SingPost Fiasco, Opportunity During Weakness
SingPost Fiasco, Opportunity During Weakness
SingPost has terminated the employment of its CEO, CFO and CEO of its international business unit as they allegedly failed to exercise due diligence and breached their duties in relation to a whistle blowing report alleging manual entries of certain delivery codes. Maybank IB notes that the company has already settled with the customer involved which will not be material to its FY25E NTA and EPS and the customer's contract has been renewed.
新郵政已終止其首席執行官、財務長及國際業務部門首席執行官的職務,因爲他們 allegedly未能盡到勤勉義務並違反了對一起指控某些交付代碼人工錄入的舉報報告的責任。馬來亞銀行投資公司指出,該公司已經與相關客戶達成和解,這對其 FY25E NTA 和 每股收益 沒有實質性影響,該客戶的合同已被續簽。
The house believes that the end-game remains unchanged as the strategic review and monetisation of non-core assets was driven by the board. The Australia business sale will likely proceed as the board believes the divestment is the best option for shareholders. It also thinks this will be an opportunity to accumulate SingPost shares on weakness.
該公司認爲,最終結果保持不變,因爲戰略審查和非核心資產的貨幣化是董事會推動的。由於董事會認爲剝離是對 股東 最好的選擇,澳洲 業務的出售可能會繼續進行。它還認爲這將是一個在市場疲軟時積累新郵政股票的機會。
Manual entries of certain delivery codes
Three managers with various operational responsibilities in its international business operations allegedly manually performed/approved updates of delivery failure status codes for parcels SingPost had agreed to deliver even though no delivery attempt had been made and which lacked supporting documents to avoid contractual penalties with one of its largest
customers. The 3 managers were terminated earlier in 2024 and a police report has also been made. A settlement has been agreed and paid to the customer which is not material to SingPost's current year NTA and EPS.
三位管理人員在其國際業務操作中承擔着各種運營責任, allegedly手動執行/批准了交付失敗狀態代碼的更新,這些代碼與新郵政曾同意交付的包裹相關,儘管尚未進行交付嘗試,並且缺乏支持文件以避免與其最大的客戶之一產生合同罰款。
這三位管理人員於2024年早些時候被解僱,並已報告警方。已與客戶達成和解並支付,且這對新郵政當前年度的 NTA 和 每股收益 沒有實質性影響。
Board-driven initiative – End-game unchanged
In July 2023, the board initiated a strategic review with a view to enhancing shareholder returns and ensuring that SingPost is appropriately valued. It has identified a list of assets and businesses that are non-core to its strategy which can be monetised to recycle capital. The house believes that the proceeds from the Australia business will be returned to shareholders
after paring down debt. Maybank IB also expects more asset sales going forward like Famous Holdings, SingPost centre and its post offices. We expect potentially up to SGD0.86/sh of dividends in the next 2 years.
董事會驅動的舉措 - 最終結果不變
Maybank Ib還預期未來會有更多的資產出售,比如Famous Holdings、新郵政中心和其郵局。我們預計在接下來的兩年內,每股可能達到SGD0.86的分紅派息。
Accumulate on weakness
Despite the termination of key management, Maybank IB said it believes that the roadmap to return shareholder value remains unchanged as it is board-driven and shareholders could potentially receive up to SGD0.86/share if all its assets are monetised. We think the downside risk is now limited and maintain a conviction BUY on SingPost for its asset monetisation story.
儘管關鍵管理層被解僱,Maybank Ib表示仍相信回報股東價值的路線圖沒有改變,因爲這是由董事會主導的,如果所有資產都被變現,股東可能會獲得每股高達SGD0.86的收益。我們認爲下行風險現在已有限,並對新郵政的資產變現故事保持堅定的買入信心。