
Grid Metals Corp. Signs Agreement With Teck Resources To Fund The Makwa Nickel Project

Grid Metals Corp. Signs Agreement With Teck Resources To Fund The Makwa Nickel Project

Benzinga ·  2024/12/12 07:16

Grid Metals Corp. (TSXV:GRDM, OTCQB:MSMGF) ("Grid" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has executed a definitive option and joint venture agreement (the "Agreement") with Teck Resources Limited ("Teck"), a leading Canadian resource company, to explore and develop the Mawka nickel project ("Makwa" or the "Project") in southeastern Manitoba, Canada. The Makwa nickel project sits on the southern arm of the Bird River Greenstone Belt approximately 145 km from Winnipeg, the provincial capital. The focus of the Agreement will be the discovery of a Tier 1 magmatic nickel-copper-PGM-cobalt deposit at Makwa. Grid will maintain its 100% interest and exploration program at Mayville CuNi Property located 30km to the north of Makwa. The Agreement grants Teck a two-stage option to acquire up to a 70% interest in Makwa by funding cumulative expenditures of CAD$15,700,000 and making staged cash payments of CAD$1,600,000 to Grid (of which CAD$1,000,000 can be completed through a subscription of shares at Teck's election). Teck's minimum commitment under the agreement is the initial CAD$400,000 cash payment. Following completion of additional geophysical surveying, Teck would be committed to funding CAD$450,000 of minimum expenditures. The Agreement is subject to TSX-V approval.

Grid Metals Corp. (TSXV:GRDm, OTCQB:MSMGF)("Grid"或"公司")高興地宣佈,它已與泰克資源有限公司("泰克")簽署了一份最終的選擇和合資協議("協議"),該公司是一家領先的加拿大資源公司,旨在探索和開發位於加拿大曼尼托巴省東南部的Mawka鎳項目("Makwa"或"項目")。Makwa鎳項目位於鳥河綠巖帶的南側,距離省會溫尼伯約145公里。協議的重點將是發現Makwa的Tier 1岩漿鎳-銅-PGm-鈷存入資金。Grid將保持其在位於Makwa北30公里的Mayville銅鎳物業的100%權益和勘探計劃。協議授予泰克一個兩階段的選擇,以通過資助累計支出1570萬加元和向Grid進行階段現金支付160萬加元來獲取Makwa的最高70%權益(其中100萬加元可以通過泰克的選擇認購股份完成)。泰克在協議下的最低承諾是最初的40萬加元現金支付。在完成額外的地球物理勘測後,泰克將承諾資助45萬加元的最低支出。協議須獲得TSX-V的批准。

