
PowerStone Metals Announces Definitive Agreement for Amalgamation With Libra Lithium

PowerStone Metals Announces Definitive Agreement for Amalgamation With Libra Lithium

PowerStone 金屬期貨宣佈與 Libra 鋰礦達成合並的最終協議
newsfile ·  01/02 11:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 2, 2025) - PowerStone Metals Corp. (CSE: PS) ("PowerStone" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that further to its press release dated December 2, 2024 it has executed a definitive agreement dated December 31, 2024 (the "Definitive Agreement") with Libra Lithium Corp. ("Libra"), whereby the Company will acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of Libra pursuant to a three-cornered amalgamation in accordance with the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) as further detailed below (the "Transaction"). The Transaction will constitute a "Fundamental Change" of the Company as defined by Canadian Securities Exchange ("CSE") policies.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省--(資訊公司 - 2025年1月2日) - PowerStone Metals CORP.(CSE: 市銷率)(「PowerStone」或「公司」)高興地宣佈,根據2024年12月2日的新聞稿,它已與Libra Lithium CORP.(「Libra」)簽署了一份2024年12月31日的最終協議(「最終協議」),根據該協議,公司將通過三角合併收購Libra發行的所有股份,按照安大略省的企業公司法進一步詳細說明(「交易」)。此次交易將構成公司依據加拿大證券交易所(「CSE」)政策定義的「基本變更」。

As part of the Transaction and pursuant to the terms of the Definitive Agreement, the Company will complete a consolidation of its issued and outstanding common shares (the "Consolidation") on the basis of approximately one post-Consolidation common share (the "Company Shares") for every 2.4966 outstanding common shares in the capital of the Company. Following completion of the Consolidation and as part of the Transaction, each of the shareholders of Libra (the "Libra Shareholders") will receive one (1) Company Share in exchange for each common share held in the capital of Libra (the "Exchange Ratio").


On completion of the Transaction, the Company will change its name to "Libra Energy Materials Inc." or such other similar name as the parties may agree to (the "Name Change") and the Company anticipates applying for and changing its trading symbol on the CSE to "LIBR".

交易完成後,公司將更名爲「Libra Energy Materials Inc.」或雙方可能同意的其他類似名稱(「更名」),公司預計將在CSE申請並更改其交易標的爲「LIBR」。

Concurrently with the Transaction, the Company also proposes to make certain amendments to its articles to allow for the Company's board of directors to implement certain structural changes to its capitalization structure in the future, which are permissible in accordance with the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) and such amendments shall be put before the shareholders of the Company to seek approval (the "Articles Amendment").


Following completion of the Transaction, the Company will be carrying on the business of Libra, a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the discovery and development of the critical minerals necessary for the green energy transition.


The Transaction will be structured as a three-cornered amalgamation in accordance with Section 285 of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) in which Libra will amalgamate with 1001099231 Ontario Corp., a newly incorporated, wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company ("Subco"), formed solely for the purpose of facilitating the Transaction. Following the Transaction, the amalgamated company will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.

該交易將根據《商業公司法》(安大略省)第285條的規定,以三角合併的形式進行,其中Libra將與1001099231 Ontario CORP.合併,後者是公司新成立的全資子公司("Subco"),僅爲促進交易而成立。交易完成後,合併後的公司將成爲公司的全資子公司。

About Libra Lithium Corp.


Libra is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the discovery and development of the critical minerals necessary for the green energy transition. Libra's Flanders North, Flanders South, and Oz lithium projects in Ontario are being explored under a $33M earn-in deal with KoBold Metals Company. In addition, Libra has 100% ownership over its Toivo, Burton, Bitchu, Tennant, Battery Hill and Kivinen projects in Ontario, Canada and its Nemiscau project in Quebec, Canada. The Libra team comprises a mix of seasoned executives, engineers, and geoscientists, with extensive experience in mining and mineral exploration, capital markets, asset management, energy, and First Nations engagement. In addition to Libra's lithium exploration portfolio, Libra holds 43,865,217 common shares in the capital of Athena Gold Corporation's (CSE: ATHA) (OTCQB: AHNR) ("Athena") wholly-owned subsidiary, which subject to certain conditions, are exchangeable for no additional consideration into common shares of Athena.

