
CarGurus Study Uncovers Shift in Car Shopper Sentiment as Prices and Selection Improve

CarGurus Study Uncovers Shift in Car Shopper Sentiment as Prices and Selection Improve

GlobeNewswire ·  2024/12/17 22:00

Seventh annual survey finds consumer satisfaction and buying power on the rise as shoppers increasingly tap the power of online tools to research and guide their decisions


BOSTON, Dec. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CarGurus (Nasdaq: CARG), the No. 1 visited digital auto platform for shopping, buying, and selling new and used vehicles1, today released its seventh annual U.S. Consumer Insights Report2, examining shopper trends along the car buying and selling journey. Findings show year-over-year increases in buyer satisfaction, a decline in need-based purchases, and a rise in seller confidence as more consumers tap the power of online tools to inform their decisions.

波士頓,2024年12月17日(全球新聞)-- CarGurus (納斯達克:CARG),新舊汽車購物、購買和銷售訪問量第一的數字汽車平台1,今天發佈了第七次年度美國消費者洞察報告2,研究了汽車購買和銷售過程中的購物者趨勢。調查結果顯示,買方滿意度同比增加,基於需求的購買減少,以及賣方信心上升,因爲越來越多的消費者利用在線工具來獲取信息並做出決策。

These shifts come at a time when vehicle pricing and selection have improved. According to CarGurus data, new car inventory increased by 31% year-over-year, helping moderate prices. Similarly, average used car prices have decreased by 3% over the same period as inventory has stabilized. In light of this, fewer shoppers in the CarGurus study cited available inventory as a top factor in their decision on purchase location (26% vs. 18% in 2023), while prices (56%) and financing availability/offers (30%) continued to top the list of considerations.

這些變化發生在車輛定價和選擇有所改善的時期。根據 CarGurus的數據, 新車庫存同比增長31%,幫助緩和了價格。同樣,隨着庫存穩定,平均二手車價格在同一時期下降了3%。考慮到這一點,CarGurus研究中提到可用庫存作爲購買地點決策的首要因素的購物者減少了(26%與2023年的18%),而價格(56%)和融資可用性/優惠(30%)仍然是考慮因素的首位。

Highlights from the 2024 Consumer Insights Report include:


  • Buyer and seller satisfaction is on the rise. In 2024, 79% of car buyers were satisfied with the overall car buying experience, 35% of which were extremely satisfied (up from 28% in 2023). Similarly, 78% of sellers said they got a "good" or "great" deal (up from 70% in 2023) and 71% were satisfied with the overall experience.
  • More buyers are adding cars to their household. Buyers reporting need-based purchases declined year-over-year (62% vs. 67% in 2023) and fewer people were in the market for a replacement vehicle (49% in 2024 compared to 61% in 2023). Rather, more shoppers looked to buy the first vehicle in their household (18% vs. 12% in 2023) or to add a vehicle (34% vs. 27% in 2023).
  • 買家和賣家的滿意度正在上升。在2024年,79%的汽車買家對整體購車體驗感到滿意,其中35%的人表示非常滿意(高於2023年的28%)。同樣,78%的賣家表示他們得到了「好」或「很好的」交易(高於2023年的70%),71%的人對整體體驗感到滿意。
  • 越來越多的買家將汽車增加到他們的家庭中。報告稱,因需購車的買家同比下降(2024年62%與2023年67%),而尋找替換車輛的人也減少(2024年49%相比2023年61%)。相反,更多的購物者希望購買家庭中的第一輛汽車(2024年18%與2023年12%)或增加一輛汽車(2024年34%與2023年27%)。
  • A growing share of consumers prefer to do more online before going to the dealership. Both buyers and sellers increasingly prefer to handle more steps online, with 80% of buyers wanting to do more from home (up from 69% in 2023); 90% of buyers researching vehicles online (compared to 81% in 2023); and 87% of sellers being open to selling completely online (up from 82% in 2023). However, an omnichannel shopping experience is preferred, with 88% of buyers noting that they saw the car in person before purchase. The top steps preferred in person were the test drive (69% in 2024, up significantly from 42% in 2023) and price negotiation (43%).
    Similarly, 71% of sellers got an online offer for their vehicle, but the majority (43%) sold to a dealer, citing the offer price, efficiency, and ability to leverage a car in a trade-in among the top reasons.
  • 越來越多的消費者希望在去經銷商之前先在線完成更多的步驟。買家和賣家越來越傾向於在線處理更多步驟,80%的買家希望在家中完成更多(高於2023年的69%);90%的買家在網上研究汽車(相比於2023年的81%);87%的賣家願意完全在線銷售(高於2023年的82%)。然而,大家更偏好全渠道購物體驗,88%的買家表示他們在購買之前會親自查看汽車。偏好親自完成的主要步驟包括試駕(2024年69%,較2023年42%明顯上升)和價格談判(43%)。
  • High interest rates are not discouraging buyers from financing. Only 11% of buyers said rates deterred them from financing (down from 16% in 2023). Consistent with last year, approximately half financed (53%), with a relatively even split between those who handled the process online (37%), in-person (34%), or a combination of both (28%). For those who bought at a dealership, a significantly larger number also secured financing at the dealer (64% compared to 49% in 2023).
  • 高利率並沒有阻礙買家融資。只有11%的買家表示利率讓他們感到猶豫(低於2023年的16%)。與去年一致,約有一半的買家進行了融資(53%),其中在線完成融資的佔比相對均勻(37%),親自完成的佔比(34%),或兩者結合(28%)。對於那些在經銷商那裏購車的人來說,選擇經銷商融資的比例顯著增加(64%,而2023年爲49%)。

