Midland and SOQUEM Stake 104 Mining Claims Following the Discovery of New Copper Occurrences in the Labrador Trough
Midland and SOQUEM Stake 104 Mining Claims Following the Discovery of New Copper Occurrences in the Labrador Trough
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圖 2
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圖 3
Figure 1
圖 1
MONTREAL, Feb. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Midland Exploration Inc. ("Midland") (TSX-V: MD), in partnership with SOQUEM Inc. ("SOQUEM"), is pleased to announce the discovery of new copper showings in the Labrador Trough. For many years, part of the exploration work conducted under the Strategic Alliance (the "Alliance") in Nunavik, Quebec, has focused on unexplored regions within the area of interest. In 2024, efforts were particularly focused on the central part of the Labrador Trough, identified as prospective for the discovery of economic copper mineralization. This reconnaissance program led to the discovery of several copper showings along a northwest-southeast-trending magnetic axis, over a distance of more than 3 km south of Dunphy Lake. This discovery prompted the staking of 104 mining claims along this prospective axis.
蒙特利爾,2025年2月27日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——米德蘭勘探公司(「米德蘭」)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:MD)與SOQUEM Inc.(「SOQUEM」)合作,很高興地宣佈在拉布拉多海槽發現了新的銅礦。多年來,戰略聯盟(「聯盟」)在魁北克努納維克開展的部分勘探工作側重於感興趣區域內的未開發區域。2024年,工作重點特別集中在拉布拉多海槽的中心部分,該海槽被確定爲發現經濟銅礦化的前景。該偵察計劃導致在鄧菲湖以南3公里以南的西北-東南方向的磁軸上發現了幾處銅礦。這一發現促使沿着這一前景軸線提出了104項採礦索賠。
- Discovery of new copper occurrences spread over a distance of 3.7 km. Chalcopyrite mineralization is observed in multiple fractures and quartz-calcite veins within an altered mafic intrusive of the Wakuach Suite.
- 16 samples collected on outcrops or boulders detached from the outcrops, yield grades >0.1% Cu, and 2 samples graded >1% Cu, reaching up to 3.73% Cu. These samples also exhibit anomalous values for several elements such as gold, cobalt or molybdenum.
A block of 104 mining claims was staked to cover the prospective axis associated with this discovery.
- 在3.7公里的距離內發現了新的銅礦點。在Wakuach Suite的改性基質侵入體內的多個裂縫和石英方解石礦脈中觀察到黃銅礦礦化。
- 在從露頭上分離的露頭或巨石上採集了16個樣本,產量等級> 0.1%,2個樣本銅等級> 1%,銅含量高達3.73%。這些樣品還顯示出金、鈷或鉬等多種元素的異常值。
- 投放了104份採礦索賠,以覆蓋與這一發現相關的潛在軸心。
A 2-day reconnaissance campaign took place in the early summer of 2024 in the central part of the Labrador Trough (Figure 1a, 1b). During this campaign, 42 rock samples were collected on outcrops or in boulders detached from the latter, leading to the discovery of chalcopyrite mineralization in fractures and quartz-calcite veins within a mafic intrusive of the Wakuach Suite. Pervasive and locally intense albite and potassic feldspar alteration was observed, as well as hematite and epidote alteration associated with fractures. Best grades include values of 3.73% Cu and 1.94% Cu in the northernmost part of the area, and 0.54% Cu further south (Figure 2). Several other elements such as gold, molybdenum and cobalt also exhibit anomalous values in these samples. The extent of this mineralization is currently unknown. The mineralized samples are distributed along a northwest-southeast-trending magnetic axis over a distance of 3.7 km. The major Argencourt thrust fault, associated with several copper deposits in the central Labrador Trough, is located 4 km further west.
2024 年初夏在拉布拉多海槽的中部進行了爲期 2 天的偵察活動(圖 1a、1b)。在這次活動中,在露頭或與後者分離的巨石上採集了42份岩石樣本,最終在Wakuach Suite的鎂鐵質侵入體內的裂縫和石英方解石礦脈中發現了黃銅礦礦化現象。觀察到普遍和局部強烈的鈉長石和鉀長石變化,以及與骨折相關的赤鐵礦和附着石改變。最佳等級包括該地區最北端的 3.73% 銅和 1.94% 的銅值,以及更南端的 0.54% 的銅值(圖 2)。金、鉬和鈷等其他幾種元素在這些樣品中也表現出異常值。目前尚不清楚這種礦化的程度。礦化樣品沿着西北-東南方向的磁軸分佈,距離爲3.7 km。主要的Argencourt推力斷層位於向西4公里處,與拉布拉多海槽中部的幾個銅礦牀有關。
Best results obtained in grab samples are listed in the table below.
