Principal Foundation Announces 2024 Winner and Finalists of Money Chronicles: A Story Initiative National Short Story Contest
Principal Foundation Announces 2024 Winner and Finalists of Money Chronicles: A Story Initiative National Short Story Contest
DES MOINES, Iowa, Dec. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Principal Foundation, a global nonprofit organization committed to helping people and communities build financially secure futures, today announced one winner and 19 finalists for its Money Chronicles: A Story Initiative national short story contest that invited people to share stories about lived experiences with money.
愛荷華州德莫因,2024年12月11日 /PRNewswire/ -- 先鋒基金會是一家全球性的非營利組織,致力於幫助個人和社區建立經濟安全的未來,今天宣佈了其國家短篇小說比賽Money Chronicles: A Story Initiative的一個獲勝者和19名決賽選手,該比賽邀請人們分享與金錢相關的生活經歷故事。
Launched in 2023, Money Chronicles: A Story Initiative is a unique program and national short story contest created by Principal Foundation that uses the power of storytelling to help destigmatize and encourage conversations about money and personal finances. It is hosted in collaboration with The Center for Fiction, a national literary nonprofit, and Short Édition, a global publishing house.
於2023年啓動的Money Chronicles: A Story Initiative是先鋒基金會創建的一項獨特計劃和全國短篇小說比賽,利用講故事的力量來幫助去污名化並鼓勵關於金錢和個人財務的對話。該活動與全國文學非營利組織小說中心和全球出版公司Short Édition合作舉辦。
In its second year, the winner and finalists' stories were selected by an esteemed panel of literary authors and experts including Zakiya Dalila Harris, Casey Parks, Joe Wilkins, and Cecily Wong as well as David Drury from Short Édition, Jo Christine Miles from Principal Foundation, and individuals from The Center for Fiction. The winner will receive $1,000 and each finalist will receive $150.
在第二年,獲勝者和決賽選手的故事由一組傑出的文學作者和專家評審,包括扎基亞·達利拉·賀錦麗、凱西·帕克斯、喬·威爾金斯和塞西莉·黃,以及來自Short Édition的戴維·德魯裏、先鋒基金會的克莉絲汀·邁爾斯和小說中心的個人。獲勝者將獲得1,000美元,每位決賽選手將獲得150美元。
"Storytelling is a powerful tool that has the unique ability to inspire and motivate people to reexamine their experiences, tackle obstacles, and have open conversations about stigmatized topics, like money," said Jo Christine Miles, director, Principal Foundation, and Community Relations. "This year's stories explored themes such as cultural heritage, generational legacy, and socioeconomic status – all important topics to discuss to help people and communities navigate their money journey to a financially secure future."
Talking about money can be difficult and unnerving. In 2023, a survey of 3,000 Millennial and Gen Z Americans conducted by YouGov and commissioned by Principal Foundation uncovered that 53% of people who don't talk about money are afraid to because it makes them feel awkward and they worry they will be judged by others. Programs like Money Chronicles aim to destigmatize and encourage money conversations to help people advance their financial education and goals.
談論金錢可能是困難和令人不安的。2023年,先鋒基金會委託YouGov對3,000名千禧一代和Z世代美國人進行的調查發現,53%的不談論金錢的人因感到尷尬而害怕這樣做,並擔心自己會被他人評判。像Money Chronicles這樣的項目旨在去污名化並鼓勵金錢對話,以幫助人們提升他們的金融教育和目標。
To date, more than 38 writers have been recognized for their creative money stories through Money Chronicles. This year's winner and finalists include:
- Winner: Genevieve Abravanel, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, "These dark woods"
- Finalists:
- 獲勝者:吉娜維夫·阿布拉瓦內爾,賓夕法尼亞州蘭開斯特,"這些黑暗的森林"
- 入圍者:
- Mary Tabor, Los Angeles, California, "Accounts"
- Joanne McEnroy, Yaphank, New York, "Are we rich"
- Brenden Stumpo, Smyrna, Delaware, "Discounted dreams"
- Sabrina Tom, Los Angeles, California, "Eureka"
- Jennifer Kitses, Jackson Heights, New York, "Extravagant gifts"
- Kristina Rose, Cocoa Beach, Florida, "Ghost dance"
- Katherine Cart, Charlottesville, Virgina, "How to bury a peacock"
- Sandy Feinstein, Reading, Pennsylvania, "In lieu of flowers"
- Kiik Araki-Kawaguchi, Bellingham, Washington, "Kazuki Shibata"
