Chr. Hansen Holding A/S - Major shareholder announcement from BlackRock, Inc.
Chr. Hansen Holding A/S - Major shareholder announcement from BlackRock, Inc.
Company Announcement No. 8/2020
公司公告第 8/2020 號
Chr. Hansen Holding A/S has, as set out in the Danish Capital Markets Act, chapter 7, received a major shareholder announcement from BlackRock, Inc. according to which BlackRock, Inc. as per February 14, 2020, has decreased its holding of shares and related financial instruments in Chr. Hansen to an equivalent of 7,261,013 shares, corresponding to 5.51% of the total share capital and the total voting rights of the Company, of which 5.06% (previously 4.73%) is attached to the holding of shares and 0.45% (previously 0.80%) is attached to the holding of related financial instruments.
CHR.如《丹麥資本市場法》第七章中所述,漢森控股 A/S 收到了貝萊德公司的主要股東公告,根據該公司 貝萊德根據 2020 年 2 月 14 日,Inc. 已經減少了其在 CHR 中持有的股份和相關金融工具。恒生相當於 7,261,013 股股份,相當於本公司總股本及總投票權的 5.51%,其中 5.06%(以前為 4.73%)附於持有股份,而 0.45%(以前為 0.80%)則附於持有相關金融工具。
For further information please contact:Martin Riise, Senior Director, Investor Relations, Tel: +45 5339 2250Annika Stern, Investor Relations Officer, Tel: +45 2399 2382Camilla Lercke, Head of Media Relations, Tel: +45 5339 2384
欲了解更多信息,請聯繫:投資者關係高級總監馬丁·里斯特恩,投資者關係官,電話:+45 2399 2382 卡米拉·勒克,媒體關係主管,電話:+45 2399 2382 卡米拉·勒克,媒體關係主管,電話:+45 5339 2384
About Chr. HansenChr. Hansen is a leading, global bioscience company that develops natural ingredient solutions for the food, nutritional, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. We develop and produce cultures, enzymes, probiotics and natural colors for a rich variety of foods, confectionery, beverages, dietary supplements and even animal feed and plant protection. Our product innovation is based on around 40,000 microbial strains – we like to refer to them as ‘good bacteria’. Our solutions enable food manufacturers to produce more with less – while also reducing the use of chemicals and other synthetic additives – which make our products highly relevant in today’s world. Sustainability is an integral part of Chr. Hansen’s vision to improve food and health. In 2019 Chr. Hansen was ranked as the world’s most sustainable company by Corporate Knights thanks to our strong sustainability efforts and our many collaborative partnerships with our customers. We have been delivering value to our partners – and, ultimately, end consumers worldwide – for over 140 years. We are proud that more than one billion people consume products containing our natural ingredients every day.
關於 CHR漢森CHR.Hansen 是一家領先的全球生物科學公司,致力於為食品,營養,製藥和農業行業開發天然成分解決方案。我們開發和生產培養物,酶,益生菌和天然色素,用於豐富的食物,糖果,飲料,膳食補充劑,甚至動物飼料和植物保護。我們的產品創新基於約 40,000 種微生物菌株-我們喜歡將它們稱為「好細菌」。我們的解決方案使食品製造商能夠以更少的價格生產更多-同時減少化學品和其他合成添加劑的使用-這使我們的產品在當今世界高度相關。可持續發展是 CHR 不可或缺的一部分。漢森的願景是改善食物和健康。在二零一九年中,總經理憑藉我們強大的可持續發展努力以及與客戶的許多合作夥伴關係,Hansen 被 Corporate Knights 評為全球最具永續性的公司。140 多年來,我們一直為我們的合作夥伴以及全球最終消費者提供價值。我們為超過 10 億人每天食用含有我們天然成分的產品而感到自豪。
AttachmentNo 8 2020 Major shareholder announcement
附件2020 年第八期主要股東公告