
Appdome Unveils Threat Dynamics to Become Industry's First AI-Native Extended Threat Management Platform

Appdome Unveils Threat Dynamics to Become Industry's First AI-Native Extended Threat Management Platform

Appdome推出Threat Dynamics,成爲行業板塊首個人工智能原生的擴展威脅管理平台
PR Newswire ·  01/22 16:00

Threat Dynamics Shows How Threats Move and Provides a Benchmark Mobile Risk Index to Help Businesses Manage and Stay Ahead of Fraud and Cyber Threats


REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Jan. 22, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Appdome, the leader in protecting mobile businesses, today announced that a new AI-Native threat-management module called Threat Dynamics will be offered inside Appdome's ThreatScope Mobile XDR. Threat Dynamics uses AI deep learning to continuously evaluate the likelihood of a successful exploit from more than 400+ attack vectors and calculate a Mobile Risk Index for each business and mobile application. This allows businesses to see how threats move across the production environment, empowering them to quickly prioritize and focus on the attack vectors with the highest potential impact and preempt these threats before they escalate. This also allows businesses to continuously benchmark and manage their business- and application-level risk against the baseline of Appdome's growing monthly data stream of tens of billions of mobile fraud, scam, bot, and cyber threat events globally. These new capabilities add to ThreatScope Mobile XDR's existing real-time threat intelligence, inspection, and rapid response capabilities.

加利福尼亞州紅木城,2025年1月22日 /美通社/ -- 全球領先的移動業務保護公司Appdome今日宣佈,將在Appdome的ThreatScope Mobile XDR中提供名爲Threat Dynamics的新型人工智能原生威脅管理模塊。Threat Dynamics利用人工智能深度學習不斷評估來自400多種攻擊向量成功利用的可能性,併爲每個企業和移動應用計算移動風險指數。這使得企業能夠看到威脅在生產環境中的移動方式,從而能夠快速優先考慮和關注潛在影響最大的攻擊向量,並在這些威脅升級之前預防它們。這還使企業能夠不斷基準和管理其業務和應用層的風險,基於Appdome每月增長的數據流,評估全球數十億移動欺詐、詐騙、機器人和網絡威脅事件的基準。這些新功能增加了ThreatScope Mobile XDR現有的實時威脅情報、檢查和快速響應能力。

"On top of lightning-fast incident response, mobile businesses want to benchmark their mobile defense posture against the industry and preempt mobile threats before they escalate," said Tom Tovar, co-creator and CEO of Appdome. "Mobile businesses don't want to play 'whack a mole' with fraud, scams and cyber-attacks. They want AI-driven reconnaissance and benchmarking plus the rapid and automated response of XDR in one platform. They want to operationalize extended threat management across the full lifecycle of the mobile business."

"在閃電般迅速的事件響應之上,移動企業希望將其移動防禦姿態與行業進行基準,並在移動威脅升級之前進行預防," Appdome的共同創始人兼CEO Tom Tovar表示。"移動企業不想與欺詐、詐騙和網絡攻擊玩打地鼠遊戲。他們希望在一個平台上獲得由人工智能驅動的偵查、基準和快速自動響應的XDR。他們希望在移動業務的整個生命週期中,操作化擴展的威脅管理。"

As mobile becomes the business, the landscape of fraud and cyber-attacks in the mobile economy has grown significantly. It now includes a wide range of adversaries, such as active hacker communities, criminal organizations, and AI-powered attacks. In this economy, attack vectors such as account takeover (ATO), on-device fraud (ODF), scams, identity theft, bot attacks, and more are proliferating quickly. Mobile businesses switched to Appdome to accelerate their defense time to market, eliminate work, gain automation through machine learning, and build any combination of Appdome's 10,000+ dynamic defense plugins into mobile apps fast. With Appdome Threat Dynamics, mobile businesses can now leverage the biggest and most diverse data stream of mobile fraud and threat events in the digital economy to take a holistic and continuous approach to threat management. With Threat Dynamics, businesses leverage the power of AI to analyze and benchmark their active attack surface against the active attack surface in billions of Appdome-defended mobile apps. By analyzing this data from multiple perspectives, mobile businesses can see how cyber-attacks, fraud, and threats move across the mobile business and use Appdome's Threat Dynamics to identify fraud and cyber-attack patterns early on, rank the potential impact of each attack prospectively, and preempt cyber-attacks, fraud, and threats before the attacks proliferate.

