
SBH Marine Declares 0.5 Sen/Share Dividend For FY2024

SBH Marine Declares 0.5 Sen/Share Dividend For FY2024

SBH Marine 宣佈2024財年每股派息0.5仙
Business Today ·  12/18 19:04
SBH Marine Holdings Bhd
SBH 海事控股有限公司

SBH Marine Holdings Bhd, a vertically integrated frozen seafood specialist, announced a single-tier interim dividend of 0.5 sen per ordinary share in respect of the financial year ending 31 December 2024, according to a Bursa filing and a press release both dated Dec 18.

根據證券交易所的文件和12月18日的新聞稿,垂直整合的冷凍海鮮專業公司SBH Marine Holdings Bhd宣佈,截至2024年12月31日的財政年度的單級中期股息爲每股普通股0.5先令。

The ACE market consumer listing's total dividend payout this round amounted to RM4.44 million with the ex-date falling on 7 January 2025. The dividend announced is expected to be paid on 23 January 2025.


This would be the first dividend to be paid by SBH Marine for FY2024 and second dividend declared post listing after the company paid a final single-tier dividend in relation to its financial year ended 31 December 2023 of 0.25 sen per ordinary share with total payment reaching RM2.22 million in July 2024.

這將是SBH Marine首次爲 FY2024 派發的股息,也是該公司在截至2023年12月31日的財政年度支付了截至2023年12月31日的財政年度每股普通股0.25仙的最終單級股息,總支付額在2024年7月達到2222萬令吉之後,在上市後宣佈的第二次股息。

SBH Group Managing Director Tan Boo Nam said, "Despite some of the challenges faced during the financial year due to global market factors, we ensure that our operations and cash flows are managed prudently whilst endeavouring to reward our shareholders at the same time."


SBH Marine specialises in processing frozen seafood especially shrimps and cephalopods for exports to Europe, Middle East and Asia.

SBH Marine專門加工冷凍海鮮,尤其是蝦和頭足類動物,出口到歐洲、中東和亞洲。

The group's newly set up shrimp hatchery and nursery has been operational since December 2024 whilst the construction of its second seafood processing plant is expected to be completed in 2026.