Libra是一家專注於發現和開發綠色能源轉型所需關鍵礦產的加拿大礦產勘探公司。Libra在安大略省的Flanders North、Flanders South和Oz鋰礦項目正通過與KoBold Metals Company簽署的3300萬美元的獲取協議進行勘探。此外,Libra擁有其在加拿大安大略省的Toivo、Burton、Bitchu、坦能、Battery Hill和Kivinen項目的100%所有權,以及在加拿大魁北克省的Nemiscau項目。Libra團隊由經驗豐富的高管、工程師和地球科學家組成,具備礦業和礦產勘探、資本市場、資產管理、能源以及與第一民族的互動方面的豐富經驗。除了Libra的鋰勘探組合外,Libra還持有Athena Gold Corporation(CSE:ATHA)(OTCQB:AHNR)("Athena")全資子公司的43,865,217股普通股,這些普通股在滿足某些條件時,可無額外對價兌換爲Athena的普通股。

About PowerStone Metals Corp.

關於PowerStone Metals CORP.

PowerStone is a mineral exploration company focused on the identification and exploration of high-quality critical and precious metals assets, in favorable mining jurisdictions. PowerStone is a reporting issuer in the Provinces of Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta, Canada and its common shares are currently listed for trading on the Canadian Securities Exchange.


About the Combined Company


Upon completion of the Transaction, the resulting Company (the "Combined Company") will continue to carry on the business of Libra.


Subject to an adjustment to the Exchange Ratio, it is expected that upon closing of the Transaction, the Combined Company will issue from treasury 45,903,209 Company Shares to Libra, and that after such issuances, the Company will have approximately 57,379,011 issued and outstanding Company Shares on a non-diluted, post-Consolidation basis. Based on the foregoing, following completion of the Transaction, the current shareholders of the Company will hold approximately 20.00% of the outstanding Company Shares and the Libra Shareholders will hold approximately 80.00% of the outstanding Company Shares on a non-diluted, post-Consolidation basis. The Company Shares issuable under the Transaction will be subject to the escrow requirements of the CSE and hold periods as required by applicable securities laws.


Completion of the Transaction is subject to a number of closing conditions, including the completion of the Consolidation, completion of the Name Change, receipt of applicable shareholder and regulatory approvals, including approval of the CSE and satisfaction of the initial listing requirements of the CSE and other customary closing conditions. Completion of the Articles Amendment is subject to applicable shareholder and regulatory approvals. There can be no assurance that the proposed Transaction, Consolidation, Name Change, Articles Amendment or other transactions described in this news release will be completed as proposed or at all.


Management and Board of Combined Company


Upon completion of the Transaction the current directors and officers of the Company will be reconstituted and are expected to be comprised of the following:


Koby Kushner, P.Eng., CFA - Chief Executive Officer and Director

Koby Kushner, P.Eng., CFA - 首席執行官兼董事

Mr. Koby Kushner, P.Eng., CFA, is the Chief Executive Officer and a director of Libra. He has spent most of his career as a mining engineer and more recently, an equity research analyst. Prior to entering finance, Mr. Kushner worked at several mines in Ontario and Manitoba, including Hemlo (Barrick Gold), Detour, Rice Lake, and others. During this time, Mr. Kushner has seen projects advance through all stages of development, including exploration, production, and closure. He then moved into equity research at Red Cloud Securities, a mining-only investment bank, where he wrote on over 100 companies across various stages of development and a wide range of commodities, with a particular focus on precious and energy metals. He holds a BSc in Mining Engineering from Queen's University, is a licensed Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario and is a CFA charterholder.

Koby Kushner先生,P.Eng.,CFA,是Libra的首席執行官和董事。他的職業生涯大部分時間作爲一名礦業工程師,最近是一名股票研究分析師。在進入金融行業之前,Kushner先生在安大略省和曼尼托巴省的幾個礦山工作,包括Hemlo(巴里克黃金)、Detour、Rice Lake等。在這段時間內,Kushner先生見證了項目在勘探、生產和關閉等所有開發階段的進展。然後他在紅雲證券,一家專注礦業的投資銀行,從事股票研究,在超過100家公司不同開發階段和各種商品的研究中發表看法,特別關注貴金屬和能源金屬。他擁有女王大學的礦業工程學士學位,持有安大略省的專業工程師執照,並且是CFA特許持有人。

