DevvStream Launches Carbon Offset Sales Initiative Targeting Corporations and Consumers
DevvStream Launches Carbon Offset Sales Initiative Targeting Corporations and Consumers
New business line will introduce practical commercial applications designed to promote and facilitate sales of the Company's existing carbon offset portfolio within business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) channels
The first application, the DevvStream Personal Impact Voluntary Offset Tool (D-PIVOT), will enable individual consumers to reduce their carbon footprint by purchasing high-integrity carbon offsets from pre-screened environmental projects during checkout on any Shopify-hosted e-commerce storefront
Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - December 19, 2024) - DevvStream Corp. (NASDAQ: DEVS) ("DevvStream" or the "Company"), a leading carbon credit project co-development and generation firm specializing in technology-based solutions, today announced the introduction of DevvStream for Commerce, a new business line focused on developing and deploying practical commercial applications centered around B2B and B2B2C carbon offset sales. The first of these applications, the DevvStream Personal Impact Voluntary Offset Tool ("D-PIVOT") is a carbon offset tool designed specifically to enable eco-conscious consumers to counterbalance the emissions-related impacts associated with shipping their online purchases, creating more environmentally sustainable transactions. Because e-commerce sales in the United States are rising—accounting for 16.2% of total sales in Q3 of 2024, with approximately 28% of online stores using Shopify—and the transportation and logistics industry in the United States is generating almost 30% of greenhouse gases, D-PIVOT offers a way for consumers to significantly impact a major source of atmospheric emissions.
加拿大卡爾加里--(資訊 CORP. - 2024年12月19日) - DevvStream CORP. (NASDAQ: DEVS) ("DevvStream"或"公司"),領先的碳信用項目共同開發和生成公司,專注於技術解決方案,今天宣佈推出DevvStream商業業務線,專注於開發和部署圍繞B20億和B2B2C碳抵消銷售的實用商業應用。這些應用程序中的第一款,即DevvStream個人影響自願抵消工具("D-PIVOT"),是一種專門設計的碳抵消工具,旨在使環保意識強的消費者能夠抵消與在線購買交通相關的排放影響,從而實現更環保的交易。由於美國的電子商務銷售在上升——2024年第三季度佔總銷售額的16.2%,約28%的在線商店使用Shopify——而且美國的交通和物流行業幾乎生成了30%的溫室氣體,D-PIVOT提供了一種讓消費者顯著影響大氣排放主要來源的方法。
Implemented seamlessly within any Shopify storefront, D-PIVOT allows online shoppers the option to add high-quality carbon offsets from DevvStream's expanding offset portfolio to any order during the checkout process to reduce or eliminate the carbon footprint generated via product shipping. Shoppers can choose the source of the offsets they purchase by selecting from a number of curated environmental projects, allowing them to support specific climate or social impact efforts. D-PIVOT is free to use for any Shopify e-commerce store, takes only minutes to incorporate via a straightforward plugin interface, and was designed to work smoothly within a natural checkout flow. Online vendors that integrate D-PIVOT into their Shopify storefronts will receive a portion of revenues from carbon offsets sold. Customers who purchase carbon offsets will receive documented confirmation and corroboration of their purchase and its associated impact once the offsets are retired on their behalf. Note that D-PIVOT is anticipated to appear on Shopify's App Store but is otherwise not affiliated with or endorsed by Shopify Inc.
D-PIVOT可以無縫集成到任何Shopify商店中,爲在線購物者在結賬過程中提供選項,可以將來自DevvStream日益擴展的抵消投資組合的高質量碳抵消添加到任何訂單中,以減少或消除因產品交通而產生的碳足跡。購物者可以通過從若干精選的環保項目中選擇,來選擇他們購買的抵消來源,從而支持特定的氣候或社會影響工作。D-PIVOT對任何Shopify電子商務商店免費使用,通過簡單的插件接口只需幾分鐘即可集成,並且設計得能順暢地融入自然的結賬流程。整合D-PIVOT到其Shopify商店中的在線供應商將從銷售的碳抵消中獲得部分收入。購買碳抵消的客戶將在抵消被替他們使用後,收到購買確認和影響的文件確認。請注意,D-PIVOT預計將在Shopify應用商店上出現,但與Shopify Inc.無關或未經其認可。
D-PIVOT will be launched via a partnership with Minimus Fulfillment ("Minimus") a third-party logistics company with numerous high-profile celebrity and creator clients, approximately 95% of which employ Shopify storefronts. The partnership enables DevvStream to immediately present D-PIVOT to Minimus clients for consideration and potential early adoption.
