
Immix Biopharma Announces Positive U.S. Clinical Data From First Four Patients in NEXICART-2 U.S. Trial of Sterically-optimized CAR-T NXC-201 in Relapsed/refractory Light Chain (AL) Amyloidosis

Immix Biopharma Announces Positive U.S. Clinical Data From First Four Patients in NEXICART-2 U.S. Trial of Sterically-optimized CAR-T NXC-201 in Relapsed/refractory Light Chain (AL) Amyloidosis

Immix Biopharma宣佈在NEXICARt-2美國試驗中,第一批四名患者的積極臨牀數據,針對復發/難治性輕鏈(AL)澱粉樣變性中的立體優化CAR-t NXC-201。
GlobeNewswire ·  2024/12/19 22:35

Immix Biopharma Announces Positive U.S. Clinical Data From First Four Patients in NEXICART-2 U.S. Trial of sterically-optimized CAR-T NXC-201 in relapsed/refractory Light Chain (AL) Amyloidosis

Immix生物製藥宣佈在NEXICARt-2美國試驗中針對復發/難治性輕鏈(AL)澱粉樣變的立體優化CAR-t NXC-201的前四名患者獲得了積極的美國臨床數據。

Immix Biopharma, Inc. (Nasdaq:IMMX)
Immix Biopharma, Inc. (納斯達克:IMMX)
  • All four patients treated with NXC-201 normalized their disease markers within 30 days of dosing, of which, two are already classified as complete responders (CR), and the remaining two are bone marrow MRD negative (10-6); all patients remain in response as of the data cutoff of Nov 14, 2024
  • Bone marrow MRD negativity predicts future CR; company believes remaining two patients could be confirmed as CRs in the coming weeks and months
  • Company to provide next program update in H1 2025
  • Conference call to discuss results Dec 19 at 11:00 a.m. ET (link to attend)
  • 接受NXC-201治療的所有四名患者在給藥後30天內其疾病標誌物正常化,其中兩名患者已被分類爲完全應答者(CR),其餘兩名患者骨髓MRD陰性(10-6);截至2024年11月14日的數據截止時,所有患者仍保持應答。
  • 骨髓MRD陰性預測未來的CR;公司認爲剩餘的兩名患者在未來幾周和幾個月內可能被確認爲CR。
  • 公司將在2025年上半年提供下一個項目更新。
  • 會議電話將在12月19日上午11:00(東部時間)討論結果(鏈接參加)。

LOS ANGELES, CA, Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Immix Biopharma, Inc. ("ImmixBio", "Company", "We" or "Us" or "IMMX"), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing cell therapies for AL Amyloidosis and select immune-mediated diseases, today announced initial clinical data from the first four patients in the ongoing NEXICART-2 (NCT06097832) U.S. study of sterically-optimized BCMA-targeted chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapy, NXC-201, in relapsed/refractory AL Amyloidosis. Immix plans to host a conference call to review the results on Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 11:00 AM ET.

洛杉磯,加州,2024年12月19日(全球新聞網)-- Immix Biopharma, Inc.("ImmixBio"、"公司"、"我們"或"我們"或"IMMX"),一家開發用於AL澱粉樣變性和選擇性免疫介導疾病的細胞療法的臨床階段生物製藥公司,今天宣佈正在進行的NEXICARt-2(NCT06097832)美國研究中前四名患者的初步臨床數據,該研究涉及立體優化的BCMA靶向嵌合抗原受體t(CAR-T)細胞療法NXC-201,適用於復發/難治性的AL澱粉樣變性。Immix計劃在2024年12月19日星期四上午11:00(東部時間)主持會議電話以審查結果。

NEXICART-2 is a Phase 1b/2, multi-site U.S. open label dose escalation and dose expansion trial enrolling relapsed/refractory AL Amyloidosis patients with preserved heart function (excluding patients with pre-existing heart failure), who have progressed on Dara-CyBorD. NEXICART-2 builds on prior ex-U.S. study NEXICART-1. NEXICART-2 has completed the first dosing cohort and is currently dosing patients at the expansion cohort dose level. NEXICART-2 is the only ongoing clinical trial of a CAR-T in the United States for AL Amyloidosis. NEXICART-2 opened for enrollment June 2024 and this is the first clinical data being reported from the study.


