
Carzo Served With Writ Of Summon Over RM48,705 Outstanding Debt

Business Today ·  Dec 14, 2024 15:16

Carzo Holdings Berhad has informed that its wholly-owned subsidiary namely Carzo Sdn. Bhd had been served a writ of summon and statement of claim by Everfresh Fruits Imports Trading at the Magistrate Court in Kuala Lumpur.

The company a major subsidiary of the Carzo was incorporated in Malaysia involved in the business of distributing, wholesale and trading in all types of fruits, vegetables and related products and manufacturing and processing all types of fruits, vegetables, nuts and food products.

EFIT is seeking an outstanding debt of RM48,705.00 owing in respect of fruits supplied to CZSB. The disputes between EFIT and CZSB, among others, pertaining to the terms of payment for the fruits supplied by EFIT to CZSB which had resulted the WS&SC was filed against CZSB.

The Board of Directors of CHB is of the view that the financial impact resulting from the WS&SC will be the expected losses arising from the litigation as mentioned above.

announcement on the development of the above matter will be made to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad in due cours

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