SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Purcell Julie & Lefkowitz LLP Is Investigating Tandy Leather Factory, Inc. for Potential Breaches Of Fiduciary Duty By Its Board of Directors
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Purcell Julie & Lefkowitz LLP Is Investigating Tandy Leather Factory, Inc. for Potential Breaches Of Fiduciary Duty By Its Board of Directors
NEW YORK,March 2, 2020/PRNewswire/ -- Purcell Julie & Lefkowitz LLP, a class action law firm dedicated to representing shareholders nationwide, is investigating a potential breach of fiduciary duty claim involving the board of directors of Tandy Leather Factory, Inc. (NASDAQ: TLF).
紐約,2020年3月2日/美通社/--致力於代表全國股東的集體訴訟律師事務所Purcell Julie&Lefkowitz LLP正在調查一起涉及坦迪皮革廠(Tandy Leather Factory,Inc.)董事會的潛在違反受託責任索賠的案件。納斯達克:TLF).
If you are a shareholder of Tandy Leather Factory, Inc. and are interested in obtaining additional information regarding this investigation, free of charge, please visit us at:
如果您是Tandy Leather Factory,Inc.的股東,並有興趣免費獲取有關此次調查的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站:
You may also contactRobert H. Lefkowitz, Esq.either via email atrl@pjlfirm.comor by telephone at 212-725-1000. One of our attorneys will personally speak with you about the case at no cost or obligation.
您也可以通過電子郵件ATRL@pjlfir.com或電話212-725-1000聯繫羅伯特·H·萊夫科維茨(Robert H.Lefkowitz,Esq.)。我們的一名律師將不收取任何費用或義務,親自與您談論此案。
Purcell Julie & Lefkowitz LLP is a law firm exclusively committed to representing shareholders nationwide who are victims of securities fraud, breaches of fiduciary duty and other types of corporate misconduct. For more information about the firm and its attorneys, please visit Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Purcell Julie&Lefkowitz LLP是一家專門致力於代表全國範圍內的股東的律師事務所,這些股東是證券欺詐、違反受託責任和其他類型的公司不當行為的受害者。欲瞭解更多有關該公司及其律師的信息,請訪問網址:。律師廣告。先前的結果並不能保證會有類似的結果。
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SOURCE Purcell Julie & Lefkowitz LLP
來源:Purcell Julie&Lefkowitz LLP