KKR Releases 2025 Global Macro Outlook
KKR Releases 2025 Global Macro Outlook
Henry McVey: The Glass is Still Half Full for Investors
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–KKR, a leading global investment firm, today released its 2025 Global Macro Outlook by Henry McVey, CIO of KKR's Balance Sheet and Head of Global Macro and Asset Allocation (GMAA).
McVey and his team retain a Glass Half Full mentality heading into 2025, though they believe the bar is now higher to achieve strong absolute returns. They also note that while investors should expect lower returns and more volatility, the combination of stronger U.S. productivity, favorable technicals, robust nominal earnings growth, and lack of net issuance elicit confidence that more gains lie ahead for investors in 2025.
Against this backdrop, McVey and his team suggest that investors own more assets that are linked to nominal GDP, such as Infrastructure, Real Estate and Asset-Based Finance. They are also positive on investments linked to domestic consumption stories, control positions where operational improvements can drive robust growth, investments that stand to benefit from political changes, and the private sector, which is positioned to benefit from the general desire for "less government" amid rising deficits.
在這種背景下,麥克維及其團隊建議投資者擁有更多與名義GDP相關的資產,例如基礎設施、房地產和資產融資。他們還對與國內消費狀況相關的投資、運營改善可以推動強勁增長的控制地位、有望從政治變革中受益的投資以及私營部門持樂觀態度,在赤字增加的情況下,私營部門有望從 「減少政府」 的普遍願望中受益。
The following key points underpin the team's latest thinking:
- Recent election outcomes around the world put an exclamation point on our Regime Change thesis for investing, which is driven by bigger deficits, heightened geopolitics, a messy energy transition, and stickier U.S. inflation.
- We envision a blurring of economics and national security across all regions, likely encouraging political leaders to develop ways to expand investment, including increased savings, more private sector involvement, and a focus on driving down the cost of capital.
- We are experiencing an asynchronous recovery. For the first time, the ECB is cutting earlier and faster than the Fed this cycle, while in Asia, the Bank of Japan is raising rates. At the same time, Chinese bonds now yield less than those of Japan.
- We finally believe that the more aggressive GDP and EPS growth estimates for the U.S. by the sell-side to start the year will set a higher bar for an 'upside surprise' in 2025. In this context, we think earnings growth now matters more than multiple expansion.
- U.S. productivity is surging, elevating both earnings and growth. This backdrop should give a boost to the U.S. dollar as well as U.S. equity and credit markets again in 2025.
- We are focused on currency volatility, as tariff wars and big fiscal imbalances could create volatility shocks that differ from recent cycles.
- We are below consensus on our near-term outlook for oil. At the same time, however, as AI scales, we believe energy security will become even more entwined with national security.
- 最近的全球選舉結果給我們的投資政權更迭論注入了驚歎號,這是由更大的赤字、地緣政治的加劇、混亂的能源轉型和更嚴峻的美國通貨膨脹所推動的。
- 我們預計,所有地區的經濟和國家安全將變得模糊,這可能會鼓勵政治領導人想方設法擴大投資,包括增加儲蓄、更多私營部門參與以及專注於降低資本成本。
- 我們正在經歷異步恢復。在本週期,歐洲央行首次比聯儲局更早、更快地減息,而在亞洲,日本銀行正在加息。同時,中國債券的收益率現在低於日本的收益率。
- 我們最終認爲,賣方對美國年初更激進的GDP和每股收益增長的估計將爲2025年的 「上行意外」 設定更高的標準。在這種情況下,我們認爲現在的收益增長比多次擴張更重要。
- 美國的生產率正在飆升,提高了收益和增長。這種背景應該會在2025年再次提振美元以及美國股票和信貸市場。
- 我們關注貨幣波動,因爲關稅戰和大規模財政失衡可能會造成與近期週期不同的波動性衝擊。
- 我們對石油的短期前景未達到共識。但是,與此同時,隨着人工智能的擴展,我們相信能源安全將與國家安全更加緊密地交織在一起。
McVey and his team also identify the following key mega-themes that can serve as compelling investment opportunities in today's more complicated environment:
- Improved Capital Efficiency – We're seeing more companies shift from capital heavy to capital light. This playbook opens a major opportunity for credit providers to make a compelling economic rent by providing an 'off ramp' for the assets being sold.