David Goodman, B.Com, LL.B (cum laude), CFA - Chairman and Director

David Goodman億.Com, LL.b (cum laude), CFA - 主席及董事

David Goodman, LLB, CFA, is the Chairman of Libra. Mr. Goodman left an early career as a litigator in 1994 to become a Partner, Vice President and Portfolio Manager at the investment management firm behind Dynamic Funds. He became President and Chief Executive Officer of Dynamic Funds in 2001 and of DundeeWealth, Dynamic's public company parent, in 2007. Under Mr. Goodman's leadership, the firm became one of Canada's best performing and fastest growing investment managers, was recognized as Fund Company of the Year seven times at the Canadian Investment Awards while growing assets under management from $5 billion to approximately $50 billion, until its ultimate sale in 2011 to a Canadian bank. In the past Mr. Goodman was a member of the boards of DundeeWealth, Repadre Capital Corporation, Dundee Corporation, SickKids Foundation and a trustee of the Dundee REIT. Mr. Goodman was previously the head of Global Asset Management for a major Canadian bank and CEO of Dundee Corporation. In addition to his business interests, Mr. Goodman is the founder and CEO of Humour Me, an annual event whereby high-profile executives compete in stand-up comedy and has raised over $20 million to date for worthy causes.

David Goodman, LLb, CFA,是天秤座的董事長。古德曼先生於1994年離開早期的訴訟律師生涯,成爲動態基金背後的投資管理公司的合夥人、副總裁和投資組合經理。他於2001年成爲動態基金的總裁和首席執行官,並於2007年成爲動態基金的上市公司母公司DundeeWealth的總裁。在古德曼先生的領導下,該公司成爲加拿大表現最好、增長最快的投資管理公司,在加拿大投資獎上七次被評爲年度基金公司,同時管理的資產從50億增長到大約500億,直到2011年最終出售給一家加拿大銀行。在此之前,古德曼先生曾是DundeeWealth、Repadre Capital Corporation、Dundee Corporation、SickKids Foundation的董事會成員以及Dundee REIt的受託人。古德曼先生曾擔任一家主要加拿大銀行的全球資產管理負責人以及Dundee Corporation的首席執行官。除了商業利益,古德曼先生還是Humour Me的創始人兼首席執行官,該活動每年舉辦一次,知名高管在喜劇表演中競爭,至今已爲值得的事業籌集超過2000萬。

Ben Kuzmich, MSc., P.Geo. - VP Exploration

Ben Kuzmich, MSC., P.Geo. - 副總裁 勘探

Mr. Ben Kuzmich, MSc., P.Geo, is a professional geologist with a proven track record of exploration success in Canada throughout Ontario, Manitoba, and the Yukon. His accomplishments include the delineation of the E-Zone at Barrick's Hemlo gold mine, where he managed a $20M drill program, and where his reinterpretation of geologic models resulted in a 23% improvement in underground head grade for 2019. Outside of Hemlo, he led the discovery of the Little Wing gold occurrence at Alamos's Lynn Lake project as well as numerous REE/LCT pegmatite, precious, and base metal occurrences throughout the Superior Province. He completed his MSc thesis at Lakehead University on the highly endowed, critical mineral-rich Ring of Fire in northern Ontario, and his undergraduate thesis on S-type granitic intrusions.

Kuzmich先生是持有地質學碩士和持證地質工程師的專業地質學家,在加拿大安大略省、曼尼托巴省和育空地區具有成功的勘探業績。他的成就包括在巴里克的Hemlo黃金礦區界定E-Zone,在那裏他管理了一個2000萬的鑽探項目,並且他對地質模型的重新解釋使2019年的地下頭級品位提高了23%。在Hemlo之外,他領導了Alamos的Lynn Lake項目上Little Wing黃金髮現以及在Superior省的衆多REE/LCt礦石、貴金屬和基礎金屬礦牀的發現。他在湖首大學完成了他的碩士論文,主題是安大略省北部的富含關鍵礦物的Ring of Fire,並就S型花崗岩侵入體寫了他的本科論文。

Zachary Goldenberg, HBA / JD - Director

扎卡里·戈登伯格,HBA / JD - 董事

Zachary Goldenberg is the current Chief Executive Officer of PowerStone and a principal of Liberty Venture Partners, a Toronto-based advisory and investment firm focused on startup and growth companies in rapidly emerging industries. A corporate lawyer by background, Zach has significant experience in both the private and public markets as an advisor, investor and board director and has spent much of the past decade working with companies transitioning from private to public navigate the Canadian public venture markets and to source and close strategic transactions. Zach is a graduate of the combined JD / HBA from Western Law and Ivey School of Business, is a member of the TSX Venture Exchange's Ontario Advisory Committee and is a recipient of ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors.