Immix Biopharma Announces Positive U.S. Clinical Data From First Four Patients in NEXICART-2 U.S. Trial of sterically-optimized CAR-T NXC-201 in relapsed/refractory Light Chain (AL) Amyloidosis
Immix Biopharma宣佈在NEXICARt-2美國試驗中對前四名患者的積極臨床數據,這項試驗使用經過立體優化的CAR-t NXC-201治療復發/難治性輕鏈(AL)澱粉樣變性。

Immix Biopharma, Inc. (Nasdaq:IMMX)
Immix Biopharma, Inc. (納斯達克:IMMX)

"Today's announcement represents a major step forward for Immix. We believe this first data cut of U.S. study NEXICART-2 including rapid and deep responses validates our strategy to focus on relapsed/refractory AL Amyloidosis patients with preserved heart function, who will benefit most from NXC-201 treatment," said Ilya Rachman, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of Immix Biopharma. Gabriel Morris, Chief Financial Officer of Immix Biopharma, added, "We credit the resolute efforts of our investigators, sites, and team as we continue on track for NEXICART-2 interim and final read-outs."

"今天的公告代表着Immix的一大進步。我們相信,這份U.S.研究NEXICARt-2的初步數據,包括快速且深入的響應,驗證了我們專注於心功能保存的復發/難治性AL澱粉樣變性患者的策略,這些患者將從NXC-201的治療中獲得最大收益," Immix Biopharma首席執行官Ilya Rachman萬.D.,博士表示。Immix Biopharma首席財務官Gabriel Morris補充道,"我們讚揚研究人員、地點和團隊的堅定努力,繼續按照計劃進行NEXICARt-2的階段性和最終數據公佈。"

The results include follow-up and clinical data from four patients, and includes NX2-003 patient data through month three. Median follow-up is 85 days (range 29-141) as of the data cut-off date of November 14, 2024.


Patient Characteristics


  • All patients were relapsed (n=1) or refractory (n=3) to an anti-CD38 antibody and experienced a median of 4 prior lines of therapy (range: 2-6) that failed to stop worsening of disease prior to receiving NXC-201.
  • Two patients (50%) had received prior autologous stem cell transplant.
  • 所有患者均爲復發(n=1)或耐藥(n=3)於抗CD38抗體,並在接受NXC-201之前經歷了中位數4條之前的治療線(區間:2-6),未能阻止疾病惡化。
  • 兩名患者(50%)曾接受過自體幹細胞移植。

Disease Markers at enrollment


  • At enrollment, median difference in free light chain (dFLC) was 65 mg/L (range: 24 -86) (among Patients NX2-001, NX2-002, and NX2-004); and Patient NX2-003 M-spike was 0.79 g/dL
  • Patients were cardiac Mayo stage I/II (two Stage II, two stage I) with median NT-proBNP 389 pg/mL (range: 146 – 1,297). Three patients had New York Heart Association (NYHA) class I heart failure while one had class II
  • One patient had kidney involvement with 3.0gm albuminuria in 24 hours
  • 在入組時,自由輕鏈差異(dFLC)中位數爲65 mg/L(區間:24 -86)(在患者NX2-001,NX2-002和NX2-004之間);而患者NX200-300萬.spike爲0.79 g/dL
  • 患者處於心臟Mayo I/II期(兩例II期,二例I期),中位Nt-proBNP爲389 pg/mL(區間:146 – 1,297)。三名患者有紐約心臟協會(NYHA)I級心力衰竭,而一名有II級心力衰竭。
  • 一名患者有腎臟受累,24小時尿白蛋白爲3.0克。

Clinical Results


  • Three patients received 150 million and 1 received 450 million CAR+T cells
  • Median follow-up was 85 days (range 29-141) as of the data cut-off date of November 14, 2024
  • 三名患者接受了15000萬,1名患者接受了45000萬的CAR+t細胞。
  • 截至2024年11月14日的數據截止日期,中位隨訪爲85天(區間29-141)。