D-PIVOt將通過與Minimus Fulfillment("Minimus")的合作推出,Minimus是一家擁有衆多高知名度名人和創作者客戶的第三方物流公司,其中約95%使用Shopify商店。此合作使DevvStream能夠立即向Minimus客戶展示D-PIVOt,以便他們考慮並潛在地提前採用。
"According to Pew Research Center, over 80% of people would change their behavior to fight climate change if they knew how," said Sunny Trinh, CEO of DevvStream. "D-PIVOT is an easy-to-use tool that takes the guesswork and risk out of making a tangible difference in the world. Each carbon offset purchased by a consumer directly translates into one metric tonne of greenhouse gas removed from the atmosphere through a verified environmental project that wouldn't otherwise exist without their support. This provides consumers the opportunity to effectively reduce their own individual carbon footprint while helping vendors become more sustainably focused by giving their clients a greener option. We've made the D-PIVOT tool both simple and gratifying to use, and we're honored to have Minimus onboard for launch."
"根據皮尤研究中心的數據,超過80%的人會改變他們的行爲以應對氣候變化,如果他們知道如何的話,"DevvStream的首席執行官Sunny Trinh表示。"D-PIVOt是一個易於使用的工具,可以消除創造切實變化所需的猜測和風險。消費者每購買一個碳抵消,便直接相當於從大氣中減少一公噸溫室氣體,這通過一個經過驗證的環保項目實現,而這個項目在沒有他們的支持下是不會存在的。這爲消費者提供了有效減少個人碳足跡的機會,同時幫助商家更加關注可持續發展,爲他們的客戶提供更環保的選擇。我們使D-PIVOt工具既簡單又令人滿意,我們很榮幸能與Minimus一起推出。"
"As an entrepreneurial-focused 3PL fulfillment center, Minimus strives to bring its clients interesting and cutting-edge opportunities that support their business beyond day-to-day fulfillment services," said Minimus Fulfillment co-founder and COO, Paul Shrater. "We believe D-PIVOT represents an important opportunity for our clients to earn additional revenues by encouraging their customers' natural instinct to help the environment. We are excited to be partnering with DevvStream and are actively offering our clients the chance to become early adopters of D-PIVOT."
"作爲一個以企業家爲導向的3PL履行中心,Minimus努力爲其客戶帶來有趣且前沿的機會,支持其業務超越日常履行服務,"Minimus Fulfillment的聯合創始人兼首席運營官Paul Shrater表示。"我們相信D-PIVOt爲我們的客戶提供了一個重要機會,通過鼓勵他們客戶幫助環境的自然本能來賺取額外收入。我們很高興能與DevvStream合作,並積極爲我們的客戶提供成爲D-PIVOt早期採用者的機會。"
Online vendors interested in learning more about including D-PIVOT in their Shopify storefronts can contact DevvStream at
About DevvStream
Founded in 2021, DevvStream is a leading authority in the use of technology in carbon project development. The Company's mission is to create alignment between sustainability and profitability, helping organizations achieve their climate initiatives while directly improving their financial health.
With a diverse approach to the carbon market, DevvStream operates across three strategic domains: (1) an offset portfolio consisting of nature-based, tech-based, and carbon sequestration credits for immediate sale to corporations and governments seeking to offset their most difficult-to-reduce emissions; (2) project investment, acquisitions, and industry consolidation to extend the company's reach, allowing it to become a full end-to-end solutions provider; and (3) project development, where the company serves as project manager for eligible activities such as EV charging in exchange for a percentage of generated credits.