扎卡里·戈登伯格是PowerStone的現任首席執行官,同時也是位於多倫多的Liberty Venture Partners的合夥人,該公司專注於新興行業的初創和成長型公司提供諮詢和投資服務。扎卡有企業律師背景,在作爲顧問、投資者和董事方面擁有豐富的私募和公募市場經驗,在過去十年中,他曾與多家公司密切合作,幫助他們從私營公司過渡到公共公司,以便在加拿大公共風險市場中導航,並進行戰略交易。扎卡畢業於西安大略大學法學院的JD / HBA聯合學位,並且是TSX風險交易所安大略省顧問委員會的成員,同時獲得了企業董事協會的ICD.D認證。

Carlo Rigillo, B.Com, CPA - Chief Financial Officer

卡羅·裏吉洛,CPA - 財務長

Carlo Rigillo is the current Chief Financial Officer of PowerStone and is an experienced Chartered Professional accountant with over two decades of relevant public company audit and operational experience. Mr. Rigillo holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Toronto and is a Chartered Professional Accountant.


Listing Statement and Caution


Further details about the Transaction and the Combined Company will be provided in a CSE Form 2A listing statement of the Company to be prepared and filed in respect of the Transaction. Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the listing statement, any information released or received with respect to the Transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon.

關於交易和合並公司的進一步細節將在公司爲交易準備和提交的CSE 2A表格上市聲明中提供。投資者被警告,除非在上市聲明中披露,否則與交易相關的任何信息可能不準確或不完整,不應予以依賴。

PowerStone Shareholder Approval


To obtain shareholder approval for the Transaction, Consolidation, Name Change, Articles Amendment and certain ancillary matters related to the Transaction, PowerStone expects to hold an annual general and special shareholders' meeting as soon as reasonably practicable.


Trading in the Company Shares


Trading in the common shares of the Company will be halted as a result of this announcement. Trading in the common shares will remain halted pending the review of the proposed Transaction by the CSE. There can be no assurance that trading in the common shares will resume prior to the completion of the Transaction.


PowerStone Corporate Update


The Company announces that the option agreement dated June 13, 2022 in respect of the Chilton Cobalt Property lapsed on December 31, 2024 and that PowerStone retains no carried interest in the project.


For more information, please contact the Company or Libra at:


Zachary Goldenberg
Chief Executive Officer, PowerStone Metals Corp.
t: 647-987-5083

電話: 647-987-5083

Koby Kushner
Chief Executive Officer, Libra Lithium Corp.
t: 416-846-6161

電話: 416-846-6161

Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains forward‐looking statements and forward‐looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. These statements relate to future events or future performance. All statements other than statements of historical fact may be forward‐looking statements or information. More particularly and without limitation, this news release contains forward‐looking statements and information relating to the closing of the Transaction, the conditions to completing the Transaction, the proposed Consolidation, Name Change and Articles Amendment, timing and receipt of regulatory, shareholder and exchange approvals, future plans and business objectives of the Combined Company and other matters. The forward‐looking statements and information are based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by management of the Company. As a result, there can be no assurance that the proposed Transaction or related matters will be completed as proposed or at all. Although management of the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking statements and information are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward‐looking statements and information since no assurance can be given that they will prove to be correct.


Forward-looking statements and information are provided for the purpose of providing information about the current expectations and plans of management of the Company relating to the future. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such statements and information may not be appropriate for other purposes, such as making investment decisions. Since forward‐looking statements and information address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. These include, but are not limited to, the Company's ability to continue operations if the Transaction is not completed, the Company's ability to raise further capital upon terms acceptable to the Company or at all, the Company's ability to obtain regulatory, shareholder and exchange approvals, and the Company's ability to complete the Transaction as currently proposed or at all. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward‐looking statements and information contained in this news release. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. The forward‐looking statements and information contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof and no undertaking is given to update publicly or revise any forward‐looking statements or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws. The forward-looking statements or information contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.





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