- Private Sector Market Share Gainers – We believe the combination of rising deficits and the desire for 'less' government will lead to a larger private sector role in key growth markets. Areas such as digital infrastructure, space exploration, retirement savings, and defense are likely to see outcomes shaped by increased private investment.
- Worker Retraining/Productivity – We think the opportunity set for lifelong learning and worker retraining may be as large as it has ever been amid rapid technological changes and post-COVID educational disengagement.
- Security of Everything – We remain maximum bullish on this theme. Against a background of rising geopolitical tensions, cyberattacks, and shifting global supply chains, there is demand for resiliency in key inputs such as energy, data, transportation, and pharmaceuticals.
- Intra-Asia – We think Asia is becoming more Asia-centric, with increased trade within the region versus with developed markets in the West; we also see more countries in the region participating in Asia's global growth engine. We're focused on key areas including transportation assets, subsea cables, security, data/data centers, and energy transmission.
- Demographic Challenges to Retirement Security – We are bullish on domestic retirement savings, especially as the working-age population is peaking in many parts of the world and more governments begin to appreciate the importance of keeping local flows in their own markets.
- AI/Energy Infrastructure — For AI to scale, massive investment will be required in the picks and shovels as well as the energy infrastructure required to support growth. We also expect more global expansion linked to AI in the coming years, especially in Asia.
- 提高資本效率——我們看到越來越多的公司從資本密集型轉向輕資本型。該劇本爲信貸提供者提供了一個重要機會,通過爲出售的資產提供 「出路」 來賺取誘人的經濟租金。
- 私營部門市場份額增長——我們認爲,赤字增加和對 「減少」 政府的渴望相結合,將導致私營部門在關鍵增長市場中發揮更大的作用。數字基礎設施、太空探索、退休儲蓄和國防等領域的結果可能會受到私人投資的增加的影響。
- 員工再培訓/生產力——我們認爲,在快速的技術變革和後COVID教育脫離的情況下,終身學習和員工再培訓的機會可能與以往一樣大。
- 萬物安全 — 我們仍然非常看好這個主題。在地緣政治緊張局勢加劇、網絡攻擊和全球供應鏈變化的背景下,能源、數據、運輸和藥品等關鍵投入需要靈活性。
- 亞洲內——我們認爲,亞洲正變得越來越以亞洲爲中心,與西方發達市場相比,該地區內部的貿易有所增加;我們還看到該地區有更多的國家參與亞洲的全球增長引擎。我們專注於關鍵領域,包括運輸資產、海底電纜、安全、數據/數據中心和能源傳輸。
- 退休保障面臨的人口挑戰——我們看好國內退休儲蓄,尤其是在世界許多地方的工作年齡人口正達到頂峯之際,越來越多的政府開始意識到保持本國市場本地資金流的重要性。
- 人工智能/能源基礎設施——爲了擴大人工智能的規模,將需要在鏟子和鏟子以及支持增長所需的能源基礎設施上進行大量投資。我們還預計,未來幾年將有更多與人工智能相關的全球擴張,尤其是在亞洲。
In addition to these insights and themes, the report details the GMAA team's updated views on the geopolitical landscape, global economic forecasts, capital markets, interest rates, commodities, and asset allocation.
Links to access this report in full as well as an archive of Henry McVey's previous publications follow:
- To read the latest Insights, click here.
- For an archive of previous publications please visit .
