
Numinus Provides Bi-Weekly Update on Annual Filings

Numinus Provides Bi-Weekly Update on Annual Filings

PR Newswire ·  2024/12/17 01:01

VANCOUVER, BC, Dec. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Numinus Wellness Inc. (TSX: NUMI) (OTCQX: NUMIF) ("Numinus" or the "Company"), a leader in mental health care specializing in innovative and evidence-based treatments, today provided an update with respect to its previously announced management cease trade order ("MCTO") in connection with the Company's filing of its audited annual financial statements (the "Audited Financial Statements"), management discussion and analysis (the "MD&A"), and annual information form (the "AIF") for the financial year ended August 31, 2024 and the applicable CEO and CFO certifications (together with the Audited Financial Statements, the MD&A, and the AIF, the "Annual Filings").

溫哥華,BC,2024年12月16日 /PRNewswire/ - Numinus Wellness Inc. (TSX: NUMI) (OTCQX: NUMIF)("Numinus"或"公司"),作爲精神健康護理的領導者,專注於創新且有證據支持的治療,今天就其之前宣佈的管理停止交易訂單("MCTO")提供了更新,目的是與公司提交經過審計的年度財務報表("審計財務報表"),管理層討論與分析("MD&A")以及信息表("AIF")相連接,該財務年度截至2024年8月31日,幷包含適用的首席執行官和首席財務官的認證(連同審計財務報表,MD&A和AIF,總稱爲"年度提交文件")。

Further to the Company's news release dated December 3, 2024 (the "Announcement"), the Company's principal regulator, the British Columbia Securities Commission (the "Commission"), granted the MCTO on December 2, 2024, under National Policy 12-203 – Management Cease Trader Orders ("NP 12-203"). Pursuant to the MCTO, the Chief Executive Officers and the Chief Financial Officer of the Company may not trade in securities of the Company until such time as the Company files the Annual Filings and the Commission revokes the MCTO. During this period, the Company will cease any share buy-back activities under its normal course issuer bid, and has undertaken not to, directly or indirectly, issue or acquire securities from an insider or employee of the Company.

根據公司於2024年12月3日的新聞發佈("公告"),公司的主要監管機構,不列顛哥倫比亞省證券委員會("委員會"),於2024年12月2日根據國家政策12-203 - 管理停止交易訂單("NP 12-203")批准了MCTO。根據MCTO,公司首席執行官和首席財務官在公司提交年度提交文件並且委員會撤銷MCTO之前,不得交易公司的證券。在此期間,公司將停止其常規的股票回購活動,並承諾不直接或間接地從公司的內部人士或員工那裏發行或收購證券。

The MCTO does not affect the ability of shareholders to trade their securities.


The Company's Board of Directors and management are continuing to work with its accounting team to prepare the Annual Filings as soon as practicable. The delay in filing the Annual Filings is a result of unexpected delays experienced by the Company. It is the Company's reasonable expectation that the Annual Filings will be finalized by January 28, 2025.


The Company will issue a news release announcing completion of filing of the Annual Filings at such time as they are completed and filed. Until the Company files the Annual Filings, it will comply with the alternative information guidelines set out in under NP 12-203 including issuing bi-weekly default status reports by way of news releases, which will be filed on SEDAR+.

公司將在年度提交文件完成和提交時發佈新聞稿宣佈。直到公司提交年度提交文件爲止,將按照NP 12-203中設定的替代信息指南行事,包括通過新聞稿發佈雙週默認狀態報告,這些報告將發佈在SEDAR+上。

In addition, the Company confirms that since the date of the Announcement: (i) there has been no failure by the Company in fulfilling its stated intentions with respect to satisfying the provisions of the alternative information guidelines set out in NP 12-203; (ii) there has not been any other specified default by the Company under NP 12-203; (iii) the Company is not subject to any insolvency proceedings; and (iv) there is no other material information concerning the affairs of the Company that has not been generally disclosed.

此外,公司確認,自公告之日起:(i)公司在滿足NP 12-203中規定的替代信息指南條款方面,沒有未能履行其聲明的意圖;(ii)公司不存在NP 12-203下進一步明確的違約情況;(iii)公司不受任何破產程序的影響;(iv)沒有其他未被普遍披露的關於公司事務的重要信息。

About Numinus


Numinus Wellness Inc. (TSX: NUMI) helps people to heal and be well through the development and delivery of innovative mental health care and access to safe, evidence-based psychedelic-assisted therapies. The Numinus model – including psychedelic research and clinic care – is at the forefront of a transformation aimed at healing rather than managing symptoms of depression, anxiety, trauma, pain and substance use. At Numinus, we are leading the integration of psychedelic-assisted therapies into mainstream clinical practice and building the foundation for a healthier society. Learn more at and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

Numinus Wellness Inc.(TSX:NUMI)通過開發和提供創新的心理健康護理,以及獲得安全、基於證據的迷幻藥輔助療法,幫助人們康復和保持健康。Numinus 模式——包括迷幻藥研究和臨床護理——處於一種旨在治癒而非管理抑鬱、焦慮、創傷、疼痛和物質使用症狀的轉型前沿。在Numinus,我們正在推動迷幻藥輔助療法與主流臨床實踐的整合,並建立一個更健康社會的基礎。了解更多,請訪問並關注我們的LinkedIn、Facebook和Instagram。

Forward Looking Statements


Statements and other information contained in this press release about anticipated future events constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect", and "intend" and statements that an event "may", "will", "should", "could" or "might" occur or other similar expressions. In particular, and without limitation, this news release contains forward-looking statements respecting the Company's reasonable expectation that the Annual Filings will be finalized by January 28, 2025 and the Company's compliance with the MCTO and NP 12-203. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements, including the results of further research into MDMA, if any, the FDA and other regulators' decisions in respect of MDMA and other psychedelic medications, restrictions that may be placed on the use of psychedelic compounds by regulatory authorities; safety and efficacy of psychedelic-assisted therapy; acceptance, uptake and commercialization of psychedelic assisted therapy, if any; dependence on obtaining regulatory approvals, and other risks that are set forth in our annual information form dated November 29, 2023, and available on SEDAR at . Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and opinions of management at the date the statements are made. Numinus does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements even if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by applicable laws. Investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿中包含的關於預期未來事件的陳述和其他信息構成前瞻性聲明。前瞻性聲明通常通過使用"尋求"、"預期"、"相信"、"計劃"、"估計"、"期待"和"打算"等詞彙及"可能"、"將"、"應該"、"能夠"或"或許"等類似表達來識別。在此,且不限制,本新聞稿包含了關於公司合理預期2025年1月28日前年度申請將完成的前瞻性聲明,以及公司遵守MCTO和NP 12-203的聲明。前瞻性聲明受到風險和不確定性及其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明中包含的結果大相徑庭,包括如果有的話,對MDMA進一步研究的結果、FDA和其他監管機構對MDMA及其他迷幻藥物的決策、監管機構可能對迷幻藥物使用施加的限制;迷幻藥輔助療法的安全性和有效性;迷幻藥輔助療法的接受程度、應用和商業化(如有);依賴於獲得監管批准,以及在我們2023年11月29日的年度信息表中列出的其他風險,該信息表可在SEDAR上查看。前瞻性聲明基於聲明時管理層的估計和意見。Numinus不承擔更新前瞻性聲明的任何義務,儘管情況或管理層的估計或意見可能發生變化,除非適用法律要求。投資者不應對前瞻性聲明過度依賴。

SOURCE Numinus Wellness Inc.

來源 Numinus Wellness Inc.




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