

CH BEIDAHUANG (00039.HK) intends to acquire 51% equity of a company for 14.28 million yuan.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 27 09:29

Gelonghui reported on January 27 that CH BEIDAHUANG (00039.HK) announced that on January 24, 2025, the buyer, Hunan Tianyu Ecological Agriculture Development (an indirect subsidiary), and the seller, Yueyang Huayu Yuan Trading, entered into the agreement, under which the buyer conditionally agrees to purchase and the seller conditionally agrees to sell shares amounting to approximately 51% of the total issued share capital of the target company upon completion, with a cash payment of 14.28 million yuan to be made according to the terms and conditions of the agreement.

The target company's main business includes (i) the processing and sale of agricultural by-products, meat products (braised meat products), and vegetable products (pickled vegetables); and (ii) the procurement, planting, storage, and sale of fresh vegetables, grains, oilseed crops, and edible oils. As of the date of signing the agreement, the target company holds land use rights for an industrial site located in Yueyang City, Hunan Province, with a total area of 16,388 square meters.

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