
Fight the Fear: Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap (Thursday 3/5/20)

Fight the Fear: Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap (Thursday 3/5/20)

對抗恐懼:克萊默的「瘋錢」回顧(星期四 3/5/20)
TheStreet ·  2020/03/05 23:55

No one ever made a dime panicking, Jim Cramer reminded his Mad Money viewers Thursday. During wild weeks like this, Cramer said it helps to remember the words of Warren Buffett -- who famously said the time to be fearful is when others are greedy and the time to be greedy is when others are fearful.

從來沒有人做過一毛驚慌, 吉姆·克萊默提醒他瘋狂的錢觀眾週四.在這樣的狂野週期間,克拉默說,記住沃倫·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的話有助於記住沃倫·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的話-他們著名地說要害怕的時候是別人貪婪的時候。

Buffett appeared on CNBC just two weeks ago with similar sentiments, Cramer recalled. And while the markets have plunge 10% since Buffett's most recent comments, his ethos still applies. You will never time the bottom perfectly. But history has told us that the long-term trend for stocks is higher, even if they may be markedly lower a day, a week, or a few months from now.

克拉默回憶說,巴菲特在兩週前出現在 CNBC 上,也有類似的情緒。雖然自巴菲特最近的評論以來,市場暴跌了 10%,但他的精神仍然適用。你永遠不會完美的時間底部。但是歷史已經告訴我們,股票的長期趨勢更高,即使它們可能從一天,一周或幾個月顯著下降 現在

Buffett made similar comments in 2008 at the beginning of the financial crisis. The Dow Jones Industrial Average sank 23% in the weeks that followed. But since the eventually bottom, Wall Street has seen a remarkable bull market, just like it will see again after our current crises pass.

巴菲特在 2008 年在金融危機開始時提出了類似的評論。該 道瓊斯 工業平均下沉 23% 在接下來的幾週.但是,自從最終底部以來,華爾街已經看到了一個了不起的牛市,就像在我們目前的危機過去之後會再次看到一樣。

Our financial system is a lot stronger now than in it was in 2008, Cramer said, and he has confidence that our scientific community will eventually have a vaccine for this latest coronavirus. "Don't bet against our scientists," he urged.

克拉默說,我們的金融體系現在比 2008 年強得多,他相信我們的科學界最終將為這種最新的冠狀病毒接種疫苗。「不要打賭我們的科學家,」他敦促。

Cramer's bottom line was to buy on the way down, buy gradually and -- above all else -- don't try and time the bottom.


Cramer and the AAP team are looking at everything from earnings and tariffs to the Federal Reserve. Find out what they're telling their investment club members and get in on the conversation with a free trial subscription to Action Alerts Plus. Off-price or Online

克拉默和 AAP 球隊 正在尋找從收益和關稅到美聯儲的一切。了解他們在告訴他們的投資俱樂部會員,並通過免費試用訂閱 Action Alerts Plus 進行對話。 關閉價格或線上

If you want to win in retail these days, you need to either be off-price or online, Cramer told viewers. Nowhere was that more evident that in this quarter's retail earnings.


Today, the off-price retailer Burlington Stores( BURL ) - Get Reportdelivered same-store sales up 3.9% when analysts were only looking for 2.9%. Meanwhile, rival Kohl's Stores( KSS ) - Get Report, which really isn't off-price nor online, delivered only inline earnings that sent shares plunging 8.2% by the close. Department stores like Macy's( M ) - Get Reportcontinue to struggle, while drugstores like CVS Health( CVS ) - Get Reportclearly have already reinvented themselves.

今天,關閉價格零售商 伯靈頓商店( 打嗝 )-當分析師只在尋找 2.9% 時,獲得報告交付的同店銷售額增長了 3.9%。同時,競爭對手科爾的商店( KSS )-獲取報告,這實際上不是關閉價格也不是在線,只交付內聯收益,使股票在收盤時暴跌 8.2%。百貨公司喜歡 梅西百貨()-獲取報告繼續奮鬥,而像 CVS Health 這樣的藥店( 個人資格 )-獲取報告已經重新發明了自己。

Cramer said he continues to worry about Walgreens Boots Alliance( WBA ) - Get Report, but is worrying less about Kroger( KR ) - Get Reportthese days. He still likes Costco( COST ) - Get Reportand Dollar General( DG ) - Get Report, and still has a wait-and-see attitude toward Dollar Tree( DLTR ) - Get Report, which has yet to complete its turnaround.

克萊默說他繼續擔心 沃爾格林靴子聯盟( WBA )-獲取報告,但不擔心 克羅格( KR )-獲取報告這些天。他還是喜歡 好市多( 成本 )-獲取報告和美元一般( DG )-獲取報告,並仍然有等待和看到的態度 美元, 樹( DLTR )-獲取報告,該報告尚未完成其周轉。

On Real Money, Cramer keys in on the companies and CEOs he knows best. Get more of his insights with a free trial subscription to Real Money.


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介紹街道課程: 金融巨頭吉姆·克萊默和羅伯特·鮑威爾正在為您帶來精通市場和投資策略。了解如何創造具稅收效益的收入,避免重大錯誤,降低風險等等。通過我們的課程,您將擁有實現財務目標所需的工具和知識。進一步了解 這裡有關投資和個人理財的課程。

Search Jim Cramer's "Mad Money" trading recommendations using our exclusive "Mad Money" Stock Screener .

使用我們的獨家搜索吉姆·克拉默的「瘋狂的錢」交易建議 「瘋狂的錢」股票篩選器

To watch replays of Cramer's video segments, visit theMad Money pageon CNBC.

要觀看克萊默視頻片段的重播,請訪問 CNBC 上的瘋狂金錢頁面。

To sign up for Jim Cramer's free Booyah! newsletter with all of his latest articles and videosplease click here.


At the time of publication, Cramer's Action Alerts PLUS had a position inCVS, COST.

在發布時, 克拉默的行動警報 PLUS 有一個位置 INCV, 成本.