Sample Number | UTM_E | UTM_N | Type | Cu_pct | Au_ppb | Co_ppm |
C1456532 | 586634.95 | 6202501.89 | Detached boulder | 3.73 | 65 | 19 |
C1456534 | 586634.19 | 6202502.05 | Detached boulder | 1.94 | 52 | 143 |
C1456132 | 586523.59 | 6202663.21 | Boulder | 0.94 | 7 | 43 |
C1456130 | 586645.88 | 6202492.37 | Outcrop | 0.81 | 45 | 37 |
C1456535 | 586563.37 | 6202634.1 | Outcrop | 0.58 | 22 | 166 |
C1456144 | 589055.23 | 6200116.25 | Outcrop | 0.54 | 18 | 41 |
C1456424 | 586575.68 | 6202624.37 | Outcrop | 0.51 | 7 | 188 |
C1456312 | 586659.74 | 6202481.14 | Outcrop | 0.51 | 7 | 41 |
C1456533 | 586633.48 | 6202499.98 | Detached boulder | 0.50 | 6 | 24 |
C1456034 | 589098.86 | 6200071.13 | Outcrop | 0.47 | 15 | 57 |
C1456131 | 586647.36 | 6202496.29 | Outcrop | 0.46 | 14 | 353 |
C1456145 | 589046.55 | 6200117.93 | Outcrop | 0.42 | 15 | 29 |
C1456435 | 587023.81 | 6202043.52 | Outcrop | 0.37 | 12 | 250 |
C1456025 | 586780.66 | 6202321.96 | Outcrop | 0.26 | <5 | 46 |
C1456035 | 589077.26 | 6200047.87 | Outcrop | 0.14 | 9 | 24 |
C1456314 | 586846.09 | 6202350.18 | Outcrop | 0.11 | <5 | 49 |
樣本編號 | UTM_E | UTM_N | 類型 | cu_pct | au_ppb | co_ppm |
C1456532 | 586634.95 | 6202501.89 | 分離的巨石 | 3.73 | 65 | 19 |
C1456534 | 586634.19 | 6202502.05 | 分離的巨石 | 1.94 | 52 | 143 |
C1456132 | 586523.59 | 6202663.21 | 博爾德 | 0.94 | 7 | 43 |
C1456130 | 586645.88 | 6202492.37 | 露頭 | 0.81 | 45 | 37 |
C1456535 | 586563.37 | 6202634.1 | 露頭 | 0.58 | 22 | 166 |
C1456144 | 589055.23 | 6200116.25 | 露頭 | 0.54 | 18 | 41 |
C1456424 | 586575.68 | 6202624.37 | 露頭 | 0.51 | 7 | 188 |
C1456312 | 586659.74 | 6202481.14 | 露頭 | 0.51 | 7 | 41 |
C1456533 | 586633.48 | 6202499.98 | 分離的巨石 | 0.50 | 6 | 24 |
C1456034 | 589098.86 | 6200071.13 | 露頭 | 0.47 | 15 | 57 |
C1456131 | 586647.36 | 6202496.29 | 露頭 | 0.46 | 14 | 353 |
C1456145 | 589046.55 | 6200117.93 | 露頭 | 0.42 | 15 | 29 |
C1456435 | 587023.81 | 6202043.52 | 露頭 | 0.37 | 12 | 250 |
C1456025 | 586780.66 | 6202321.96 | 露頭 | 0.26 | 46 | |
C1456035 | 589077.26 | 6200047.87 | 露頭 | 0.14 | 9 | 24 |
C1456314 | 586846.09 | 6202350.18 | 露頭 | 0.11 | 49 |
This discovery prompted the staking of 104 mining claims that form a 50.2-km2 claim block representing a new area of interest, named Dunphy South, under the Alliance. This area, located approximately 60 kilometres south of the Nachicapau property, enhances the copper potential of the central Labrador Trough.
