NANO Nuclear Energy Announces KRONOS MMR as the New Tradename for Its Recently Acquired Patented Micro Modular Reactor Energy System
NANO Nuclear Energy Announces KRONOS MMR as the New Tradename for Its Recently Acquired Patented Micro Modular Reactor Energy System
NANO Nuclear Energy Designates its Newly Acquired and Patented Energy System as KRONOS MMR
NANO核能將其新獲得的專利能源系統命名爲KRONOS MMR
New York, N.Y., Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) ("NANO Nuclear" or "the Company"), a leading advanced nuclear energy and technology company focused on developing clean energy solutions, today announced the rebranding of its recently acquired, patented Micro Modular Reactor (MMR) Energy System, which will now be known as KRONOS MMR.
紐約,N.Y.,2025年1月14日(全球新聞網)—— NANO核能公司(納斯達克:NNE)("NANO核能"或"公司"),一家領先的愛文思控股核能及科技公司,專注於開發清潔能源解決方案,今天宣佈重新品牌化其最近獲得的專利微型模塊化反應堆(MMR)能源系統,該系統將被稱爲KRONOS MMR。
Figure 1 - NANO Nuclear Energy Designates its Newly Acquired and Patented Energy System as KRONOS MMRTM
圖1 - NANO核能將其新獲得的專利能源系統命名爲KRONOS MMRTM
Designed as a stationary small modular nuclear reactor capable of delivering carbon-free electricity and high-quality process heat for co-located industrial applications and high-efficiency hydrogen production, KRONOS MMR complements NANO Nuclear's proprietary microreactor technologies, 'ZEUS' and 'ODIN' as well as the recently acquired Pylon reactor, each currently under development. With a compact footprint of less than 5 acres, KRONOS MMR is designed to operate flexibly at power levels ranging up to 45 MWt (15 MWe) and can utilize either low-enriched uranium (LEU) or high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU).
KRONOS MMR設計爲一個靜態小型模塊化核反應堆,能夠提供無碳電力和高質量的過程熱,用於共址的工業應用和高效氫氣生產,KRONOS MMR補充了NANO核能的專有微型反應堆技術,『ZEUS』和『ODIN』,以及最近獲得的Pylon反應堆,目前均在開發中。KRONOS MMR佔地不到5英畝,設計用於靈活操作,功率範圍可達45 MWt(15 MWe),並可以使用低濃縮鈾(LEU)或高濃度低丰度鈾(HALEU)。
The acquisition of KRONOS MMR specifically will enable NANO Nuclear to serve a broader range of growing markets that have high energy demands, including large-scale data and artificial intelligence centers and other energy-intensive operations in manufacturing and infrastructure.
KRONOS MMR的收購將使NANO核能能夠服務於一系列需求高的增長市場,包括大規模數據和人工智能中心以及其他能源密集型的製造和製造行業開多。
Figure 2 – Rendering of NANO Nuclear Energy's Newly Acquired Patented KRONOS MMRTM Energy System.
圖2 - NANO核能新獲得的專利KRONOS MMRTm能源系統的渲染圖。
"NANO Nuclear is pleased to announce the rebranding of the KRONOS MMR Energy System following its acquisition from Ultra Safe Nuclear," said Jay Yu, Founder and Chairman of NANO Nuclear Energy. "This technology has undergone extensive development at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories in collaboration with Ontario Power Generation, as well as at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was also the first small modular reactor to enter the formal licensing review phase with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, reflecting its progress in design and development. We are committed to continuing this technology's journey toward regulatory licensing and ultimately commercialization and supporting all ongoing demonstration and regulatory efforts."
「NANO核能很高興地宣佈,KRONOS MMR能源系統在從Ultra Safe Nuclear收購後進行重新品牌化,」 NANO核能創始人兼董事長Jay Yu說道。「該技術在加拿大核實驗室與安大略電力公司以及伊利諾伊大學香檳分校合作下經歷了廣泛的發展。它也是第一批進入加拿大核安全委員會正式許可審查階段的小型模塊化反應堆,反映了其設計和開發的進展。我們致力於繼續推動該技術朝着監管許可和最終商業化的旅程,並支持所有正在進行的示範和監管工作。」
Pending Canadian governmental approvals of the acquisition, further demonstrations of the KRONOS MMR are expected to take place at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL). Prior to its acquisition, the MMR was chosen by the CNL to be sited at Chalk River Laboratories as part of the Global First Power (GFP) initiative, which aims to construct and operate Canada's first microreactor. KRONOS MMR is the first small modular reactor to enter the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission's formal licensing review.
在等待加拿大政府批准收購的同時,預計KRONOS MMR的進一步演示將在加拿大核實驗室(CNL)進行。在收購之前,CNL選擇了MMR作爲全球首個動力(GFP)計劃的一部分,計劃在Chalk River實驗室選址,旨在建造和運營加拿大的首個微型反應堆。KRONOS MMR是第一個進入加拿大核安全委員會正式許可審查的小型模塊化反應堆。
NANO Nuclear plans to extend an existing KRONOS MMR collaboration with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with the aim of demonstrating the reactor's high technology readiness level at the University. In parallel, NANO Nuclear will continue the MMR licensing process with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Furthermore, NANO Nuclear plans to explore additional strategic collaborations and complementary agreements to support the efficient advancement of the technology. These efforts are aligned with NANO Nuclear's broader mission to deliver innovative, reliable, and carbon-free nuclear energy solutions to meet the needs of modern industries and communities.