Disease Markers after NXC-201 treatment


  • All four patients treated with NXC-201 normalized their disease markers within 30 days of dosing, of which, two are already classified as complete responders (CR), and the remaining two are bone marrow MRD negative (10-6); all patients remain in response as of the data cutoff of Nov 14, 2024
  • Bone marrow MRD negativity predicts future CR; company believes remaining two patients could be confirmed as CR in the coming weeks and months
  • 接受NXC-201治療的所有四名患者在給藥後30天內其疾病標誌物正常化,其中兩名患者已被分類爲完全應答者(CR),其餘兩名患者骨髓MRD陰性(10-6);截至2024年11月14日的數據截止時,所有患者仍保持應答。
  • 骨髓MRD陰性預測未來的CR;公司認爲剩餘的兩名患者可能在接下來的幾周和幾個月內確認爲CR
    • Patients NX2-001, NX2-002, and NX2-004 all had reduction of dFLC to <1 mg/dL, all three with minimum residual disease bone marrow (MRD)(-)(10-6) negativity in bone marrow by flow cytometry (10-6 sensitivity). Normalization of FLC occurred a median of 7 days (range: 7-26) following NXC-201 infusion.
    • Patient NX2-003, enrolled based on elevated M-spike, had resolution (normalization) of the M-spike 15 days following NXC-201 (did not have elevated dFLC at enrollment).
    • 患者NX2-001、NX2-002和NX2-004的dFLC均減少到
    • 患者NX2-003因m-spike升高入組,在NXC-201治療後15天m-spike得到解決(正常化)(入組時dFLC未升高)。
  • Improvement in NYHA class from class II to class I occurred in 1 patient 14 days following NXC-201 treatment (Patient NX2-002)
  • 在NXC-201治療後14天,1名患者的NYHA分級從II級改善到I級(患者NX2-002)



  • No patient developed immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome.
  • No cytokine-release syndrome (CRS) was observed in two patients (patients NX2-001, NX2-002). Grade 1 (n=1), and grade 2 (n=1) CRS was observed; both onset day 3 and lasting less than 24 hours following one dose of tocilizumab (patients NX2-003 and NX2-004).
  • Hematologic adverse events included neutropenia in all four patients (three grade 3, one grade 4).
  • There was no febrile neutropenia, treatment-related infections, cardiac toxicity, and no deaths.
  • 沒有患者出現免疫效應細胞相關神經毒性綜合症。
  • 在兩名患者(患者NX2-001,NX2-002)中未觀察到細胞因子釋放綜合症(CRS)。觀察到1級(n=1)和2級(n=1)CRS;兩者的發作時間爲第3天,且在接受一劑託珠單抗後持續時間不超過24小時(患者NX2-003和NX2-004)。
  • 所有四名患者均出現血液學不良事件,包括中性粒細胞減少(3例爲3級,1例爲4級)。
  • 沒有出現發熱性中性粒細胞減少、治療相關感染、心臟毒性,也沒有死亡記錄。

Next Steps


  • Immix plans to continue enrolling patients in its potentially pivotal NEXICART-2 (NCT06097832) U.S. clinical trial for relapsed/refractory AL Amyloidosis.
  • Company to provide next program update in H1 2025.
  • Interim clinical data readout is expected Q2/Q3 2025.
  • Final topline clinical data readout is expected Q2/Q3 2026.
  • Immix計劃繼續招募患者參與其潛在關鍵的NEXICARt-2(NCT06097832)美國臨床試驗,針對復發/難治性AL澱粉樣變病。
  • 公司將在2025年上半年提供下一個項目更新。
  • 預計階段性臨床數據將在2025年第二季度/第三季度發佈。
  • 最終的總體臨床數據讀數預計將在2026年第二季度/第三季度發佈。

Virtual Investor Event


The company will host a virtual investor event on Dec 19 at 11:00 a.m. ET: .

公司將於12月19日上午11:00(東部時間)舉辦一次虛擬投資者活動: .

NEXICART-2 (NCT06097832) is an open-label, single-arm, multi-site U.S. Phase 1b/2 dose expansion clinical trial of CAR-T NXC-201 in relapsed/refractory AL Amyloidosis. NEXICART-2 is expected to enroll 40 patients with preserved heart function (excluding patients with pre-existing heart failure) who have not been exposed to prior BCMA-targeted therapy. The study is designed with a standard 6 patient safety-run in to evaluate two doses (three patients each at 150 million CAR+T cells and 450 million CAR+T cells) (both dose levels were evaluated in the NEXICART-1 study and have produced complete responses in relapsed/refractory AL Amyloidosis patients). The study aims to evaluate the safety and efficacy of NXC-201. Primary endpoints are complete response rate and overall response rate, according to consensus recommendations (Palladini et al. 2012).

