
LPL Financial Continues to Transform the Advisor and Investor Experience Through Financial Technology

LPL Financial Continues to Transform the Advisor and Investor Experience Through Financial Technology

LPL Financial 通過金融科技持續轉變顧問和投資者的體驗
GlobeNewswire ·  2024/12/19 09:00

SAN DIEGO, Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LPL Financial LLC, a leader in the wealth management industry, today announced updates to the firm's financial technology, investment solutions and platform infrastructure. This sustained focus demonstrates LPL's commitment to helping advisors leverage existing and new technologies to maximize their time, deliver bespoke client experiences, and provide more sophisticated and personalized financial advice.

聖地亞哥,2024年12月19日(全球新聞網) -- LPL Financial LLC,作爲财富管理行業的領導者,今天宣佈了對公司的金融科技、投資解決方案和平台基礎設施的更新。這種持續的關注顯示了LPL致力於幫助顧問利用現有和新技術來最大化他們的時間,提供量身定製的客戶體驗,並提供更復雜和個性化的財務建議。

In 2024, LPL invested approximately $500 million in technology innovation and infrastructure enhancements. This investment fueled over 250 new product enhancements directly impacting advisor, institution and end-client experiences this year, while also enabling a first-of-its-kind strategic integration with Prudential Financial.


"Leveraging our scale and the insights from 28,000 advisors, we continuously enhance and reinvest in our technology to align with their and their clients' most pressing needs," said Greg Gates, Chief Technology and Information Officer at LPL. "Our aim is to streamline processes and free up valuable resources, enabling advisors and institutions to focus on their businesses. Additionally, we remain committed to fortifying our platforms with robust security and faster performance, aimed at ensuring they are reliable and resilient."

LPL首席科技與信息官Greg Gates表示:「藉助我們的規模和來自28,000名顧問的見解,我們持續增強並重新投資於我們的科技,以符合他們及其客戶最迫切的需求。我們的目標是簡化流程,釋放寶貴的資源,使顧問和機構能夠專注於他們的業務。此外,我們仍致力於通過強健的安全性和更快的性能來增強我們的平台,以確保它們可靠且具有韌性。」

Most recently, LPL launched AI Advisor Solutions, a curated program designed to help advisors balance time-saving AI tools with compliance and regulatory risk management. The firm plans to expand its third-party AI-powered solutions next year and is piloting a program that applies AI to generate customized insights that shape personalized financial planning.


Upgraded Tech Solutions
Technology enhancements and updates throughout the fourth quarter include:


  • Modernized Move Money Check Disbursement Process: A new guided user interface and intuitive in-transaction submission capabilities enable faster movement of money, simplifying the process for investors.
  • Redesigned Account View Mobile App Overview Page: A simplified user experience and improved navigation enrich the user experience in Account View, LPL's end-investor-facing interface.
  • Enhanced Client Reporting in Account View: Streamlines the process for advisors to schedule and send reports to investors directly from Account View.
  • New ClientWorks Model Screener: LPL's advisor platform, ClientWorks, was updated to enable more advanced search and comparison modeling of portfolios in LPL's Model Wealth Portfolios, Manager Select and Optimum Market Portfolios platforms.
  • Updated Capabilities in ClientWorks Rebalancer: Following the national rollout of LPL's enhanced trading rebalancing platform earlier this year, the firm added features in Q4, including the ability to view session history and a new streamlined dashboard.
  • 現代化的資金移動支票發放流程:新的引導用戶界面和直觀的交易內提交功能能夠更快地移動資金,簡化投資者的流程。
  • 重新設計的帳戶視圖移動應用概覽頁面:簡化的用戶體驗和改進的導航豐富了賬戶視圖的用戶體驗,這是LPL面向終端投資者的界面。
  • 增強的帳戶視圖客戶報告:簡化顧問直接從帳戶視圖安排和發送報告給投資者的流程。
  • 新的ClientWorks模型篩選器:LPL的顧問平台ClientWorks進行了更新,以支持在LPL的模型財富組合、經理選擇和最佳市場組合平台上進行更先進的搜索和比較建模。
  • 更新的ClientWorks重新平衡器功能:在LPL今年早些時候增強交易重新平衡平台的全國推廣後,該公司在第四季度新增了一些功能,包括查看會話歷史和新的簡化儀表板。

Leadership Expansion


Further strengthening its technology leadership, LPL recently welcomed two additional accomplished executives to its team: Sid Vyas, Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer of Infrastructure and Operations, and Renana Friedlich, Executive Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer. Vyas oversees the stability and reliability of LPL's operating platforms and Friedlich spearheads LPL's cybersecurity strategy.

