
利华控股集团(01346)发盈喜 预期年度纯利同比增加至1640万至1740万美元

LEVER STYLE (01346) issues a profit alert, expecting annual net profit to increase year-on-year to between 16.4 million and 17.4 million US dollars.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 15 12:14

LEVER STYLE (01346) announced that despite recording a trade receivables impairment loss of 2... in the first half of 2024.

According to the Zhiyun Finance APP, LEVER STYLE (01346) announced that despite incurring a trade receivables impairment loss of 2.4 million USD in the first half of 2024, leading to a decrease in after-tax net profit of 1.5 million USD compared to the prior period, the group anticipates that for the year ending December 31, 2024, it will achieve an after-tax net profit ranging from 16.4 million USD to 17.4 million USD, compared to an after-tax net profit of 15.6 million USD for the year ending December 31, 2023.

The Director believes that this improvement is mainly due to: (i) the group successfully winning new customers; and (ii) achieving deeper penetration and organic growth with existing customers across multiple product categories.

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