
e-メタンの国際的アライアンス 「e-NG Coalition」 の設立完了について

Completion of the establishment of the international alliance for e-methane, the "e-NG Coalition."

大阪瓦斯 ·  Dec 15, 2024 23:00

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Completion of the establishment of the international alliance for e-methane, the "e-NG Coalition."

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December 16, 2024
Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.

Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. (President: Masataka Fujiwara) has completed the establishment of the world’s first international alliance "e-NG Coalition" aimed at promoting the global spread of e-methane (hereinafter referred to as "e-methane") together with seven companies in the energy sector.


This alliance is an international federation of companies that believe e-methane will accelerate the energy transition towards a Carbon Neutrality society. On October 20, the alliance completed its establishment procedures with the granting of legal status in the Kingdom of Belgium. The aim is to promote e-methane, establish global markets through standardization of greenhouse gas emissions calculation criteria and certification criteria, strengthen cooperation among all stakeholders involved in the e-methane value chain, and act as a driving force for energy transition by promoting innovative technologies and advocating for climate change policies.

Through initiatives in this alliance, the Daigas Group aims to achieve the global spread of e-methane and the realization of a Carbon Neutrality society by collaborating across nations and industries.

*1:For details about each company, please refer to the section on founding companies in the .
*2:Abbreviation for electric natural gas. An alternative name for e-methane in Europe and the United States.
*3:Regarding the establishment of the international alliance 'e-NG Coalition' (announced on March 19, 2024), the webpage is here.big
Namee-NG Coalition.
Purpose of establishment. Achievement of a Carbon Neutrality society through the global expansion of e-methane.
Establishment DateOctober 20, 2024
Establishment LocationBrussels, Belgium
Establishing CompaniesTokyo Gas Co., Ltd., Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., Toho Gas Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi Corporation, Engie S.A., RWE AG, Tree Energy Solutions Belgium B.V., Total Energies SE
RepresentativeChairman: TES CCO Yves Vercammen
Vice Chairman: Yuji Kobayashi, Head of e-methane Promotion Department, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.
Activity Overview① Policy proposal activities and lobbying activities
② Collaboration among stakeholders and organizing events
③ Conducting research and surveys and sharing insights
④ PR for efforts towards decarbonization
⑤ Announcement of a unified joint statement
hp incHere is the web page.big

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The Daigas Group's challenge towards achieving a Carbon Neutrality society by 2050.

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