
Big Red Mining Corp. Closes Flow-Through Private Placement

Big Red Mining Corp. Closes Flow-Through Private Placement

newsfile ·  2024/12/12 11:34

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 11, 2024) - Big Red Mining Corp. (CSE: RED) (FSE: K8J) (the "Company" or "Big Red") announces that, further to its news releases of October 23, 2024 and December 6, 2024, it has closed its flow-through financing of common shares at $0.21 per share, whereby the Company issued a total of 3,605,000 common shares for proceeds of $757,050. The Company is paying a cash finder's fee of $52,900 to GloRes Securities Inc. and has issued 192,833 finder's warrants to GloRes Securities Inc. and 59,500 finder's warrants to Marquest Asset Management Inc. for services provided to the Company as a finder with respect to the private placement subscriptions by the private placement placees. Each finder's warrant is exercisable into one common share at a price of $0.22 per share on or before June 9, 2026.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年12月11日)——Big Red Mining Corp.(CSE:RED)(FSE:K8J)(「公司」 或 「Big Red」)宣佈,繼2024年10月23日和2024年12月6日發佈的新聞稿之後,它以每股0.21美元的價格完成了普通股的流通融資,該公司共發行了3,605,000股普通股作爲收益 757,050 美元。該公司將向Glores Securities Inc.支付52,900美元的現金髮現者費,並已向Glores Securities Inc.發行了192,833份發現者認股權證,向Marquest Asset Management Inc.發行了59,500份發現者認股權證,用於該公司作爲發現者提供的有關私募認購的服務。每份發現者的認股權證可在2026年6月9日當天或之前以每股0.22美元的價格行使爲一股普通股。

The shares issued pursuant to the private placement, and any shares to be issued on the exercise of the finder's warrants are restricted from trading until April 10, 2025. The proceeds of the private placement will be used for property exploration.


About Big Red Mining Corp.


Big Red holds an option to acquire a 100% interest in the Antimony 2.0 Property, which is located approximately 25 kilometers west of Fredericton, New Brunswick, and approximately 15 kilometers northeast of the historic Lake George antimony mine. The Lake George antimony mine operated for various periods from the 1860s to 1998 and produced as much as 4 per cent of the world's demand of antimony from 1970 through 1992. The Antimony 2.0 Property comprises over 35 square kilometers of relatively unexplored ground with excellent access via provincial and logging roads, and hydro power. Antimony has been detected at highly anomalous levels in soil samples collected on the Antimony 2.0 Property by the optionor. Big Red also holds an option to acquire a 100% interest in the Dobie Lake Copper Project (the "Dobie Lake Property"), which is located approximately 100 km from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. The Dobie Lake. Property surrounds and covers extensions of the past producing Jentina Mine and comprises 131 claims totaling 6,500 acres (26 square kilometers).

Big Red持有收購銻2.0地產100%權益的選擇權,該地產位於新不倫瑞克省弗雷德裏克頓以西約25公里處,歷史悠久的喬治湖銻礦東北約15公里處。喬治湖銻礦從19世紀60年代到1998年的不同時期運營,從1970年到1992年,其產量高達世界銻需求的4%。Antimony 2.0地產包括超過35平方公里的相對未開發的土地,可通過省道和伐木道路以及水力發電,交通便利。在期權方在銻2.0特性上採集的土壤樣本中,已檢測到銻含量高度異常。Big Red還持有收購多比湖銅業項目(「多比湖地產」)100%權益的選擇權,該項目距離蘇聖城約100公里。瑪麗,安大略省。多比湖。財產圍繞並涵蓋了過去生產的詹蒂納礦的擴建部分,包括131項索賠,總面積爲6,500英畝(26平方千米)。

Big Red's management team possess extensive experience in financing, exploration, development and mining. Big Red intends to conduct exploration campaigns on each of its optioned properties with a goal of finding one or more minable resources.

Big Red 的管理團隊在融資、勘探、開發和採礦方面擁有豐富的經驗。Big Red 打算對其每個可選房產進行探索活動,目標是尋找一種或多種可開採資源。



On Behalf of the Board of Directors
Jim Atkinson, CEO and President
For further information please contact:
Anthony Simone, President, Simone Capital Inc.