NEXICARt-2(NCT06097832)是一項開放標籤、單臂、多中心的美國1b/2期劑量擴展臨床試驗,研究CAR-t NXC-201在復發/難治性澱粉樣變AL中的應用。NEXICARt-2預計招募40名心功能保存(排除已有心力衰竭患者)的患者,且未接受過先前針對BCMA的治療。該研究設計爲標準的6名患者安全運行,以評估兩個劑量(每個劑量15000萬CAR+t細胞和45000萬CAR+t細胞各3名患者)(兩種劑量水平在NEXICARt-1研究中均已評估,並在復發/難治性澱粉樣變AL患者中產生了完全緩解的反應)。該研究旨在評估NXC-201的安全性和有效性。主要終點是完全緩解率和總體反應率,依據共識建議(Palladini等,2012年)。

About NXC-201
NXC-201 is a sterically-optimized BCMA-targeted chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapy. Initial data from Phase 1b/2 ex-U.S. study NEXICART-1 has demonstrated high complete response rates and no neurotoxicity of any kind in AL Amyloidosis.


NXC-201 is being studied in a comprehensive clinical development program for the treatment of patients with relapsed/refractory AL amyloidosis in the U.S., with the potential to expand into select immune-mediated diseases. The NXC-201 NEXICART-2 (NCT06097832) U.S. clinical trial builds on a robust clinical dataset. NXC-201 has been awarded Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) in AL Amyloidosis by the US FDA and in the EU by the EMA.

NXC-201正在進行一項綜合臨床開發計劃,旨在治療美國復發/難治性輕鏈澱粉樣變性(AL澱粉樣變性)患者,並有潛力擴展到特定的免疫介導疾病。NXC-201 NEXICARt-2 (NCT06097832)美國臨床試驗建立在強大的臨床數據集基礎上。NXC-201已獲得美國FDA和歐盟EMA授予的AL澱粉樣變性孤兒藥資格(ODD)。

About AL Amyloidosis
AL amyloidosis is caused by abnormal plasma cells in the bone marrow, which produce misfolded amyloid proteins that build-up in the heart, kidney, liver, and other organs. This build-up causes progressive and widespread damage to multiple organs, including heart failure, and leads to high mortality rates.


The U.S. observed prevalence of relapsed/refractory AL Amyloidosis is estimated to be growing at 12% per year according to Staron, et al Blood Cancer Journal, to approximately 33,277 patients in 2024.


The Amyloidosis market was $3.6 billion in 2017, and is expected to reach $6 billion in 2025, according to Grand View Research.

根據Grand View Research,澱粉樣變市場在2017年達到36億美元,預計到2025年將達到60億美元。

About Immix Biopharma, Inc.
Immix Biopharma, Inc. (ImmixBio) (Nasdaq: IMMX) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing cell therapies for AL Amyloidosis and select immune-mediated diseases. Our lead candidate is sterically-optimized BCMA-targeted chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapy NXC-201. NXC-201 is being evaluated in the U.S. Phase 1b/2 trial NEXICART-2 (NCT06097832) as well as the ex-U.S. study NEXICART-1 (NCT04720313). NXC-201 has demonstrated no neurotoxicity of any kind in AL Amyloidosis and short duration of cytokine release syndrome (CRS), supporting expansion into select immune-mediated diseases. NXC-201 has been awarded Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) in AL Amyloidosis by the US FDA and in the EU by the EMA. Learn more at and .

關於Immix Biopharma公司
Immix Biopharma, Inc.(ImmixBio)(納斯達克:IMMX)是一家處於臨床階段的生物製藥公司,正在開發針對AL澱粉樣變性和選擇性免疫介導疾病的電芯療法。我們的主要候選產品是立體優化BCMA靶向嵌合抗原受體t(CAR-T)電芯療法NXC-201。NXC-201正在美國進行1b/2期試驗NEXICARt-2(NCT06097832)評估,同時也參與了美國以外的研究NEXICARt-1(NCT04720313)。在AL澱粉樣變性中,NXC-201沒有表現出任何神經毒性,並且細胞因子釋放綜合症(CRS)持續時間短,支持其擴展到選擇性免疫介導疾病。NXC-201已獲得美國FDA和歐盟EMA對AL澱粉樣變性孤兒藥物認證(ODD)。了解更多信息請訪問 及 。

Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding Immix Biopharma, Inc., its results of operations, prospects, future business plans and operations and the matters discussed above, including, but not limited to, the potential benefits of our product candidate CAR-T NXC-201 and the timing and results related clinical trials. These statements involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from any future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements also include, but are not limited to, our plans, objectives, expectations and intentions and other statements that contain words such as "expects", "contemplates", "anticipates", "plans", "intends", "believes", "estimates", "potential", and variations of such words or similar expressions that convey the uncertainty of future events or outcomes, or that do not relate to historical matters. Those forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially. Among those factors are: (i) the risk that the further data from the ongoing Phase 1b/2 clinical trials for CAR-T NXC-201 will not be favorably consistent with the data readouts to date, (ii) the risk that the Company may not be able to continue the NEXICART-2 multi-site U.S. Phase 1b/2 clinical trial; (iii) the risk that the Company may not be able to advance to registration-enabling studies for CAR-T NXC-201 or other product candidates, (iv) that success in early phases of pre-clinical and clinicals trials do not ensure later clinical trials will be successful; (v) that no drug product developed by the Company has received FDA pre-market approval or otherwise been incorporated into a commercial drug product, (vi) the risk that the Company may not be able to obtain additional working capital with which to continue the clinical trials for CAR-T NXC-201, or advance to the initiation of registration-enabling studies, for such product candidates as and when needed and (vii) those other risks disclosed in the section "Risk Factors" included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 29, 2024 and other periodic reports subsequently filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These reports are available at Immix Biopharma cautions that the foregoing list of important factors is not complete. Immix Biopharma cautions readers not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. Immix Biopharma does not undertake, and specifically disclaims, any obligation to update or revise such statements to reflect new circumstances or unanticipated events as they occur, except as required by law. If we update one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be drawn that we will make additional updates with respect to those or other forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿包含關於Immix Biopharma, Inc.的前瞻性陳述,涉及其運營結果、前景、未來業務計劃和操作,以及上述討論的事項,包括但不限於我們產品候選CAR-t NXC-201的潛在好處以及相關臨床試驗的時間和結果。這些陳述涉及風險和不確定性,實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的未來結果有重大差異。前瞻性陳述還包括但不限於我們的計劃、目標、預期和意圖,以及包含諸如「期望」、「考慮」、「預期」、「計劃」、「打算」、「相信」、「估計」、「潛在」等詞彙的其他陳述,及其變體,或類似表達這些未來事件或結果的不確定性,或與歷史事件無關的表達。這些前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性及其他因素,可能導致實際結果有重大差異。其中一些因素包括:(i) CAR-t NXC-201持續進行的1b/2期臨床試驗的進一步數據與迄今爲止的數據結果將不一致的風險;(ii) 公司可能無法繼續進行NEXICARt-2多中心美國1b/2期臨床試驗的風險;(iii) 公司可能無法推進CAR-t NXC-201或其他產品候選的註冊啓用研究的風險;(iv) 在臨床前和臨床早期試驗中取得成功並不保證後續臨床試驗會成功;(v) 公司開發的任何藥物產品尚未獲得FDA的市場前批准或以其他方式納入商業藥物產品;(vi) 公司可能無法獲得額外的營運資金以繼續CAR-t NXC-201的臨床試驗,或推進註冊啓用研究的啓動, 針對需要的產品候選;(vii) 在2024年3月29日向SEC提交的公司10-k表格年報中的「風險因素」部分及隨後向證券交易委員會提交的其他定期報告中披露的其他風險。這些報告可在www.sec.gov獲取。Immix Biopharma提醒,以上重要因素的清單並不完整。Immix Biopharma警告讀者不要對任何前瞻性陳述過度依賴。Immix Biopharma不承擔且特此拒絕就更新或修訂此類陳述以反映新的情況或未預見的事件而產生的任何義務,除非法律要求。如果我們更新一項或多項前瞻性陳述,不應推斷出我們將會針對這些或其他前瞻性陳述做出額外更新。

Mike Moyer
LifeSci Advisors


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  • Immix Biopharma Announces Positive U.S. Clinical Data From First Four Patients in NEXICART-2 U.S. Trial of sterically-optimized CAR-T NXC-201 in relapsed/refractory Light Chain (AL) Amyloidosis
  • Immix生物製藥宣佈在NEXICARt-2美國試驗中針對復發/難治性輕鏈(AL)澱粉樣變的立體優化CAR-t NXC-201的前四名患者獲得了積極的美國臨床數據。

