SatixFy Regains Compliance With NYSE American Continued Listing Standards
SatixFy Regains Compliance With NYSE American Continued Listing Standards
SatixFy Communications Ltd. (the "Company" or "SatixFy") (NYSE:SATX), today announced that it has regained compliance with the continued listing standards of the NYSE American LLC ("NYSE American").
SatixFy 通信-半導體有限公司("公司"或"SatixFy")(紐交所:SATX),今天宣佈它已重新符合紐約證券交易所美國有限責任公司的持續上市標準("NYSE American")。
On December 16, 2024, SatixFy received written notice from the NYSE American confirming that the Company has resolved the continued listing deficiencies previously referenced in NYSE American's letter, dated November 30, 2023 and set forth in Sections 1003(a)(i), (ii) and (iii) of the NYSE American Company Guide (the "Company Guide"). NYSE confirmed that the Company has demonstrated compliance with the continued listing standard for a period of two consecutive quarters as required under Section 1009(f) of the Company Guide.
2024年12月16日,SatixFy 收到了來自紐交所美國的書面通知,確認該公司已解決紐交所美國於2023年11月30日的信函中提到的持續上市缺陷,並在紐交所美國公司指南(「公司指南」)第1003(a)(i)、(ii)和(iii)條款中列出。紐交所確認公司已展示出在公司指南第1009(f)條款要求下,連續兩個季度符合持續上市標準。
SatixFy remains committed to maintaining full compliance with NYSE American listing requirements and continues to focus on its operational and financial objectives.
SatixFy 始終致力於全面遵守紐交所美國的上市要求,並繼續專注於其運營和財務目標。