

The Nikkei average rose by 215 points, rebounding for the first time in four days, but after the buying was completed, the upside was heavy = on the 29th morning session.

Kabushiki Shimbun ·  Jan 29 02:49

On the 29th, the Nikkei Stock Average rebounded to 39,232 yen 75 yen, which was 215 yen 88 yen higher than the previous day, for the first time in 4 days, and TOPIX (Tokyo Stock Price Index) rose 17.07 points to 27.07 points higher than the previous day. In the US stock market on the 28th, NVIDIA, Microsoft Corp, etc. rebounded, which were wary of the rise of China's generative AI (artificial intelligence) “deep seek,” and plummeted. The movement to buy back Japanese stocks, semiconductor-related stocks, etc. also took precedence. The Nikkei Average added 39,448 yen 24 yen, which is 431 yen 37 sen high, at 9:7 a.m. <6857.T>However, after that, it looked like Advantes etc. were being pushed by sales waiting to return, and the index also had a heavy increase.

The volume of the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market is 84443 million shares, and the trading price is 2,016 trillion yen. The number of rising and falling stocks was 997 stocks with price increases, 565 stocks with price drops, 78 stocks unchanged.

By industry, out of all 33 industries, 26 industries rose and 7 industries fell. <6098.T><6532.T><6501.T><6758.T>Service stocks such as Recruit H and BayCurrent, and electrical equipment stocks such as Hitachi and Sony G rose. <8601.T><8604.T><4063.T><4901.T>Securities commodity futures stocks such as the Daiwa Stock Exchange G and Nomura, and chemical stocks such as Shin-Etsu Chemical and Fujifilm are also high. <8801.T><8802.T>Steel stocks such as Nippon Steel <5401.T>and JFEHD, and real estate stocks <5411.T>such as Mitsui and Hishijisho are also strong. <8591.T><8697.T>Bank stocks such as Mitsubishi UFJ <8306.T>and Sumitomo Mitsui, and other financial stocks <8316.T>such as ORIX and JPX are also solid. <4523.T><4568.T>Meanwhile, <9101.T><9107.T>shipping stocks such as Yusen and Kawasaki Steam, and pharmaceutical stocks such as Eisai and Daiichi Sankyo declined.

<3139.T><3663.T><4180.T><5482.T>Individually, PKSHA, <3993.T>Lacto J, Celsis, Appier, and Aichi Steel rose. <5344.T><5461.T><3103.T><2002.T>On the other hand, Nomura Micro, <6254.T>MARUWA, Chubu Steel, Unitika, Nissin Flour G, etc. are cheap.

Provided by: WelsAdvisor, Inc.

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