  • Primary zone of enrichment is coincident with the Company's high-grade lithium Vega Zone (CV13) and can be traced in drill holes over a very large area of approximately 600 m x 400 m and remains open in several directions.
  • Pollucite, the principal and preferred ore mineral for cesium, has been identified by XRD mineralogical analysis at the CV13 Pegmatite and is interpreted to be the principal source of the cesium enrichment at the Property. A more focused mineralogical program is underway.
  • This extremely rare Cesium mineral has the potential to become a meaningful by-product to future lithium operations.
  • Cesium results in drill hole and channel include:
    • 10.4 m at 1.30% Cs2O, including 4.0 m at 2.02% Cs2O (CV23-117) at CV5.
    • 10.6 m at >1.00% Cs2O (CV24-754) at CV13 – Cs overlimit analysis pending1
    • 7.1 m at >1.00% Cs2O (CV24-520) at CV13 – Cs overlimit analysis pending1
    • 0.5 m at 9.58% Cs2O (Channel CH22-047) – CV12
  • Overlimit (>1% Cs) assay results for cesium are pending for more than 140 individual core samples with final grade-width calculations for drill holes to be reported once received.
  • Economic deposits are typically on the scale of <10 kt to 350,000 kt in size, compared to typical lithium pegmatite deposits that range in the millions of tonnes (<10 Mt and rarely over 100 Mt) in size.
  • The Company understands that there are only a handful of operators globally currently producing Cesium products, resulting in it being a highly rare and valuable commodity given it has a number of significant industrial applications.
  • 對公司的鑽探芯樣分析數據集的審查發現了多個明顯的銫富集區域(>1% Cs2O)
  • 主要的富集區域與公司的高品位鋰礦Vega區(CV13)重合,並可以在鑽探孔中追溯到一個大約60000萬 x 40000萬的區域,且在多個方向上仍然開放。
  • 通過XRD礦物分析,已在CV13鈉長石中鑑定出銫的主要和優選礦石礦物玻璃石,並被解讀爲該地產銫富集的主要來源。目前正在進行更有針對性的礦物學計劃。
  • 這種極爲稀有的銫礦物有潛力成爲未來鋰礦作業的重要副產品。
  • 鑽孔和渠道中的銫結果包括:
    • 1040萬以1.30% Cs2O計,包括400萬以2.02% Cs2O計(CV23-117)在CV5。
    • 1060萬以>1.00% Cs2O計(CV24-754)在CV13 - 銫超標分析待定
    • 710萬 在 >1.00% Cs2O (CV24-520) 在 CV13 – Cs超限分析待定1
    • 50萬 在 9.58% Cs2O (通道 CH22-047) – CV12
  • 超過限制(>1% Cs)銫的分析結果正在等待,涉及超過140個單獨的岩心樣本,鑽孔的最終品位-寬度計算將在收到後報告。
  • 經濟礦牀的規模通常在
  • 公司了解到,目前全球只有少數運營商在生產銫產品,這使得銫成爲一種極爲稀有且有價值的商品,因爲它有許多重要的工業應用。



Assay results exceeded the upper detection limit (10,000 ppm Cs) of the base analytical package and require subsequent overlimit analysis using a different analytical package to determine the Cs grade. Overlimit analysis is now pending to determine actual grades and will be reported once received.



化驗結果超過基礎分析包的上限檢測限(10,000 ppm Cs),需要使用不同的分析包進行後續超限分析以判斷Cs等級。超限分析目前正在等待進行,以確定實際等級,並將在收到後報告。

Darren L. Smith, Patriot Executive and Vice President of Exploration, comments: "The identification of multiple zones of extensive cesium mineralization in drill hole at Shaakichiuwaanaan is very significant. Cesium pegmatite occurrences over 1% Cs2O are very rare and represent only the most fractioned and evolved portion of a pegmatite body. Although the focus for the Company is lithium pegmatite and advancing CV5 to production, there is a clear opportunity to potentially delineate a pollucite (cesium) zone of significant scale. Moreover, given the scarcity and value of cesium, there is a strong potential to further enhance stakeholder value."

Patriot執行副總裁兼勘探副總裁達倫·L·史密斯評論道:"在Shaakichiuwaanaan鑽孔中識別出多個廣泛的銫礦化區是非常重要的。銫長石礦化出現超過1% Cs2O的情況非常罕見,僅代表一個礦脈體中最爲分裂和演化的部分。儘管公司的重點是鋰礦和推動CV5投產,但顯然有機會潛在地勘定出規模可觀的銫礦(pollucite)區。此外,考慮到銫的稀缺性和價值,有很強的潛力進一步提升利益相關者的價值。"

VANCOUVER,BC, March 2, 2025 /PRNewswire/ - March 3, 2025 – Sydney, Australia

溫哥華,BC,2025年3月2日 /PRNewswire/ - 2025年3月3日 - 悉尼,澳洲

Patriot Battery Metals Inc. (the "Company" or "Patriot") (TSX: PMET) (ASX: PMT) (OTCQX: PMETF) (FSE: R9GA) is pleased to announce the discovery of a large zone of cesium mineralization at the CV13 Pegmatite, which forms part of the Company's wholly owned Shaakichiuwaanaan Property (the "Property" or "Project"), located in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region of Quebec.

Patriot Battery Metals Inc.(以下簡稱"公司"或"Patriot")(TSX:PMET)(ASX:PMT)(OTCQX:PMETF)(FSE:R9GA)高興地宣佈在CV13鋰輝石礦發現了大規模的銫礦化區,該礦區屬於公司的全資Shaakichiuwaanaan地產(以下簡稱"地產"或"項目"),位於魁北克的Eeyou Istchee詹姆斯灣地域板塊。

Figure 1: Areas of significant cesium enrichment, with approximately 100 individual core samples pending overlimit analysis (>1% Cs). (CNW Group/Patriot Battery Metals Inc.)
圖1:顯著銫富集區域,約100個單獨的岩心樣本待進行超限分析(>1% Cs)。 (CNW Group/Patriot Battery Metals Inc.)
Table 1: Attributes for drill holes and channels discussed herein. (CNW Group/Patriot Battery Metals Inc.)
表1:本文討論的鑽孔和渠道的屬性。 (CNW Group/Patriot Battery Metals Inc.)
Figure 2: Tanco Mine and chemical plant site at Bernic Lake, Manitoba, (Source: Tanco website). (CNW Group/Patriot Battery Metals Inc.)
Table 2: Attributes for drill holes and channel discussed herein. (CNW Group/Patriot Battery Metals Inc.)


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