
Spectrum Community Center Assist Celebrates 50th Launch Milestone

Spectrum Community Center Assist Celebrates 50th Launch Milestone

特許通訊 ·  2024/12/12 13:00

News and ViewsDecember 12, 2024


Spectrum Community Center Assist Celebrates 50th Launch Milestone


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Community centers have long served as the heart of our neighborhoods, providing a central space where residents can come together to connect and receive support. They offer educational and skill-building opportunities, access to technology and resources for job seekers. Spectrum Community Center Assist (SCCA) establishes long-lasting partnerships with these organizations and recently celebrated its 50th partnership launch. The revitalization event for Climb Wyoming, which offers free job training and new careers for single moms, marked SCCA's halfway goal to 100 partnerships.

社區中心長期以來一直是我們社區的核心,提供了一個居民可以聚集在一起的中心空間,進行連接和獲得支持。它們提供教育和技能培養機會,以及爲求職者提供的科技和資源。Spectrum社區中心助力(SCCA)與這些組織建立了長期合作關係,並最近慶祝了其第50個合作伙伴關係的啓動。爲單身母親提供免費職業培訓和新職業的Climb Wyoming的重振活動,標誌着SCCA達到100個合作伙伴關係的一半目標。

Launched in 2021, SCCA is a strategic philanthropic program that provides laptops and furniture as well as improves the physical condition of community centers in underserved rural and urban communities throughout Spectrum's 41-state footprint. Roughly 60% of SCCA's partners are in urban areas including Denver and Los Angeles, while 40% are in rural areas like Cheyenne, Wyo., and Duluth, Minn.

SCCA於2021年啓動,是一項戰略性的慈善計劃,提供筆記本電腦和傢俱,並改善在Spectrum的41個州範圍內 underserved的農村和城市社區的社區中心的物理控件。大約60%的SCCA合作伙伴位於城市地區,包括丹佛和洛杉磯,而40%位於像懷俄明州的夏延和明尼蘇達州的杜魯斯這樣的農村地區。

The initiative also supports programs that provide job training for the people in these communities.


"Community centers play a vital role in our neighborhoods and people rely on these centers for support and to develop new skills, find employment and access essential resources, like technology. SCCA establishes long-lasting partnerships with these organizations and helps create a positive impact for years to come."

Rahman Khan, Group Vice President, Community Impact



Spectrum Community Center Assist Impact: By the Numbers


28,700+ Participants in job trainings or career readiness programs. Spectrum invests in job training efforts for community centers' new and existing programs. For example, Better Family Life in St. Louis, a longtime partner of Spectrum, has seen an increase in the number of participants in their job training and career readiness programs, which has nearly quadrupled from Q1 2022 to Q4 2023. The direct-service organization offers programs and services to build strong families and vibrant communities.

28,700+ 參加職業培訓或職業準備項目的參與者。光譜對社區中心新舊項目的職業培訓工作進行投資。例如,聖路易斯的美好家庭生活作爲光譜的長期合作伙伴,參與培訓和職業準備項目的人數從2022年第一季度到2023年第四季度幾乎增加了四倍。該直接服務機構提供旨在建立強大家庭和充滿活力社區的項目和服務。

5,900+ Individuals attained jobs. From job skills training, interview practice and resume workshops, SCCA has helped more than 5,900 SCCA community center clients secure jobs. In California, Vanessa A., worked her way up to assistant manager at a sandwich shop and later lost her job unexpectedly. Determined to advance her skills to find a new job that also offered benefits, she turned to the Mexican American Opportunity Foundation, where she participated in a bookkeeping training program with a focus on financial literacy skills. After completing the course, she was offered a position as an assistant bank manager at a nearby bank. Having started the program as a student, Vanessa later came back to the organization as one of the financial literacy presenters.

5,900+ 人獲得了工作。從職業技能培訓、面試練習到簡歷研討會,SCCA幫助超過5,900名SCCA社區中心的客戶獲得了工作。在加利福尼亞州,瓦內薩·A. 通過努力工作晉升爲一家三明治店的助理經理,但後來意外失去了工作。爲了提升她的技能找到一份同時提供福利的工作,她轉向了美國墨西哥人機會基金會,在那裏參加了以財務素養技能爲重點的簿記培訓項目。完成課程後,她被附近的一家銀行聘爲助理銀行經理。她最初作爲學生參加該項目,後來又回到了該組織,成爲了一名財務素養的講師。

1,400+ Laptops distributed. An important mission of SCCA and many of its partners is to help bridge the digital divide. At each partnership launch event, Spectrum donates laptops in addition to other equipment including desks, workstations and Smartboards. This donation benefited many participants at the Lakeview Community Center, including residents of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA), which owns and manages property and administers rent subsidy programs to provide eligible low-income individuals and families with affordable housing in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. The organization provides Lakeview village residents with a series of in-person and virtual events. During these events, 30 residents participated in digital inclusion classes and 26 residents obtained certifications. One participant used lab computers to update her resume and apply for new jobs.

1,400+ 檯筆記本電腦分發出去。SCCA及其許多合作伙伴的重要使命是幫助彌合數字鴻溝。在每個合作伙伴關係啓動活動上,光譜捐贈筆記本電腦以及包括桌子、工作站和智能板等其他設備。這項捐贈惠及了許多湖景社區中心的參與者,包括擁有並管理財產並實施租金補貼計劃的克亞霍加大都會住房局(CMHA),旨在爲符合條件的低收入個人和家庭提供負擔得起的住房。這家機構爲湖景村居民提供了一系列的線下和在線活動。在這些活動中,30名居民參加了數字包容班,26名居民獲得了證書。一位參與者使用實驗室計算機更新她的簡歷並申請新工作。

7,200+ Volunteer hours by Spectrum employees. Employee volunteers – more than 1,480 since the program's launch – have dedicated their time and efforts at SCCA events across the company's service area.


1 Gigabit internet service provided to community centers. Broadband is a critical component of the community centers' infrastructure and – through the SCCA initiative – they also receive complimentary gigabit broadband service from Spectrum.


More information about Spectrum Community Center Assist is available here.


