Provident Industrial Sells Hall Road Distribution Center in Houston
Provident Industrial Sells Hall Road Distribution Center in Houston
HOUSTON, Dec. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Provident Industrial, a division of the Dallas-based development firm Provident, is pleased to announce the successful sale of Hall Road Distribution Center to David Wang and Yong Lin, owners of the local seafood logistics company, Ocean Kingdom. The facility will serve as Ocean Kingdom's operational hub, supporting the import and distribution of frozen seafood products sourced globally.
休斯頓,2024年12月18日 /PRNewswire/ -- Provident Industrial,達拉斯開發公司Provident的一個部門,欣然宣佈將Hall Road配送中心成功出售給當地海鮮物流公司Ocean Kingdom的擁有者David Wang和Yong Lin。該設施將作爲Ocean Kingdom的運營中心,支持全球採購的冷凍海鮮產品的進口和分銷。
Hall Road Distribution Center is Provident Industrial's second completed development in the Houston market. Situated at 7916 Hall Rd, Houston, TX, the property features 139,000 square feet of industrial space, boasting a 32-foot clear height, 32 dock doors, two ramps, and 60-foot speed bays.
Hall Road配送中心是Provident Industrial在休斯頓市場完成的第二個開發項目。該物業位於德克薩斯州休斯頓市Hall Rd 7916號,擁有139,000平方英尺的工業空間,淨高32英尺,設有32個碼頭門、兩個坡道和60英尺的速度車道。
Strategically positioned just south of Hobby Airport along Beltway 8, the facility offers prime connectivity with direct access to I-45 South and Beltway 8. It is also conveniently located 18 miles from Bayport Terminal and 23 miles from Barbours Cut Terminal, making it an ideal location for cross-border logistics and distribution operations.
該設施位於Hobby機場以南,緊鄰Beltway 8,具有優越的連接性,可以直接通往I-45南和Beltway 8。同時,距離Bayport Terminal有18英里,距離Barbours Cut Terminal有23英里,成爲跨境物流和分銷運營的理想地點。
The construction of the project was completed in December 2024, led by general contractor Angler Construction. The development was a collaboration between Provident, Junction, and Singerman Real Estate. Christen Vestal, Provident's Industrial, South Central Director of Development, oversaw the project from concept to completion. Reflecting on the Houston industrial market, Vestal stated, "This project highlights the growing demand for logistics companies to own their facilities. Ownership is emerging as an increasingly popular trend within the industry, as this building marks our second building to be sold directly to a user."
該項目的施工於2024年12月完成,由總承包商Angler Construction負責。該開發項目是Provident、Junction和Singerman房地產業的合作。Provident的工業部南中部開發董事Christen Vestal全程監督該項目。從概念到完成,Vestal回顧了休斯頓工業市場,表示:「該項目凸顯了物流公司擁有其設施的日益增長的需求。擁有權在行業中逐漸成爲一種日益流行的趨勢,因爲這座建築標誌着我們第二座直接出售給用戶的建築。」
Provident continues to steadily advance its industrial portfolio, with 8.2 million square feet currently under construction or in pre-development across key markets in Texas, Tennessee, Arizona, and the Carolinas over the past three years.
About Provident
Provident is a privately held real estate and investment firm with over three decades of success across multiple market cycles driven by foresight, experience, and adaptability to changing markets. Provident focuses on delivering exceptional risk-adjusted returns to investor partners through the development of opportunistic and value-add strategies. Since its founding in 1991, Provident has developed or invested in over $5.9 billion in real estate projects nationwide. For more information, please visit .
Media Contact: Christen Vestal, [email protected]
媒體聯繫方式:Christen Vestal, [email protected]
SOURCE Provident Realty Advisors, Inc.
來源:Provident Realty Advisors, Inc.