- Mark Budman, Brighton, Massachusetts, "On the move"
- Sandy Kline, Tulsa, Oklahoma, "Parker's dam"
- Cedric Rose, Cincinnati, Ohio, "Primavera"
- Jeremy Steen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, "Rational actors"
- Mario Moussa, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, "Redemption"
- Lisa Beebe, Studio City, California, "See a penny"
- Georgia Corso, Baltimore, Maryland, "Spring's sign of faith"
- Amy Schuler, Millerton, New York, "Statement in the balance"
- Joy Donnell, Marina Del Rey, California, "The estate"
- Sean Gill, Brooklyn, New York, "The lakes and the falls"
- 瑪麗·塔博爾,加利福尼亞州洛杉磯,"帳戶"
- 瓊安·麥克恩羅伊,紐約州亞法克,"我們富有嗎"
- 布倫登·斯圖姆波,德拉瓦州斯邁那,"被打折的夢想"
- 薩布rina·湯姆,加利福尼亞州洛杉磯,"發現"
- 詹妮弗·基茨斯,紐約州傑克遜高地,"奢華的禮物"
- 克莉絲汀·羅斯,佛羅里達州可可海灘,"鬼舞"
- 凱瑟琳·卡特,弗吉尼亞州夏洛茨維爾,"如何埋一隻孔雀"
- 桑迪·費因斯坦,賓夕法尼亞州雷丁,"代替鮮花"
- 喜木·荒川,華盛頓州貝靈厄姆,"柴田和樹"
- 馬克·佈德曼,馬薩諸塞州布萊頓,"在路上"
- 桑迪·克萊恩,俄克拉荷馬州塔爾薩,"帕克大壩"
- 塞德里克·羅斯,俄亥俄州辛辛那提,"春天"
- 傑里米·斯廷,威斯康星州密爾沃基,"理性演員"
- 馬里奧·穆薩,賓夕法尼亞州費城,"救贖"
- 麗莎·比比,加利福尼亞州工作室城市,"看到一分錢"
- 喬治亞·科爾索,馬里蘭州巴爾的摩,"春天的信仰標誌"
- 艾米·舒勒,紐約州米勒頓,"平衡中的陳述"
- 喬伊·多內爾,加利福尼亞州馬里納德雷,"莊園"
- 肖恩·吉爾,紐約州布魯克林,"湖泊和瀑布"
The winner and each finalist will have their stories published through Principal Foundation's Short Story Dispensers located at The New York Public Library in New York, N.Y.; Sip & Sonder in Los Angeles, Calif.; Charlotte Mecklenburg Library in Charlotte, N.C.; Elliott Bay Book Company in Seattle, Wash.; and Prairie Lights in Iowa City, Iowa. A new location was also added in 2024 at the renowned Politics & Prose bookstore in Washington D.C. Finalists' stories are also being considered for publication in Short Edition's global network of more than 500 Dispensers located across the globe in airports, public transportation hubs, retail centers, and other locations, so that audiences can enjoy these creative works in an engaging and unexpected format, reinforcing the power of storytelling in everyday moments.
獲勝者和每位決賽選手的故事將通過Principal Foundation的短篇故事分發器出版,這些分發器位於紐約公共圖書館(N.Y.)、加利福尼亞州洛杉磯的Sip & Sonder、北卡羅來納州夏洛特的夏洛特·梅克倫堡圖書館、華盛頓州西雅圖的埃利奧特灣書店,以及愛荷華州愛荷華城的普雷裏之光。2024年還在華盛頓特區知名的Politics & Prose書店新增了一個地點。決賽選手的故事也被考慮在Short Edition全球網絡中的500多個分發器出版,這些分發器分佈在全球的機場、公共交通樞紐、零售中心和其他地方,使觀衆可以以引人入勝和意想不到的形式欣賞這些創意作品,加強了在日常時刻講故事的力量。
For more information about Money Chronicles: A Story Initiative and to read stories from this year's finalists, visit: .
For more information about Principal Foundation, visit: .
有關Principal Foundation的更多信息,請訪問:.
About Principal Foundation
Principal Financial Group Foundation, Inc. ("Principal Foundation") is a duly recognized Section 501(c)(3) entity focused on providing philanthropic support to programs that build financial security in the communities where Principal Financial Group, Inc. ("Principal") operates. While Principal Foundation receives funding from Principal, Principal Foundation is a distinct, independent, charitable entity. Principal Foundation does not practice any form of investment advisory services and is not authorized to do so. Established in 1987, Principal Foundation works with organizations that are helping to shape and support the journey to financial security by ensuring access to essential needs, fostering social and cultural connections, and promoting financial inclusion. Principal Foundation supports a diverse community of more than 86 charitable organizations across the globe.
關於Principal Foundation
Principal Financial Group Foundation, Inc.("Principal Foundation") 是一家合法認可的501(c)(3)組織,專注於爲在Principal Financial Group, Inc.("Principal")運營的社區提供建設財務安全的計劃的慈善支持。雖然Principal Foundation獲得Principal的資助,但Principal Foundation是一個獨立的慈善實體。Principal Foundation不從事任何形式的投資顧問服務,並且沒有被授權這麼做。成立於1987年,Principal Foundation與幫助塑造和支持實現財務安全道路的組織合作,確保訪問基本需求,促進社會和文化聯繫,以及推動財務包容性。Principal Foundation支持全球超過86個慈善組織的多樣化社區。
Media Contact:
Taylor Madigan
Ruder Finn
[email protected]
[email protected]
SOURCE Principal Foundation