

Soft Front - Continued decline, announced the issuance of new Stocks and subscription rights through a business partnership with Noah Solution and a third-party allocation of shares.

Fisco Japan ·  Jan 28 00:48

Continuing to decline. After the close of trading on the 27th, a basic agreement was concluded regarding a business partnership with Noah Solutions, which develops business systems, advanced technology, and embedded systems. Additionally, the company announced a significant third-party allotment of new stock issuance and a change in the largest shareholder, leading to the continued decline. The total amount of funds to be raised through the third-party allotment of capital increase for new stocks and subscription rights is expected to be approximately 3.6 billion yen, with specific uses of the funds being for strengthening existing business products for contact centers utilizing AI and for capital investment related to the AI Datacenter business.

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