NJ FAST Powered by Plug and Play Graduates 14 Startups in Its Inaugural Program
NJ FAST Powered by Plug and Play Graduates 14 Startups in Its Inaugural Program
HOBOKEN, N.J., Dec. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Plug and Play, the world's leading global innovation platform, has concluded its inaugural cohort, graduating 14 startups for its newest program, the New Jersey Fintech Accelerator at Stevens Institute of Technology powered by Plug and Play (NJ FAST).
新澤西州霍博肯,2024年12月31日 /PRNewswire/ -- 全球領先的創新平台 Plug and Play 剛剛完成其首個培訓班,14家初創公司順利畢業,參加其最新項目——由 Plug and Play 驅動的史蒂文斯科技學院新澤西金融科技加速器(NJ FAST)。
Earlier this year, Plug and Play and its founding partners, New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA), Prudential Financial, and the Stevens Institute of Technology, announced the establishment of NJ FAST.
今年早些時候,Plug and Play 和其創始合作伙伴——新澤西經濟發展署(NJEDA)、保德信金融以及史蒂文斯科技學院, 宣佈成立 NJ FAST.
"Over the past seven years, we have transformed New Jersey's innovation economy, firmly positioning our state as a national leader in this space and cementing our reputation as the best place for entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses. Through NJ FAST and our partnerships with Plug and Play, Stevens Institute of Technology, and Prudential, we are empowering emerging leaders in the fintech industry to advance their cutting-edge ideas right here in New Jersey. I look forward to seeing what the inaugural cohort of this program accomplishes in the coming years," said Governor Phil Murphy.
「在過去的七年裏,我們已經轉變了新澤西的創新經濟,堅定地將我們的州定位爲該領域的全國領導者,並鞏固了我們作爲企業家建立和發展他們業務的最佳地方的聲譽。通過 NJ FASt 和我們與 Plug and Play、史蒂文斯科技學院、保德信的合作,我們正在支持金融科技行業嶄露頭角的領導者在新澤西推進他們的尖端想法。我期待着看到本項目首期培訓班未來幾年所取得的成就,」新澤西州州長菲爾·墨菲說道。
Building on this foundation, NJ FAST will leverage New Jersey's longstanding legacy as a leader in the financial industry. With a dedicated focus on fintech, NJ FAST aims to support the growth of innovative companies and create new career opportunities, further expanding New Jersey's influence in the national finance and fintech sectors.
在此基礎上,NJ FASt 將利用新澤西作爲金融行業領導者的悠久傳統。NJ FASt 專注於金融科技,旨在支持創新公司的發展並創造新的職業機會,進一步擴大新澤西在全國金融和金融科技領域的影響力。
"NJ FAST will have a long-term impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem of New Jersey, creating a legacy of success and innovation within the financial services industry for years to come," said Saeed Amidi, Founder and CEO of Plug and Play. "This initiative is about embedding a culture of innovation in New Jersey, and beyond, with startups we believe can change the world."
「NJ FASt 將對新澤西的創業生態系統產生長期影響,爲金融服務行業創造成功和創新的遺產,」Plug and Play 創始人兼首席執行官 Saeed Amidi 表示。「這一倡議旨在在新澤西及其他地區植入創新文化,與我們相信能夠改變世界的初創公司共同進行。」
NJ FAST is designed to offer entrepreneurs a platform to drive innovation across the state of New Jersey. Selected startups will benefit from mentorship, funding resources, and opportunities to collaborate with industry experts. As part of the program, startups will have access to Plug and Play's extensive network of corporate, government, investor, and university partners, providing them with invaluable insights, support, and potential strategic partnerships.
NJ FASt 的設計是爲企業家提供一個推動新澤西州創新的平台。獲選的初創公司將享受到指導、資金資源和與行業專家合作的機會。作爲項目的一部分,初創公司將可以接觸到 Plug and Play 廣泛的企業、政府、投資者和高校合作伙伴網絡,爲他們提供寶貴的見解、支持和潛在的戰略合作。
"Since taking office, Governor Murphy has prioritized growing New Jersey's innovation economy by ensuring that companies of the future have access to first-rate resources and support," said NJEDA Chief Executive Officer Tim Sullivan. "Through NJEDA's Strategic Innovation Centers initiative, centers like NJFAST are working to empower startups to develop cutting-edge technologies that create jobs, support long-term sustainable economic growth, and attract world-class talent. The graduation of NJFAST's inaugural cohort serves as a testament to the initiative's success fostering innovation, and solidifying New Jersey's role as a leader in fintech and insurtech."
「自上任以來,墨菲州長優先考慮通過確保未來公司能夠獲得一流資源和壓力位來推動新澤西的創新經濟,」NJEDA首席執行官TIM Sullivan說。「通過NJEDA的戰略創新中心計劃,像NJFASt這樣的中心致力於賦能初創企業開發前沿科技,以創造就業、支持長期可持續經濟增長,並吸引世界級人才。NJFAST首屆批次的畢業是該計劃在推動創新方面成功的見證,同時鞏固了新澤西在金融科技和保險科技領域的領先地位。」
Plug and Play is accepting applications for Batch 2 of NJ FAST until January 6th, 2025.