NANO核能計劃延續與伊利諾伊大學香檳分校的現有KRONOS MMR合作,旨在展示該反應堆在大學的高技術準備水平。同時,NANO核能將繼續與美國核管理委員會進行MMR許可流程。此外,NANO核能還計劃探索更多戰略合作和互補協議,以支持技術的有效推進。這些努力與NANO核能的更廣泛使命一致,即提供創新、可靠和無碳的核能解決方案,以滿足現代行業和社區的需求。
"The integration of the KRONOS MMR energy system into our portfolio enhances our ability to address critical market demands, including the growing energy requirements for data centers and artificial intelligence applications," said James Walker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of Reactor Development of NANO Nuclear Energy. "Its acquisition aligns with our strategy of securing pivotal technologies that strengthen our position in the advanced nuclear technology sector. With its advanced stage of development, KRONOS MMR enables us to significantly accelerate our deployment timeline while avoiding substantial development costs. Additionally, it enhances the robustness of our offerings, allowing us to deliver more tailored and efficient energy solutions to industries currently dependent on polluting and inefficient energy sources. By integrating this cutting-edge system into our portfolio, we believe we will be better equipped to address the particular energy needs of customers across sectors such as data centers, artificial intelligence applications, and remote industrial operations, all while supporting the transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy alternatives."
「將KRONOS MMR能源系統整合到我們的產品組合中,增強了我們解決關鍵市場需求的能力,包括數據中心和人工智能應用日益增長的能源需求,」NANO核能的首席執行官兼反應堆開發負責人James Walker說道。「其收購符合我們確保關鍵技術戰略的目標,這將加強我們在高級核科技行業的地位。憑藉其先進的發展階段,KRONOS MMR使我們能夠顯著加速部署時間表,同時避免巨大的發展成本。此外,這提升了我們產品的穩健性,使我們能夠爲目前依賴污染和低效能源來源的行業提供更具針對性和高效的能源解決方案。通過將這一尖端系統整合到我們的產品組合中,我們相信我們將更好地滿足數據中心、人工智能應用和偏遠工業運營等領域客戶的特定能源需求,同時支持向更清潔、更可持續的能源替代方案的過渡。」
About NANO Nuclear Energy, Inc.
NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) is an advanced technology-driven nuclear energy company seeking to become a commercially focused, diversified, and vertically integrated company across five business lines: (i) cutting edge portable and other microreactor technologies, (ii) nuclear fuel fabrication, (iii) nuclear fuel transportation, (iv) nuclear applications for space and (v) nuclear industry consulting services. NANO Nuclear believes it is the first portable nuclear microreactor company to be listed publicly in the U.S.
NANO核能公司(納斯達克:NNE)是一家以先進技術爲驅動的核能公司,旨在成爲一家關注商業、多元化和垂直整合的企業,涵蓋五個業務領域:(i) 尖端可移動及其他微型反應堆技術,(ii) 核燃料製造,(iii) 核燃料交通,(iv) 核應用於太空,以及(v) 核工業諮詢服務。NANO核能認爲它是第一家在美國上市的可移動核微反應堆公司。
Led by a world-class nuclear engineering team, NANO Nuclear's reactor products in development include "ZEUS", a solid core battery reactor, and "ODIN", a low-pressure coolant reactor, each representing advanced developments in clean energy solutions that are portable, on-demand capable, advanced nuclear microreactors. NANO Nuclear is also developing patented stationary KRONOS MMR Energy System and space focused Pylon Transportable Reactor Platform.
由一支世界級的核工程團隊領銜,NANO核能正在開發的反應堆產品包括"ZEUS",一種固態電池反應堆,以及"ODIN",一種低壓冷卻液反應堆,均代表了可移動、按需能力和先進核微反應堆的清潔能源解決方案的先進發展。NANO核能還正在開發專利的固定式KRONOS MMR能源系統和專注於太空的Pylon可交通反應堆平台。
Advanced Fuel Transportation Inc. (AFT), a NANO Nuclear subsidiary, is led by former executives from the largest transportation company in the world aiming to build a North American transportation company that will provide commercial quantities of HALEU fuel to small modular reactors, microreactor companies, national laboratories, military, and DOE programs. Through NANO Nuclear, AFT is the exclusive licensee of a patented high-capacity HALEU fuel transportation basket developed by three major U.S. national nuclear laboratories and funded by the Department of Energy. Assuming development and commercialization, AFT is expected to form part of the only vertically integrated nuclear fuel business of its kind in North America.
NANO Nuclear 的子公司先進燃料交通公司(AFT),由全球最大交通公司的前高管領導,旨在建立一家北美交通公司,向小型模塊化反應堆、微反應堆公司、國家實驗室、軍方以及能源部項目提供商業數量的高濃縮低富集鈾(HALEU)燃料。通過 NANO Nuclear,AFT 是由三大美國國家核實驗室開發並由能源部資助的專利高容量 HALEU 燃料交通筐的獨家許可持有者。在開發和商業化後,AFT 預計將成爲北美唯一一家垂直整合核燃料業務的一部分。
HALEU Energy Fuel Inc. (HEF), a NANO Nuclear subsidiary, is focusing on the future development of a domestic source for a High-Assay, Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) fuel fabrication pipeline for NANO Nuclear's own microreactors as well as the broader advanced nuclear reactor industry.
NANO Nuclear 的子公司 HALEU Energy Fuel Inc.(HEF)專注於未來開發國內高濃縮低富集鈾(HALEU)燃料製造管道,以服務於 NANO Nuclear 自身的微反應堆及更廣泛的先進核反應堆行業。
NANO Nuclear Space Inc. (NNS), a NANO Nuclear subsidiary, is exploring the potential commercial applications of NANO Nuclear's developing micronuclear reactor technology in space. NNS is focusing on applications such as the Pylon transportable reactor system and other power systems for extraterrestrial projects and human sustaining environments, and potentially propulsion technology for long haul space missions. NNS' initial focus will be on cis-lunar applications, referring to uses in the space region extending from Earth to the area surrounding the Moon's surface.