這一發現促使提出了104項採礦權索賠,這些索賠形成了一個50.2平方公里的索賠區塊,代表了聯盟旗下名爲Dunphy South的新利益區域。該地區位於納奇卡保地產以南約60公里處,增強了拉布拉多海槽中部的銅礦潛力。
In 2025, Midland and SOQUEM will continue their efforts to assess the economic potential of these discoveries. Surface exploration work including rock and soil sampling is planned in order to establish the significance of these copper occurrences.
Quality Control
Rock samples from the project are analyzed at Actlabs laboratories in Ancaster, Ontario, by ICP-MS with four-acid digestion for metals and by standard fire assay on 50-gram fractions with atomic absorption finish for gold. Exploration programs are designed, and results are interpreted by Qualified Persons employing a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program consistent with industry best practices, including the use of standards and blanks for every 20 samples.
該項目的岩石樣本在安大略省安卡斯特的Actlabs實驗室進行分析,採用ICP-MS對金屬進行四酸消解,並對50克餾分進行標準火法試驗,對金進行原子吸收處理。勘探計劃的設計和結果由合格人員解釋,他們採用符合行業最佳實踐的質量保證/質量控制計劃,包括對每 20 個樣本使用標準和空白。
Cautionary Statements
Grab samples are selective by nature and may not be representative of mineralized zones. Furthermore, the true thickness of mineralized intervals cannot be determined with the information currently available.
About the Strategic Alliance with SOQUEM
關於與 SOQUEM 的戰略聯盟
The Strategic Alliance enables Midland and SOQUEM to combine their efforts and expertise to jointly explore the excellent potential for gold and strategic minerals of the vast and underexplored Labrador Trough. The area of interest defined under the Alliance is located in Nunavik. Geologically, it covers the Labrador Trough, the Rachel-Laporte Zone and the Kuujjuaq Domain. The area of interest extends from Schefferville in the south up to approximately 100 km northwest of Kangirsuk. This agreement calls for investments in exploration reaching up to $5 million over a period of four (4) years, with a firm commitment of $2 million within the first two (2) years of the agreement. In March 2023, a joint venture agreement between Midland and SOQUEM was executed to define the terms governing exploration and development work on the mining claims forming the Nachicapau property. In 2025, the Alliance will continue its exploration work in the Labrador Trough and on the Nachicapau project with a joint annual budget of $1 million (50% Midland and 50% SOQUEM).
SOQUEM, a subsidiary of Investissement Québec, is dedicated to promoting the exploration, discovery and development of mining properties in Quebec. SOQUEM also contributes to maintaining a strong economy in Quebec's regions. A proud partner and ambassador for the development of Quebec's mineral wealth, SOQUEM relies on innovation, research and strategic minerals to be well positioned for the future.
About Midland
Midland targets the excellent mineral potential of Quebec to make the discovery of new world-class deposits of gold and critical metals. Midland is proud to count on reputable partners such as SOQUEM Inc., BHP Canada Inc., Rio Tinto Exploration Canada Inc., Barrick Gold Corporation, Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd, Probe Gold Inc., Agnico Eagle Mines Limited, Electric Elements Mining Corp., Nunavik Mineral Exploration Fund and Abcourt Mines Inc. Midland prefers to work in partnership and intends to quickly conclude additional agreements in regard to newly acquired properties. Management is currently reviewing other opportunities and projects to build up the Company portfolio and generate shareholder value.
米德蘭的目標是發掘魁北克的卓越礦產潛力,以發現新的世界級黃金和關鍵金屬礦牀。米德蘭很自豪能夠依靠SOQUEM公司、必和必拓加拿大公司、加拿大力拓勘探公司、巴里克黃金公司、Wallbridge礦業有限公司、Probridge礦業有限公司、Agnico Eagle Mines Limited、電氣元素礦業公司、努納維克礦業勘探基金和Abcourt Mines Inc.等信譽良好的合作伙伴。米德蘭更願意合作並打算就新收購的房產迅速簽訂更多協議。管理層目前正在審查其他機會和項目,以建立公司投資組合並創造股東價值。
This press release was reviewed and approved by Richard D. St-Cyr, P.Geo., Exploration Director for Midland and Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.
本新聞稿由米德蘭勘探董事兼NI 43-101定義的合格人員Richard D. ST-Cyr,P.Geo. 審查和批准。
For further information, please consult Midland's website or contact:
Gino Roger, President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel.: 450 420-5977
Fax: 450 420-5978
Email: info@midlandexploration.com
Gino Roger,總裁兼首席執行官
電話:450 420-5977
傳真:450 420-5978
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