爲了進一步加強其技術領導地位,LPL最近歡迎了兩位傑出的高管加入其團隊:Sid Vyas,基礎設施和運營首席技術官,執行副總裁,以及Renana Friedlich,首席信息安全官,執行副總裁。Vyas負責LPL操作平台的穩定性和可靠性,而Friedlich則帶頭制定LPL的網絡安全策略。

Industry Recognition


LPL received the award for "Artificial Intelligence—Customer Engagement" at the Datos Insights 2024 Digital Wealth Management Impact Awards. Additionally, two LPL executives recently received ORBIE Awards recognizing their achievements as CIOs and demonstrated excellence in technology leadership. Kristie Edling-Day, Executive Vice President, Chief Information Officer overseeing advisor experience, received an ORBIE in Philadelphia, and Billy Runyan, Executive Vice President, Chief Information Officer overseeing platform modernization, received an ORBIE in Central Texas. Greg Gates is also a finalist for the 2025 National ORBIE Award.

LPL在2024年Datos Insights數字财富管理影響獎中獲得了「人工智能—客戶參與」獎。此外,兩位LPL高管最近獲得了ORBIE獎,以表彰他們作爲首席信息官的成就以及在技術領導方面的卓越表現。Kristie Edling-Day,負責顧問體驗的首席信息官,執行副總裁,在費城獲得了ORBIE獎,而Billy Runyan,負責平台現代化的首席信息官,執行副總裁,則在德克薩斯中部獲得了ORBIE獎。Greg Gates也是2025年全國ORBIE獎的決賽選手。

About LPL Financial
LPL Financial Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: LPLA) is among the fastest growing wealth management firms in the U.S. As a leader in the financial advisor-mediated marketplace, LPL supports more than 28,000 financial advisors and the wealth management practices of approximately 1,200 financial institutions, servicing and custodying approximately $1.8 trillion in brokerage and advisory assets on behalf of 6 million Americans. The firm provides a wide range of advisor affiliation models, investment solutions, fintech tools and practice management services, ensuring that advisors and institutions have the flexibility to choose the business model, services, and technology resources they need to run thriving businesses. For further information about LPL, please visit

關於LPL Financial
LPL Financial控股公司(納斯達克:LPLA)是美國增長最快的财富管理公司之一。作爲金融顧問中介市場的領導者,LPL支持超過28,000名金融顧問和大約1,200家金融機構的财富管理業務,爲600萬美國人處理和保管約1.8萬億美元的券商和顧問資產。該公司提供多種顧問合作模式、投資解決方案、金融科技工具和實踐管理服務,確保顧問和機構能夠靈活選擇他們所需的業務模型、服務和科技資源以運行蓬勃發展的業務。關於LPL的更多信息,請訪問

Securities and Advisory services offered through LPL Financial LLC ("LPL Financial"), a registered investment advisor and broker dealer, member FINRA/SIPC.

通過lpl financial LLC(「lpl financial」)提供的證券和顧問服務,它是一家註冊投資顧問和券商,成員FINRA/SIPC。

LPL Financial and its affiliated companies provide financial services only from the United States.

lpl financial及其關聯公司僅從美國提供金融服務。

Throughout this communication, the terms "financial advisors" and "advisors" are used to refer to registered representatives and/or investment advisor representatives affiliated with LPL Financial.

在本文中,"金融顧問"和"顧問"一詞均用於指與LPL Financial關聯的註冊代表和/或投資顧問代表。

We routinely disclose information that may be important to shareholders in the "Investor Relations" or "Press Releases" section of our website.

我們定期在我們網站的 "投資者關係 "或 "新聞稿 "部分披露可能對股東重要的信息。

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