Press Release: Bell Let's Talk initiative extended to 2025, Bell's total funding target for Canadian mental health grows to $150 million
Bell Let's Talk initiative extended to 2025, Bell's total funding target for Canadian mental health grows to $150 million
Canada NewsWire
MONTRÉAL, March 9, 2020
-- Announced alongside a $10 million national partnership with
Montréal's Graham Boeckh Foundation to support youth mental health
-- Partnership launching with a $1 million donation to Aire ouverte youth
MONTRÉAL, March 9, 2020 /CNW Telbec/ - Bell today announced the extension of the Bell Let's Talk initiative to 2025 and an increase in Bell's total funding commitment for mental health to at least $150 million. As we kick off the next 5 years of Bell Let's Talk, Bell and the Graham Boeckh Foundation today also unveiled a $10 million partnership to support integrated youth mental health and wellness services across Canada.
"We've made great strides over the last 10 years but the need for action in Canadian mental health remains, so we're taking Bell Let's Talk further. We are proud to renew our Bell's Let's Talk commitment for another 5 years as we set a new target of $150 million in total Bell funding for mental health," said Mirko Bibic, President and Chief Executive Officer of BCE and Bell Canada. "In our first decade, Bell Let's Talk helped create an unprecedented conversation about mental illness as Canadians worked together to reduce the stigma while also driving Bell's funding for mental health programs on every Bell Let's Talk Day. Together we've built awareness and acceptance of the impact of mental illness on all of us, and Bell Let's Talk is proud to continue enabling the access to care necessary to make a real difference for everyone who struggles -- including the new youth mental health partnership announced today alongside the Graham Boeckh Foundation."
"Bell Let's Talk has been instrumental over the last decade in changing how Canadians view mental health, becoming a social movement for greater action to improve how we care for those affected by mental illness," said the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Québec Lieutenant. "The Government of Canada congratulates Bell on renewing its truly impressive commitment to mental health, and we look forward to moving forward with all our partners towards ensuring Canadians have access to the best in mental health care when they need it."
"I salute Bell for this decision to extend its financial support for Bell Let's Talk for another 5 years and its partnership with the Graham Boeckh Foundation, which helps young people," said Québec Premier François Legault. "Money is key, but when you want to take on mental illness, talking about it is important too. I would also like to highlight the donation made to integrated mental health services for young people, which will be given to the Aire ouverte centres. If it's difficult for an adult to ask for help, imagine how hard it is for a child or a teenager. Mental health is an important issue for our government, and this innovative collaboration will make a real difference in the lives of many young people."
$10 million Integrated Youth Services partnership
Montréal-based Graham Boeckh Foundation and Bell Let's Talk have partnered in a $10 million national project to accelerate the delivery of mental health services for young people through Integrated Youth Services (IYS) hubs.
"There is a critical need to make mental health supports more readily available to young people, and the Integrated Youth Services approach is a proven model developed with youth and community involvement from the ground up," said Mary Deacon, Chair of Bell Let's Talk. "We're pleased to join with the Graham Boeckh Foundation to take action in youth mental health by accelerating the ability for young people to access IYS hubs and get the help they need."
The IYS model builds youth-focused mental health, addiction and related services based on a defined set of principles: youth and family participation; integration of services; continuity of care from ages 12 to 25; easily accessible points of care; incorporation of online portals and other technologies; stepped care models; and data collection, evaluation and research for continuous improvement. The Bell Let's Talk and Graham Boeckh partnership will work to accelerate the launch of new provincial and territorial IYS projects, help develop, evaluate and roll out evidence-based innovations in treatment and care to fill existing gaps, and support collaboration across provincial and territorial projects to build capacity and knowledge sharing.
"The Graham Boeckh Foundation has been dedicated to developing Integrated Youth Services as a pan-Canadian movement, to ensure that Canadian youth and their families can access care for mental health, substance use and related issues," said Ian Boeckh, President of the Graham Boeckh Foundation. "We are excited to partner with Bell to extend and deepen this pan-Canadian movement which aims to ensure fast and easy access to youth friendly services in communities across the country."
Aire ouverte centres
Bell Let's Talk and Graham Boeckh Foundation today announced the first donation from the partnership will support Aire ouverte's existing youth hubs in Laval, Nord-de-l'Île-de-Montréal and Sept-Îles and 4 new sites currently in development. Aire ouverte will receive a multi-year gift of $1 million to support programming at the existing centres, help launch the new hub sites and develop a shared governance model and standardized metrics.
