
Afya To Acquire Faculdade Única De Contagem For R$100M, Adding 60 Medical School Seats In Minas Gerais With Potential For 60 More, Targeting R$52.4M Annual Revenue And 3.3x EV/EBITDA By 2030

Afya To Acquire Faculdade Única De Contagem For R$100M, Adding 60 Medical School Seats In Minas Gerais With Potential For 60 More, Targeting R$52.4M Annual Revenue And 3.3x EV/EBITDA By 2030

Afya計劃以R$10000萬收購Faculdade Única De Contagem,在米納斯吉拉斯新增60個醫療學位,並有潛力再增加60個,目標是到2030年實現R$5240萬的年度營業收入和3.3倍的企業價值/息稅折舊攤銷前利潤比率。
Benzinga ·  2024/12/19 06:40

Afya Limited (NASDAQ:AFYA, B3: A2FY34)) ("Afya" or the "Company"), the leading medical education group and medical practice solutions provider in Brazil, announced today that it has entered into a share purchase agreement for the acquisition, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Afya Participações S.A., of 100% of the total share capital of Faculdade Masterclass Ltda. ("Faculdade Única de Contagem" or "FUNIC"), present in Contagem (MG).

Afya Limited(納斯達克:AFYA,B3:A2FY34)("Afya"或"公司"),是巴西領先的醫療教育集團和醫療實踐解決方案提供商,今天宣佈它已經與其全資子公司Afya Participações S.A.簽署了一份股份購買協議,收購Faculdade Masterclass Ltda.("Faculdade Única de Contagem"或"FUNIC")100%的股本,該校位於康塔根(MG)。

The acquisition will add 60 medical school seats to Afya in Contagem, a city in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais. FUNIC is pre-operational, with leased real estate prepared for the start of the medical school operation. It will be Afya's fifth medical school in Minas Gerais and will serve as an academic hub for the other medical campuses in the state. Afya will confirm the expected timing of the first intake, contingent on the completion date of the closing process.


The aggregate purchase price is R$ 100 million, and the Net Debt will be deducted at closing. The price and payment conditions are R$ 60 million will be paid in cash at the closing date, and R$ 40 million will be paid in three annual installments adjusted by the Brazilian interbank interest rates ("CDI").

購買總價爲R$ 10000萬,淨債務將在交割時扣除。價格和支付條件爲R$ 6000萬將在交割日以現金支付,R$ 4000萬將在三年內分期支付,按巴西同業拆借利率("CDI")調整。

Furthermore, there is a potential for 60 additional seats. If approved by the Ministry of Education ("MEC") within 36 months from the closing date, it will result in an additional payment of R$ 1 million per granted seat, limited to 60 seats.

此外,還有增加60個名額的潛力。如果在交割日期後36個月內獲得教育部("MEC")的批准,意味着每個獲得的名額將額外支付R$ 100萬,限於60個名額。

Afya expects an EV/EBITDA of 3.3x at full maturity and post synergies in 2030 with expected Net Revenues of R$ 52.4 million, of which 100% will come from Medicine.

Afya預計在2030年全面成熟後及其協同效應後, EV/EBITDA爲3.3倍,預期淨收入爲R$ 5240萬,100%將來自醫學。

