
Is The York Water Company’s (NASDAQ:YORW) 6.5% ROCE Any Good?

Is The York Water Company’s (NASDAQ:YORW) 6.5% ROCE Any Good?

是約克自來水公司的 (納斯達克:約爾夫) 6.5% 價值有什麼好處?
Simply Wall St. ·  2020/02/21 17:34


Today we are going to look at The York Water Company (NASDAQ:YORW) to see whether it might be an attractive investment prospect. In particular, we'll consider its Return On Capital Employed (ROCE), as that can give us insight into how profitably the company is able to employ capital in its business.


First up, we'll look at what ROCE is and how we calculate it. Then we'll compare its ROCE to similar companies. Finally, we'll look at how its current liabilities affect its ROCE. Return On Capital Employed (ROCE): What is it?


ROCE measures the 'return' (pre-tax profit) a company generates from capital employed in its business. All else being equal, a better business will have a higher ROCE. Overall, it is a valuable metric that has its flaws. Author Edwin Whitingsaysto be careful when comparing the ROCE of different businesses, since 'No two businesses are exactly alike. How Do You Calculate Return On Capital Employed?


The formula for calculating the return on capital employed is:


Return on Capital Employed = Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) ÷ (Total Assets - Current Liabilities)


Or for York Water:


0.065 = US$22m ÷ (US$361m - US$17m) (Based on the trailing twelve months to September 2019.)


Therefore, York Water has an ROCE of 6.5%.


View our latest analysis for York Water Is York Water's ROCE Good?


When making comparisons between similar businesses, investors may find ROCE useful. In our analysis, York Water's ROCE is meaningfully higher than the 4.3% average in the Water Utilities industry. We would consider this a positive, as it suggests it is using capital more effectively than other similar companies. Setting aside the industry comparison for now, York Water's ROCE is mediocre in absolute terms, considering the risk of investing in stocks versus the safety of a bank account. Readers may find more attractive investment prospects elsewhere.

在對類似業務進行比較時,投資者可能會發現ROCE很有用。在我們的分析中,約克水務的淨資產收益率顯著高於水務行業4.3%的平均水平。我們會認為這是積極的,因為它表明它比其他類似公司更有效地利用資本。撇開行業比較不談,現在考慮到投資股票的風險與銀行賬户的安全性,York Water的ROCE絕對值一般。讀者可能會在其他地方找到更具吸引力的投資前景。

You can click on the image below to see (in greater detail) how York Water's past growth compares to other companies.



When considering ROCE, bear in mind that it reflects the past and does not necessarily predict the future. ROCE can be deceptive for cyclical businesses, as returns can look incredible in boom times, and terribly low in downturns. ROCE is, after all, simply a snap shot of a single year. Since the future is so important for investors, you should check out our free report on analyst forecasts for York Water. Do York Water's Current Liabilities Skew Its ROCE?


Current liabilities include invoices, such as supplier payments, short-term debt, or a tax bill, that need to be paid within 12 months. Due to the way the ROCE equation works, having large bills due in the near term can make it look as though a company has less capital employed, and thus a higher ROCE than usual. To check the impact of this, we calculate if a company has high current liabilities relative to its total assets.


York Water has current liabilities of US$17m and total assets of US$361m. Therefore its current liabilities are equivalent to approximately 4.7% of its total assets. York Water reports few current liabilities, which have a negligible impact on its unremarkable ROCE. The Bottom Line On York Water's ROCE


If performance improves, then York Water may be an OK investment, especially at the right valuation. You might be able to find a better investment than York Water. If you want a selection of possible winners, check out this free list of interesting companies that trade on a P/E below 20 (but have proven they can grow earnings).

如果業績改善,那麼York Water可能是一筆不錯的投資,特別是在正確的估值下。你或許能找到比約克水務更好的投資。如果您想要選擇可能的贏家,請查看以下內容免費市盈率低於20倍(但已證明它們可以增加收益)的有趣公司名單。

If you like to buy stocks alongside management, then you might just love this free list of companies. (Hint: insiders have been buying them).


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