Presse Release: Jean-Paul Kress to Join Sanofi's Board of Directors
Presse Release: Jean-Paul Kress to Join Sanofi's Board of Directors
Jean-Paul Kress to join Sanofi's Board of Directors
Paris, December 19, 2024. Sanofi's Board of Directors is pleased to welcome Jean-Paul Kress as an independent director as of January 1, 2025, replacing Gilles Schnepp who has decided to leave the Board at the end of 2024. Jean-Paul Kress will hold his position for the remainder of Gilles Schnepp's term of office and his appointment will be subject to ratification at the next Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Sanofi.
Jean-Paul Kress, M.D., served as the CEO of MorphoSys from 2019 until it was acquired by Novartis in 2024. He led the company in its mission – More life for people with cancer – and has spearheaded its transformation into a global biopharmaceutical company developing and commercializing novel cancer medicines. Prior to this, Jean-Paul Kress was the CEO of Syntimmune, where he sharpened the company's focus on late-stage clinical development in auto-immune diseases until the company's acquisition by Alexion. He has also held several senior leadership roles at other pharmaceutical companies in the US and in Europe. Jean-Paul Kress served as Chairman of the Board of Directors at ERYTECH Pharma and was a member of Sarepta Therapeutics' Board of Directors. He received his M.D. from Faculté Necker-Enfants Malades in Paris and Master of Sciences in molecular and cellular pharmacology from Ecole normale supérieure (Ulm) in Paris.
讓-保羅·克雷斯萬·D.曾於2019年擔任MorphoSys的首席執行官,直到該公司在2024年被諾華收購。他引領公司實現其使命—爲癌症患者帶來更多生命,並推動其轉型爲全球生物製藥公司,開發和商業化新型癌症藥物。在此之前,讓-保羅·克雷斯曾是Syntimmune的首席執行官,他在免疫疾病的後期臨床開發上集中公司的重點,直到該公司被Alexion收購。他還在美國和歐洲的其他藥品公司擔任過多個高級管理職位。讓-保羅·克雷斯曾擔任ERYTECH Pharma董事會主席,並且是Sarepta Therapeutics董事會的成員。他在巴黎的內克爾兒童醫院獲得醫學博士學位,並在巴黎的高等師範學校(烏爾姆)獲得分子和細胞藥理學碩士學位。
Frédéric Oudéa
Chairman of the Board of Directors
"I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Gilles Schnepp for his unwavering dedication to the Board, and particularly his pivotal contribution to the evolution of the company's governance in 2023. The Board is delighted to welcome Jean-Paul Kress as its newest director. With over 30 years of diverse executive experience in the pharmaceutical sector, spanning large corporations and biotech firms, Jean-Paul brings exceptional global expertise to the Board. His insights will be invaluable in guiding the company's ongoing strategic evolution in the biopharmaceutical field."
Regarding the organization of the Board Committees, Patrick Kron will take over as Chairman of the Appointments, Governance and CSR Committee and Jean-Paul Kress will join the Strategy Committee and the Scientific Committee.
About Sanofi
We are an innovative global healthcare company, driven by one purpose: we chase the miracles of science to improve people's lives. Our team, across the world, is dedicated to transforming the practice of medicine by working to turn the impossible into the possible. We provide potentially life-changing treatment options and life-saving vaccine protection to millions of people globally, while putting sustainability and social responsibility at the center of our ambitions.
Sanofi is listed on EURONEXT: SAN and NASDAQ: SNY
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