隨着移動成爲業務,移動經濟中的欺詐和網絡攻擊的格局顯著增加。它現在包括各種對手,如活躍的黑客社區、犯罪組織和基於人工智能的攻擊。在這個經濟中,攻擊向量,如賬戶接管(ATO)、設備內欺詐(ODF)、詐騙、身份盜竊、機器人攻擊等,正在迅速增殖。移動企業切換到Appdome以加快其防禦市場的時間,消除工作,利用機器學習獲得自動化,並快速將Appdome的10000多種動態防禦插件構建到移動應用中。藉助Appdome Threat Dynamics,移動企業現在可以利用數字經濟中最大和最具多樣化的移動欺詐和威脅事件數據流,以採取全面和持續的威脅管理方法。通過Threat Dynamics,企業利用人工智能的力量,分析並基準其主動攻擊面與數十億個Appdome防護的移動應用中的主動攻擊面。通過從多個角度分析這些數據,移動企業可以看到網絡攻擊、欺詐和威脅如何在移動業務中移動,並利用Appdome的Threat Dynamics提前識別欺詐和網絡攻擊模式,評估每個攻擊的潛在影響,並在攻擊蔓延之前預防網絡攻擊、欺詐和威脅。

"Appdome already improves productivity for dev and cyber security teams, automating engineering work and reducing security review time," said Eric Newcomer, CTO at Intellyx. "As more attacks target the mobile channel, it is more important than ever to combine fraud and other threat data from the mobile business under a single pane of glass. Appdome's huge data set and AI-driven defense model give businesses the power to pre-empt fraud and deliver immediate responses to any such threats and attacks."

"Appdome已經提高了開發和網絡安全團隊的生產力,自動化工程工作並減少了安全審查時間,"Intellyx的首席技術官Eric Newcomer表示。"隨着攻擊越來越多地針對移動渠道,將移動業務中的欺詐和其他威脅數據整合在一個統一的視圖下比以往任何時候都更加重要。Appdome龐大的數據集和人工智能驅動的防禦模型使企業能夠預防欺詐,並對任何此類威脅和攻擊作出立即響應。"

Data Siloes and Basic High-Med-Low Severities Are Not Enough.


Mobile businesses need usable and relevant data about the attacks and threats impacting their Android & iOS applications, users, identities, and transactions. However, point products aimed at mobile app security, mobile fraud prevention, KYC checks, and mobile identity only provide one slice of data. These slices are often available in siloed implementations that isolate data to one app, customer, and attack vector only. The same products either can't or don't aggregate, analyze, or expose data from all installations, leverage adaptive learning models or apply AI to benchmark trends, virality, or future potential impact of attacks. The output from these systems is often limited to human-defined "true / false" or "high," "medium," and "low" severity designations, which fatigue users and lead to false positives and missed attacks.


"Assume you had a service that received all the fraud, bot, cyber-attack, and defense data in the mobile economy," said Avi Yehuda, CTO of Appdome. "Inside this data set, you can use AI deep learning to continuously analyze, find patterns, and rank billions of threat events in real-time and start to use this data to provide predictive insights and benchmark comparisons that give businesses the power to manage threats as an ongoing part of the business."

"假設你有一個服務,可以接收移動經濟中所有的欺詐、機器人、網絡攻擊和防禦數據,"Appdome的首席技術官Avi Yehuda表示。"在這個數據集中,你可以利用人工智能深度學習不斷分析、發現模式,並實時排名數十億的威脅事件,並開始利用這些數據提供預測性洞察和基準比較,使企業能夠將威脅管理作爲業務的持續一部分。"

Appdome's Threat Dynamics leverages AI and Appdome's big-data footprint to continuously analyze and rank mobile threats, including fraud, malware, and bot trends in its global data set. Using this data, Threat Dynamics continuously calculates a Mobile Risk Index for each mobile business and app, providing a holistic, living, and dynamic context to the threat data sent to their ThreatScope instance. Threat Dynamics also shows how fraud, cyber-attacks, and other threats move across mobile apps, releases, installations, devices, users, and networks. With Threat Dynamics, mobile businesses can see which attacks are moving fastest, which mobile applications suffer the most, and which attacks are likely to have the biggest impact on the business. Trends such as Infection Rate, Attack Frequency, Attack Velocity, Cohort Placement, Variance, Projected Impact, and more are provided for each attack, application, release, device, OS, geographic source, and other dimensions.


