
EXCLUSIVE: Trinity Capital Commits $50 Million In Equipment Financing To Form Energy

EXCLUSIVE: Trinity Capital Commits $50 Million In Equipment Financing To Form Energy

獨家:三位一體資本承諾向Form Energy提供5000萬美元的設備融資
Benzinga ·  2024/12/16 20:00

On Monday, Trinity Capital Inc (NASDAQ:TRIN) announced the commitment of $50 million in equipment financing to Form Energy.

在週一,Trinity Capital Inc (納斯達克:TRIN) 宣佈承諾爲Form Energy提供5000萬美元的設備融資。

Form Energy is an American technology company developing and commercializing a new class of cost-effective, multi-day energy storage systems. It aims to reform the global electricity system by developing innovative, low-cost, multi-day energy storage solutions.

Form Energy是一家美國科技公司,正在開發和商業化一種新型的經濟多日能源儲存系統。它旨在通過開發創新的、低成本的多日能源儲存解決方案來改革全球電力系統。

According to Trinity Capital, From Energy is pioneering an iron-air battery capable of storing electricity for 100 hours at system costs competitive with legacy power plants.

根據Trinity Capital的說法,Form Energy正在開創一種鐵空氣電池,能夠以與傳統發電廠競爭的系統成本儲存電力長達100小時。

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This financing follows Form Energy's $455 million Series F fundraising, led by T. Rowe Price.

此次融資隨後是Form Energy的45500萬美元F輪融資,由普信集團主導。

The equipment financing will help finance capital equipment for the company's first high-volume battery manufacturing facility in Weirton, West Virginia.


Trinity Director of Equipment Finance Cory Cramer expects the partnership to help Form Energy scale its operations and be pivotal to accelerating to a clean and reliable electric grid.

Trinity設備融資董事Cory Cramer預計,這一合作關係將幫助Form Energy擴大其運營,並對加速實現清潔和可靠的電網至關重要。

Form Energy CFO Charlotte Beard expects the alliance to be pivotal to its business and manufacturing capacity boost to meet the growing demand for its multi-day energy storage system.

Form Energy首席財務官Charlotte Beard預計,這一聯盟對其業務和製造能力的提升至關重要,以滿足日益增長的多日能源儲存系統的需求。

Price Action: TRIN stock closed higher by 1.67% at $14.60 Friday.

價格走勢:TRIN 股票在週五收盤上漲1.67%,報14.60美元。

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