Nominal Growth Prospects For The Telecommunication Sector In 2025
Nominal Growth Prospects For The Telecommunication Sector In 2025
RHB Investment Bank Bhd (RHB Research) has maintained its NEUTRAL rating for the telecommunications sector, highlighting preferred picks in Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM), Axiata Group Bhd and CelcomDigi Bhd. The research house cited TM's strong performance, delivering a 25% return in 2024 compared to mobile network operators (MNOs), which saw returns decline between 5% and 9%. Excluding TM, the sector delivered a -2% return, reflecting the impact of regulatory risks and ongoing challenges in 5G monetisation.
印度興業投資銀行有限公司(RhB Research)維持其對電信行業的中性評級,重點是馬來西亞電信有限公司(TM)、Axiata集團有限公司和CelcomDigi Bhd的首選。該研究機構列舉了TM的強勁表現,與移動網絡運營商(MNO)相比,2024年的回報率爲25%,後者的回報率下降了5%至9%。不包括Tm,該行業的回報率爲-2%,這反映了監管風險和5G貨幣化持續挑戰的影響。
The research house observed nominal growth prospects for the sector in 2025, although competition is expected to remain intense. Mobile service revenue growth may be constrained by the knock-on effects of subsidy rationalisation, which could pressure mobile average revenue per user. Additionally, competition within the fixed broadband (FBB) segment is anticipated to stay elevated, with MNOs leveraging FBB-mobile packages to retain customers.
RHB Research pointed to enterprise solutions as the primary driver of 5G demand, given the limited retail use cases currently available. Notable progress has been made in commercialising 5G solutions across various verticals. However, the announcement of U Mobile Sdn Bhd as the second 5G network access provider has raised questions about MNOs' commitments to Digital Nasional Bhd, the continuity of long-term lease agreements, and the financial implications of 5G-related capital expenditures.
RhB Research指出,鑑於目前可用的零售用例有限,企業解決方案是5G需求的主要驅動力。在各個垂直領域的5G解決方案商業化方面取得了顯著進展。但是,宣佈U Mobile Sdn Bhd成爲第二家5G網絡接入提供商,這引發了人們對Mno對Digital Nasional Bhd的承諾、長期租賃協議的連續性以及與5G相關的資本支出的財務影響的質疑。
The research house suggested that U Mobile could mitigate the financial burden of 5G capital expenditure, estimated at RM3-RM4 billion, by pursuing network collaborations. Shared infrastructure would accelerate site deployments, allowing population coverage targets to be achieved more efficiently.
該研究機構建議,U Mobile可以通過進行網絡合作來減輕5G資本支出的財務負擔,估計爲3令吉至40令吉。共享基礎設施將加快站點部署,從而更有效地實現人口覆蓋目標。
On the fixed-line side, RHB Research highlighted the robust demand for data centres (DCs), which continues to benefit integrated telcos like TM. The completion of TM's new cable landing station in Morib positions the company to cater to the growing connectivity needs of DCs in southern Klang Valley. TM's joint venture with Singapore Telecommunications Ltd to develop a 64MW artificial intelligence-enabled DC is on track for completion by the fourth quarter of 2026, potentially contributing RM80-RM85 million to TM's earnings annually.
在固定電話方面,RhB Research強調了對數據中心(DC)的強勁需求,這繼續使Tm等綜合電信公司受益。TM在莫里布的新有線電視登陸站的建成使該公司能夠滿足巴生谷南部地區發展中國家不斷增長的連接需求。TM與新加坡電信有限公司合資開發一座支持人工智能的64兆瓦直流電站有望在2026年第四季度竣工,這有可能爲TM的年收益貢獻800萬令吉8500萬令吉。
Sector valuations, currently at -1.8 standard deviations below the historical EBITDA mean, reflect ongoing regulatory challenges and competitive risks. However, RHB Research noted TM's core digital infrastructure assets as pivotal to its long-term growth, projecting an earnings compound annual growth rate of 11.7% between FY24 and FY26. Axiata is seen as another strong contender due to earnings recovery and balance sheet improvements, supported by operational enhancements and macroeconomic tailwinds.
行業估值目前爲-1.8個標準差,比歷史息稅折舊攤銷前利潤平均值低1.8個標準差,反映了持續的監管挑戰和競爭風險。但是,RhB Research指出,TM的核心數字基礎設施資產對其長期增長至關重要,預計24財年至26財年之間的複合收益年增長率爲11.7%。Axiata被視爲另一個強有力的競爭者,這要歸因於盈利復甦和資產負債表改善,再加上運營改善和宏觀經濟利好。
CelcomDigi, meanwhile, remains a value play with the potential for a re-rating as stronger merger synergies materialise in FY25-FY26. Risks to the sector include heightened competition, weaker-than-expected earnings, and potential regulatory setbacks.
與此同時,CelcomDigi仍然是一個價值遊戲,隨着 FY25-FY26 中更強的合併協同效應,有可能重新評級。該行業面臨的風險包括競爭加劇、收益低於預期以及潛在的監管挫折。