TMTG Announces Launch Of America First-Themed ETFs And SMAs; Launch Of Truth.Fi Is Part Of TMTG's Financial Services And Fintech Strategy That Includes The Investment Of Up To $250M To Be Custodied By Charles Schwab, Which Will Partner With TMTG To...
TMTG Announces Launch Of America First-Themed ETFs And SMAs; Launch Of Truth.Fi Is Part Of TMTG's Financial Services And Fintech Strategy That Includes The Investment Of Up To $250M To Be Custodied By Charles Schwab, Which Will Partner With TMTG To...
TMTG Announces Launch Of America First-Themed ETFs And SMAs; Launch Of Truth.Fi Is Part Of TMTG's Financial Services And Fintech Strategy That Includes The Investment Of Up To $250M To Be Custodied By Charles Schwab, Which Will Partner With TMTG To Develop The SMAs
TMTG Quickly Advancing Plans to Launch America First-Themed ETFs, SMAs
SARASOTA, Fla., Feb. 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trump Media and Technology Group Corp. (NASDAQ:DJT) ("TMTG"), operator of the social media platform Truth Social and the video streaming platform Truth+, is announcing today that the company has applied to register trademarks for brand names connected to the launch of its customized exchange-traded funds ("ETFs") and customized separately managed accounts ("SMAs") beginning this year.
佛羅里達州薩拉索塔,2025年2月6日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --特朗普媒體與科技集團(CORP) (納斯達克:DJT)("TMTG"),社交媒體平台Truth Social和視頻運營商Truth+的運營商,今天宣佈公司已申請註冊與其定製的可交易ETF("ETF")和定製的獨立管理賬戶("SMA")相關的品牌名稱商標,計劃於今年開始推出。
The trademarks comprise the following:
- Truth.Fi Made in America ETF
- Truth.Fi Made in America SMA
- Truth.Fi U.S. Energy Independence ETF
- Truth.Fi U.S. Energy Independence SMA
- Truth.Fi Bitcoin Plus ETF
- Truth.Fi Bitcoin Plus SMA
- Truth.Fi 美國製造 ETF
- Truth.Fi 美國製造 SMA
- Truth.Fi 美國能源獨立 ETF
- Truth.Fi 美國能源獨立 SMA
- Truth.Fi 比特幣 Plus ETF
- Truth.Fi 比特幣 Plus SMA
The investment vehicles will be components of the new Truth.Fi brand covering financial services and financial technology. The launch of Truth.Fi is part of TMTG's financial services and FinTech strategy that includes the investment of up to $250 million to be custodied by Charles Schwab, which will partner with TMTG to develop the SMAs.
這些投資工具將是新的 Truth.Fi 品牌的元件,涵蓋金融服務和金融科技。Truth.Fi 的推出是 TMTG 的金融服務和金融科技策略的一部分,該策略包括最多 $25000萬 的投資,資產將由嘉信理財保管,嘉信理財將與 TMTG 合作開發 SMA。
Additionally, the company has signed a services agreement and a licensing agreement with an affiliate of Yorkville Advisors ("Yorkville"). Subject to necessary approvals, Yorkville will act as the Registered Investment Advisor for the new financial vehicles, playing a lead role in constructing the products and shepherding them through the regulatory process.
此外,公司與 Yorkville Advisors 的一個關聯公司("Yorkville")簽署了服務協議和許可協議。經必要批准後,Yorkville 將作爲新金融工具的註冊投資顧問,在構建產品和引導它們通過監管程序方面發揮主導作用。