"This funding testifies to an obvious desire to collaborate with the agencies in our health and social services network, by targeting the real needs of Québec's young people, and particularly those who are among the most vulnerable in our society," said Lionel Carmant, Québec Minister for Health and Social Services. "Aire ouverte reaches young people in places designed by and for them, and I am therefore delighted that Bell Let's Talk believes in this initiative as much as we do, by giving these young people essential help to achieve their full potential and become adults who are accomplished and fulfilled."
"The renewal of the Bell Let's Talk initiative for 5 more years, and the new partnership with Montréal's Graham Boeckh Foundation, is excellent news," said Benoit Dorais, Chair of the City of Montréal's Executive Committee. "Fighting the stigma and discrimination around mental illness is everybody's business and Bell Let's Talk contributes directly to opening dialogue and finding solutions to improving the well-being of the population as a whole. Montréal is proud to also contribute to the cause by implementing ambitious policies and investing to make the city an exemplary working environment, and our neighbourhoods healthy living environments."
Bell Let's Talk moving forward
Bell Let's Talk was launched in 2010 as a 5-year initiative with a $50-million donation from Bell, the largest-ever corporate commitment to mental health in Canada. Focused on 4 key action pillars -- Anti-stigma, Care and Access, Research and Workplace Leadership -- Bell Let's Talk has since partnered with more than 1,000 organizations providing mental health services throughout Canada, including hospitals, universities, local community service providers and other care and research organizations.
Bell Let's Tallk was extended in 2015 for a further 5 years, with a target of at least $100 million in total funding for mental health -- which includes Bell's orginal $50 million donation plus all Bell funding driven by engagement on Bell Let's Talk Day. Bell donates 5 cents to mental health for all eligible calls, texts and social media messages of support on each annual Bell Let's Talk Day at no cost to participants.
The 10th anniversary Bell Let's Talk Day on January 29 resulted in a record 154,387,425 eligible interactions and, with a Bell donation of 5 cents per message, a further $7,719,371.25 in Bell funding. This brought Bell's total commitment since 2010 to $108,415,135, exceeding the $100 million target set in 2015. With today's announcement of the extension of the Bell Let's Talk program for another 5 years, Bell is now targeting a total donation to mental health of at least $150 million in 2025.
About Bell