"Car buyers and sellers are embracing online tools to build confidence and get exactly what they want—both in terms of what they buy or sell, as well as in the overall experience. Whether that means starting financing online to better understand monthly costs; getting offers to sell a vehicle either online or with a local dealer; or starting their purchase from home, shoppers have recognized the power of data and preparation," said Alison Ciummei, Senior Director of Product Marketing at CarGurus. "This results in consumers who are more prepared before heading to the dealership, dealers who are better equipped to support their customers, and, most importantly, greater satisfaction with the experience."

「購車者和賣家正在使用在線工具來建立信心,並獲得他們想要的東西——無論是購買或出售的商品,還是整體體驗。這意味着在線開始融資以更好地理解每月的費用;獲得在線或通過當地經銷商出售車輛的報價;或從家中開始購買,購物者已經認識到數據和準備的力量,」CarGurus的產品營銷高級董事Alison Ciummei說。「這使得消費在前往經銷商之前更加準備充分,經銷商更好地裝備來支持他們的客戶,最重要的是,對體驗的滿意度更高。」

The full study from CarGurus is available here.

CarGurus的完整研究報告已發佈 這裏.

2Background and Methodology
The CarGurus Consumer Insights Report is a survey of recent car buyers and/or sellers that examines influences in the journey from consideration through transaction, along with preferences for certain tools and resources — whether online, in-person, or a combination of both. The survey also captured sentiment after the transaction for a full view of the buy/sell experience.


Data is primarily sourced from a July/August 2024 study conducted by CarGurus and GfK, a leading market research firm. The study included a survey of 3,150 past-four-month auto purchasers/sellers of new or used automobiles: n=3,008 opt-in sample and n=142 CarGurus CRM sample. Respondents could qualify as both buyers and sellers, are 18+ years old, and weighted to be representative of the U.S. auto market in terms of demographics (age, gender, income, etc.) and market factors (new/ used, price point, etc.). In some cases, figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding.

數據主要來源於CarGurus和領先市場研究公司Gfk在2024年7月/8月進行的一項研究。該研究包括對3150名過去四個月內新車或二手車購置/出售者的調查:n=3008爲自願參與樣本,n=142爲CarGurus CRm樣本。受訪者可以同時作爲買家和賣家,年齡在18歲及以上,並在性別、收入等人口統計學方面、以及新車/二手車、價格區間等市場因素上加權,以代表美國汽車市場。在某些情況下,數字可能因四捨五入而未能總和爲100%。

About CarGurus


CarGurus (Nasdaq: CARG) is a multinational, online automotive platform for buying and selling vehicles that is building upon its industry-leading listings marketplace with both digital retail solutions and the CarOffer online wholesale platform. The CarGurus platform gives consumers the confidence to purchase and/or sell a vehicle either online or in-person, and it gives dealerships the power to accurately price, effectively market, instantly acquire, and quickly sell vehicles, all with a nationwide reach. The company uses proprietary technology, search algorithms, and data analytics to bring trust, transparency, and competitive pricing to the automotive shopping experience. CarGurus is the most visited automotive shopping site in the U.S. 1


CarGurus also operates online marketplaces under the CarGurus brand in Canada and the U.K. In the U.S. and the U.K., CarGurus also operates the Autolist and PistonHeads online marketplaces, respectively, as independent brands.


To learn more about CarGurus, visit , and for more information about CarOffer, visit .

要了解更多關於CarGurus的信息,請訪問 ,欲了解更多關於CarOffer的信息,請訪問 .

CarGurus is a registered trademark of CarGurus, Inc., and CarOffer is a registered trademark of CarOffer, LLC. All other product names, trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

CarGurus是CarGurus, Inc.的註冊商標,CarOffer是CarOffer, LLC的註冊商標。所有其他產品名稱、商標和註冊商標均爲其各自所有者的財產。

1 Similarweb: Traffic Report [, Autotrader, TrueCar, CARFAX Listings (defined as CARFAX Total visits minus Vehicle History Reports traffic)], Q3 2024, U.S.
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Maggie Meluzio
Director, Public Relations & External Communications

1 Similarweb:流量報告 [, Autotrader, TrueCar, CARFAX 列表(定義爲 CARFAX 總訪問量減去車輛歷史報告流量)],2024 年第三季度,美國。

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Kirndeep Singh
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