Plug and Play正在接受 應用程序 至2025年1月6日的NJ FASt第2批次申請。
The inaugural batch of NJ FAST consists of the following startups:
NJ FASt的首批新創企業包括:
DIRO is the first Original Documents capture platform to offer full global coverage.
DIRO 是首個提供全球完整覆蓋的原始文件捕捉平台。
Physis Investments leverages AI and its proprietary in-house database of over 176 million data points to generate sustainability insights through a SaaS platform and a generative AI-based chatbot.
Physis Investments 利用人工智能及其自有數據庫中的超過17600萬數據點,通過Saas平台和基於生成性人工智能的聊天機器人生成可持續性洞察。
SPIN Analytics brings digital transformation in credit risk management by leveraging predictive analytics, AI, and ML techniques on big data.
SPIN Analytics通過利用預測分析、人工智能和機器學習技術對大數據進行處理,爲信用風險管理帶來了數字化轉型。
Balcony Technology Group leverages distributed ledger technology to provide the real estate ecosystem with a blockchain-based solution for improved Security, Automation, Transparency, Integration, And Interoperability.
陽臺科技集團 利用分佈式賬本技術爲房地產業提供基於區塊鏈的解決方案,以改善安防、自動化、透明度、集成和互操作性。
Intergen DATA Develops proprietary AI/ML algo's to predict when Life Events may occur, what it could be, & how much of a financial impact it would make.
Intergen DATA 開發專有的人工智能/機器學習算法來預測生活事件何時可能發生、可能是什麼以及對財務的影響程度。
Muse Tax is an A.I.-based tool that finds every tax deduction and credit for you, showing you ways to save on taxes.
Multimodal automate complex, knowledge-based workflows in banking, insurance, and healthcare using generative AI agents.
Muse Tax 是一款基於人工智能的工具,能爲您找到所有的稅收抵扣和信用,向您展示節省稅款的方法。
多模態 利用生成的人工智能代理,自動化銀行、保險和醫療行業中的複雜知識工作流程。
bckers is an AI and Fintech information services company that specializes in delivering data and analytical tools to assess and score the performance, integrity, and risk of organizations and teams.
bckers 是一家人工智能和金融科技信息服務公司,專注於提供數據和分析工具,以評估和評分組織及團隊的表現、完整性和風險。
Hydronos Labs transforming access to comprehensive weather and climate risk assessment, planning and mitigation capabilities in a constantly changing climate, delivering the latest science in an easy-to-digest and cost-effective manner.
Hydronos Labs 在不斷變化的氣候中,轉變全面的天氣和氣候風險評估、規劃和減緩能力的獲取,以易於理解和經濟實惠的方式傳遞最新的科學知識。
LexFund is the first US marketplace for the multi-billion dollar litigation finance industry.
LexFund 是美國數十億美元訴訟融資行業的第一個市場。
Synthera.ai generate realistic yield curves, stock prices, FX rates and more using cutting edge generative AI., allowing investors to test their portfolios on thousands of unseen market scenarios and unlock novel insights previously beyond reach.
Synthera.ai 生成現實的收益曲線、股票價格、外匯匯率等,採用尖端生成AI,使投資者能夠測試他們的投資組合在數千種未見市場場景中的表現,並解鎖以前無法達到的新見解。
Mobysign is a mobile application that offers strong authentication for payments, logins, document signatures and any transaction.
Mobysign 是一個移動應用程序,爲支付、登錄、文件簽名和任何交易提供強身份驗證。
CurraPay is building the Booking.com of the international money transfer market.
CurraPay 正在構建國際匯款市場的Booking.com。
Accern NoCodeNLP Platform empowers citizen data scientists to extract fast and easy insights from unstructured data.
Accern NoCodeNLP平台使公民數據科學家能夠從非結構化數據中快速輕鬆地提取見解。
For more information about NJ FAST, visit .
有關NJ FASt的更多信息,請訪問 .
About Plug and Play
關於Plug and Play
Plug and Play is the leading innovation platform, connecting startups, corporations, venture capital firms, universities, and government agencies. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, we're present in 60+ locations across five continents. We offer corporate innovation programs and help our corporate partners in every stage of their innovation journey, from education to execution. We also organize startup acceleration programs and have built an in-house VC to drive innovation across multiple industries where we've invested in hundreds of successful companies including Dropbox, Guardant Health, Honey, Lending Club, N26, PayPal, and Rappi. For more information, visit
Plug and Play是領先的創新平台,連接創業公司、企業、創投公司、高校和政府機構。我們總部位於硅谷,在五大洲的60多個地點開展業務。我們提供企業創新項目,並在每個創新旅程階段幫助企業合作伙伴,從教育到執行。我們還組織創業加速項目,並建立了內部創投公司,以推動我們投資於包括Dropbox、Guardant Health、Honey、Lending Club、N26、PayPal和Rappi在內的多個行業的創新,幫助我們成功投資了數百家公司。有關更多信息,請訪問
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