Bell is Canada's largest communications company, providing advanced broadband wireless, TV, Internet and business communication services throughout the country. Bell Media is Canada's premier content creation company with leading assets in television, radio, out of home and digital media. Founded in Montréal in 1880, Bell is wholly owned by BCE Inc. (TSX, NYSE: BCE). To learn more, please visit or
Media inquiries
Caroline Audet
Alison Houle
Graham Boeckh Foundation
SOURCE Bell Canada
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
March 09, 2020 10:00 ET (14:00 GMT)
-宣佈與1 000萬美元的國家合作伙伴關係
Montréal的Graham Boeckh基金會支持青年心理健康
-啟動夥伴關係,向Aire ouverte青年捐款100萬美元
蒙特利爾,2020年3月9日電CNW TelBEC/-Bell今天宣佈,貝爾“讓我們談一談”計劃將延長至2025年,並將貝爾對精神健康的總資助承諾增加到至少1.5億美元。今天,貝爾和格雷厄姆·博克基金會(Graham Boeckh Foundation)公佈了一項耗資1000萬美元的合作計劃,以支持加拿大各地的青少年心理健康綜合服務。
BCE和Bell Canada的總裁兼首席執行官米爾科·比比克(Mirko Biico)説:“我們在過去10年裏取得了巨大的進步,但在加拿大心理健康方面仍有必要採取行動,所以我們將貝爾的”讓我們談談吧“的承諾再延長5年,因為我們設定了貝爾為精神健康提供1.5億美元資金的新目標。“在我們的第一個十年裏,”貝爾讓我們談話“幫助創造了一場關於精神疾病的前所未有的對話,因為加拿大人共同努力,在每個”貝爾讓我們談一談日“(Bell‘s Talk Day)上為精神健康項目提供資金。我們一起建立了對精神疾病對我們所有人的影響的認識和接受,貝爾讓我們感到自豪的是,能夠繼續提供必要的醫療服務,為所有掙扎的人帶來真正的改變--包括今天與格雷厄姆·博克基金會(Graham Boeckh Foundation)一起宣佈的新的青年精神健康夥伴關係。”
下議院和魁北克中尉帕布羅·羅德里格斯(Pablo Rodriguez)表示:“在過去十年裏,貝爾讓我們的談話在改變加拿大人對精神健康的看法方面發揮了重要作用,成為一場社會運動,要求採取更多行動,改善我們對精神疾病患者的護理方式。”“加拿大政府祝賀貝爾重申其對精神健康的真正令人印象深刻的承諾,我們期待着與我們的所有夥伴一起向前邁進,以確保加拿大人在需要時能夠獲得最好的精神保健服務。”
魁北克總理弗朗索瓦·勒奧(Fran Ois Legault)表示:“我向貝爾表示敬意,它決定將對貝爾的財政支持再延長5年,並與幫助年輕人的格雷厄姆·博克基金會(Graham Boeckh Foundation)建立夥伴關係。”“錢是關鍵,但當你想要治療精神疾病時,談論它也很重要。我還想強調一下,為年輕人提供綜合心理健康服務所做的捐款,將被捐贈給Aire ouverte中心。如果成年人很難尋求幫助,想象一下這對一個孩子或青少年來説有多難。心理健康對我們的政府來説是一個重要的問題,這種創新的合作將對許多年輕人的生活產生真正的影響。”
1 000萬美元綜合青年服務夥伴關係
“迫切需要讓年輕人更容易獲得心理健康支持,綜合青年服務方法是一種行之有效的模式,由青年和社區從頭到尾參與,”貝爾“讓我們談談”的主席瑪麗·迪肯説。“我們很高興與格雷厄姆·博克基金會(Graham Boeckh Foundation)合作,通過加快年輕人進入IYS中心並獲得他們所需幫助的能力,在青年心理健康方面採取行動。”
格雷厄姆·博克基金會(Graham Boeckh Foundation)主席伊恩·博克(Ian Boeckh)説:“格雷厄姆·博克基金會(Graham Boeckh Foundation)一直致力於將綜合青年服務發展為一個泛加拿大運動,以確保加拿大青年及其家庭能夠獲得精神健康、藥物使用和相關問題的護理。”“我們很高興與貝爾合作,擴大和深化這一泛加拿大運動,其目的是確保全國各地的社區都能迅速、方便地獲得對青年友好的服務。”
貝爾讓我們談談,格雷厄姆博克基金會今天宣佈,這一合作關係的第一筆捐款將支持Aire ouverte現有的青年中心在拉瓦爾,北德-l‘le-le-de Montréal和9月-les和4個新的網站目前正在開發。AIRouverte將獲得100萬美元的多年捐贈,用於支持現有中心的編程,幫助推出新的中心站點,並開發共享的治理模式和標準化的度量標準。
魁北克衞生和社會服務部部長萊昂內爾·卡曼特(Lionel Carmant)説:“這筆資金證明了一種明顯的願望,即通過針對魁北克年輕人、特別是社會中最弱勢羣體的實際需求,與我們的衞生和社會服務網絡中的各機構合作。”“Aire ouverte到達了由他們設計和為他們設計的地方的年輕人,因此我感到高興的是,貝爾讓我們像我們一樣相信這一倡議,給予這些年輕人必要的幫助,使他們充分發揮潛力,成為有成就和有成就的成年人。”
蒙託雷市執行委員會主席貝諾伊特·多萊斯(Benoit Dorais)説,“貝爾讓我們再談5年,以及與蒙台累的格雷厄姆·博伊克基金會(Graham Boeckh Foundation)建立新的夥伴關係,是個好消息。”“消除精神疾病帶來的污名和歧視是每個人的事,貝爾讓我們談談直接有助於開啟對話,找到改善整體人口福祉的解決方案。蒙泰拉爾也為通過實施雄心勃勃的政策和投資,使這個城市成為一個模範的工作環境,以及我們的社區健康的生活環境而為這一事業做出貢獻而感到自豪。”
1月29日的“貝爾讓我們談一談十週年”活動帶來了創紀錄的154,387,425個合格的互動,貝爾每條信息捐贈了5美分,貝爾的資金又增加了7,719,371.25美元。這使貝爾自2010年以來的承諾總額達到108 415 135美元,超過了2015年設定的1億美元目標。隨着今天宣佈將“貝爾讓我們談談”計劃再延長5年,貝爾現在的目標是在2025年為精神健康提供至少1.5億美元的捐款。
Graham Boeckh基金會