DevvStream在碳市場採取多樣化的方式,跨越三個戰略領域運營:(1) 一個由基於自然、基於技術和碳封存信用組成的抵消投資組合,供尋求抵消其最難減少排放的公司和政府立即購買;(2) 項目投資、收購和行業整合,以擴展公司的影響力,使其成爲全方位的解決方案提供商;以及(3) 項目開發,在此領域,公司作爲合格活動(例如充電樁)的項目經理,並以生成信用的百分比作爲回報。
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Certain statements in this news release may be considered forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and generally relate to future events, trends or DevvStream's future financial or other performance metrics. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as "may", "should", "expect", "intend", "will", "estimate", "anticipate", "believe", "predict", "potential" or "continue", or the negatives of these terms or variations of them or similar terminology. These forward-looking statements include statements regarding DevvStream's intentions, beliefs, projections, outlook, analyses and current expectations concerning, among other things, DevvStream's ability to continue as a going concern and to realize the benefits of its recently completed business combination, DevvStream's ability to remain listed on Nasdaq, the volatility of the market price and the liquidity of DevvStream's common shares, the impact from future regulatory, judicial, legislative or regulatory changes in DevvStream's industry, the trends in the carbon credit markets, future performance and anticipated financial impacts of certain transactions by DevvStream or others, the growth and value of the global carbon credit market traded value, the potential of carbon credits to provide carbon emission reductions and reduce carbon emissions to limit global warming, estimated C02 capture, sequestration, decarbonization or storage capacities or potentials of different projects in which DevvStream is investing, or DevvStream's opportunity pipeline and the ability of such opportunities to generated carbon or tax credits each year, or the market growth and value of international renewable energy certificates, are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by DevvStream and its management are inherently uncertain and subject to material change. Given these risks, uncertainties, and other factors, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. New risks and uncertainties may emerge from time to time, and it is not possible to predict all risks and uncertainties.
本新聞稿中的某些聲明可能被視爲1995年私人證券訴訟改革法案下的前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述是指非歷史事實的聲明,通常與未來事件、趨勢或DevvStream的未來財務或其他業績指標相關。在某些情況下,您可以通過諸如「可能」、「應該」、「期望」、「打算」、「將」、「估計」、「預期」、「相信」、「預測」、「潛在」或「繼續」等術語,或這些術語的否定形式或它們的變體或類似術語來識別前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述包括關於DevvStream的意圖、信念、預測、展望、分析和當前預期的聲明,涉及DevvStream繼續作爲一個持續經營實體的能力及實現其最近完成的業務合併的利益,DevvStream保持在納斯達克上市的能力,市場價格的波動性及DevvStream普通股的流動性,未來監管、司法、立法或 DevvStream 行業的法規變更的影響,碳信用市場的趨勢,DevvStream 或其他公司的某些交易的未來表現和預期財務影響,全球碳信用市場交易價值的增長與價值,碳信用潛力提供碳排放減少以及減少碳排放以限制全球變暖的潛力,DevvStream 投資的不同項目的預估二氧化碳捕獲、封存、脫碳或者儲存能力或潛力,或DevvStream的機會管道及這些機會每年產生碳或者稅收信用的能力,或者國際可再生能源證書的市場增長與價值,均受風險與不確定性的影響,這可能導致實際結果與這些前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果有實質性差異。這些前瞻性陳述是基於估計和假設,雖然被DevvStream及其管理層認爲合理,但本質上是不確定的且可能發生實質性變化。鑑於這些風險、不確定性及其他因素,您不應對這些前瞻性陳述過度依賴。新的風險和不確定性可能不時出現,無法預測所有風險和不確定性。
These forward-looking statements are expressed in good faith, and DevvStream believes there is a reasonable basis for them. However, there can be no assurance that the events, results or trends identified in these forward-looking statements will occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and DevvStream is under no obligation, and expressly disclaims any obligation, to update, alter or otherwise revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. Readers should carefully review the statements set forth in filings made by, or to be made by, DevvStream from time to time with the SEC and with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities. This news release is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities of DevvStream and this news release is not intended to be all-inclusive or to contain all the information that a person may desire in considering an investment in DevvStream. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements concerning DevvStream or any person acting on their behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements above.
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