- 要閱讀最新的見解,請單擊此處。
- 如需查看以前出版物的檔案,請訪問。
About Henry McVey
Henry H. McVey joined KKR in 2011 and is Head of the Global Macro, Balance Sheet and Risk team. Mr. McVey also serves as Chief Investment Officer for the Firm's Balance Sheet, oversees Firmwide Market Risk at KKR, and co-heads KKR's Strategic Partnership Initiative. As part of these roles, he sits on the Firm's Global Operating Committee and the Risk & Operations Committee. Prior to joining KKR, Mr. McVey was a Managing Director, Lead Portfolio Manager and Head of Global Macro and Asset Allocation at Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM). Learn more about Mr. McVey here.
亨利·麥克維於2011年加入KKR,是全球宏觀、資產負債表和風險團隊負責人。McVey先生還擔任公司資產負債表的首席投資官,監督KKR的全公司市場風險,並共同領導KKR的戰略伙伴關係計劃。作爲這些職位的一部分,他在公司的全球運營委員會和風險與運營委員會任職。在加入KKR之前,McVey先生曾在摩根士丹利投資管理(MSIM)擔任董事總經理、首席投資組合經理兼全球宏觀和資產配置主管。在此處了解有關 McVey 先生的更多信息。
About KKR
關於 KKR
KKR is a leading global investment firm that offers alternative asset management as well as capital markets and insurance solutions. KKR aims to generate attractive investment returns by following a patient and disciplined investment approach, employing world-class people, and supporting growth in its portfolio companies and communities. KKR sponsors investment funds that invest in private equity, credit and real assets and has strategic partners that manage hedge funds. KKR's insurance subsidiaries offer retirement, life and reinsurance products under the management of Global Atlantic Financial Group. References to KKR's investments may include the activities of its sponsored funds and insurance subsidiaries. For additional information about KKR & Co. Inc. (NYSE: KKR), please visit KKR's website at . For additional information about Global Atlantic Financial Group, please visit Global Atlantic Financial Group's website at .
KKR是一家領先的全球投資公司,提供另類資產管理以及資本市場和保險解決方案。KKR旨在通過遵循耐心和紀律嚴明的投資方法、僱用世界一流的人才以及支持其投資組合公司和社區的增長來創造有吸引力的投資回報。KKR贊助投資於私募股權、信貸和實物資產的投資基金,並擁有管理對沖基金的戰略合作伙伴。KKR的保險子公司在環球大西洋金融集團的管理下提供退休、人壽和再保險產品。提及KKR投資的內容可能包括其贊助基金和保險子公司的活動。有關 KKR & Co. 的更多信息Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:KKR),請訪問KKR的網站,網址爲。有關環球大西洋金融集團的更多信息,請訪問環球大西洋金融集團的網站,網址爲。
The views expressed in the report and summarized herein are the personal views of Henry McVey of KKR and do not necessarily reflect the views of KKR or the strategies and products that KKR manages or offers. Nothing contained herein constitutes investment, legal, tax or other advice nor is it to be relied on in making an investment decision or any other decision. This release is prepared solely for information purposes and should not be viewed as a current, past or future recommendation or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy. This release contains forward-looking statements, which are based on beliefs, assumptions and expectations that may change as a result of many possible events or factors. If a change occurs, actual results may vary materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements speak only as of the date such statements are made, and neither KKR nor Mr. McVey assumes any duty to update such statements except as required by law.
報告中表達並在此概述的觀點是KKR的Henry McVey的個人觀點,不一定反映KKR的觀點或KKR管理或提供的策略和產品。此處包含的任何內容均不構成投資、法律、稅務或其他建議,也不可作爲投資決策或任何其他決策的依據。本新聞稿僅供參考,不應被視爲當前、過去或未來的建議,也不得被視爲買入或賣出任何證券或採取任何投資策略的要約的徵集。本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述,這些陳述基於信念、假設和預期,這些信念、假設和預期可能會因許多可能的事件或因素而發生變化。如果發生變化,實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述中表達的結果存在重大差異。所有前瞻性陳述僅代表截至此類陳述發表之日,除非法律要求,否則KKR和McVey先生均不承擔更新此類陳述的任何責任。
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Julia Kosygina or Lauren McCranie
Source: KKR