"Mobile threat intelligence has traditionally looked at data in the rear-view mirror or worse, with blinders on," said Chris Roeckl, Chief Product Officer at Appdome. "Mobile businesses can't wait to address the biggest attacks after the fact, waste time trying to manually evaluate threat data from multiple siloes or overreact to the wrong attack. The purpose of Threat Dynamics is to give businesses the power of AI deep learning to allow businesses to preempt attacks and manage and reduce their mobile risk as an active part of the business."

「移動威脅情報傳統上是在後視鏡中查看數據,甚至更糟,帶上了盲目偏見,」Appdome首席產品官Chris Roeckl表示。「移動業務不能等到事後再解決最大的攻擊,浪費時間試圖手動評估來自多個孤島的威脅數據,或對錯誤的攻擊反應過度。Threat Dynamics的目的是賦予企業人工智能深度學習的能力,使其可以預防攻擊,積極管理和降低其移動風險。」

Learn more and register for your personalized demo of Appdome ThreatScope XDR.

了解更多並註冊您的個性化Appdome ThreatScope XDR演示。

About Appdome
Appdome's mission is to protect every mobile business and user in the world from scams, fraud, bots, and hackers. Mobile businesses, mobile apps, mobile platforms, operating systems, and threats constantly change. Appdome's patented AI-Native XTM Platform is designed to instantly accommodate these changes by automating every aspect of mobile application and business defense – from design to build, certification, monitoring, response, support, and resolution. Appdome uses AI to deliver a growing list of 10,000s of dynamic defense plugins created to address 400+ mobile app security, anti-fraud, bot defense, anti-malware, geo compliance, social engineering, deep fake and other attack vectors on demand. Mobile applications that are built using Appdome are Certified Secure at build time, eliminating the need for coding, SDKs, server attestation, work, and complexity in the cyber defense lifecycle. Appdome uses AI inside its ThreatScope Mobile XDR, to continuously calculate a Mobile Risk Index for businesses and mobile apps as well as rank and preempt attacks in real-time. In Appdome's Threat Resolution Center, Appdome uses GenAI to provide customer support and care teams a quick and easy way to provide end-user threat resolution and remediation. All of Appdome's in-app and bot defenses can be used with Appdome's Threat-Events intelligence framework. This framework gathers threat and attack metadata, and is used to inform the mobile app, application SDKs and back-end network components when threats are present or to create customized threat responses inside Android & iOS apps. As a platform, Appdome also functions as a continuous compliance center, tracking all builds, changes, teams, users, defense configurations, events and more for quick and easy audit of the mobile defense lifecycle. Appdome holds several patents including U.S. Patents 9,934,017 B2, 10,310,870 B2, 10,606,582 B2, 11,243,748 B2 and 11,294,663 B2. Additional patents pending.

Appdome的使命是保護全球每個移動業務和用戶免受詐騙、欺詐、機器人和黑客的侵害。移動業務、移動應用、移動平台、操作系統和威脅不斷變化。Appdome的專利人工智能原生XTM平台旨在通過自動化移動應用和業務防禦的各個方面,立即適應這些變化——從設計到構建、認證、監控、響應、支持和解決。Appdome利用人工智能提供一個不斷增長的動態防禦插件列表,列出10,000多個插件,以應對400多種移動應用安全、反欺詐、機器人防禦、反惡意軟體、地理合規、社交工程、深度僞造和其他攻擊向量。使用Appdome構建的移動應用在構建時被認證爲安全,消除了在網絡防禦生命週期中對編碼、SDK、服務器證明、工作和複雜性的需求。Appdome在其ThreatScope Mobile XDR中使用人工智能,不斷爲企業和移動應用計算移動風險指數,並實時排名和預防攻擊。在Appdome的威脅解決中心,Appdome利用GenAI爲客戶支持和關懷團隊提供一種快速簡便的方式,以便爲最終用戶提供威脅解決和修復。Appdome的所有應用內和機器人防禦可以與Appdome的威脅事件情報框架一起使用。該框架收集威脅和攻擊元數據,並用於通知移動應用、應用SDK和後端網絡元件當威脅存在時,或在Android和iOS應用內部創建定製的威脅響應。作爲一個平台,Appdome還充當一個持續合規中心,跟蹤所有構建、變化、團隊、用戶、防禦配置、事件等,以便快速輕鬆地審計移動防禦生命週期。Appdome擁有多項專利,包括美國專利9,934,017 B2、10,310,870 B2、10,606,582 B2、11,243,748 B2和11,294,663 B2。其他專利正在申請中。

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