3 Low-Volatility Growth Stocks for Promising Returns
3 Low-Volatility Growth Stocks for Promising Returns
A healthy risk tolerance is necessary for most investors who wish to invest in growth stocks. But that doesn't mean you can't buy these stocks if you like to play it safe and are risk-averse. Plenty of low-volatility stocks attract risk-averse and risk-tolerant investors for their blend of growth potential and safety.
健康的 風險承受能力 對於大多數希望投資於成長股票的投資者來說,這是必要的。但這並不意味着如果你喜歡穩妥並且厭惡風險,你就不能買入這些股票。 低波動率股票 吸引了厭惡風險和願意承擔風險的投資者,因爲它們兼具增長潛力和安全性。
A solid waste management company
Waste collection is technically a segment within the industrial sector, but it's almost as safe a business model as utilities. The reason is that it's one of the most essential services available in society. This makes companies like Waste Connections (TSX:WCN) relatively safe (as investments) thanks to a resilient business model against a wide range of market headwinds.
廢物收集技術上是工業板塊中的一部分,但它幾乎是和公用事業一樣安全的商業模式。原因是它是社會中最基本的服務之一。這使得像Waste Connections (TSX:WCN)這樣的公司因爲其對市場多種阻力的抗壓性商業模式而相對安全(作爲投資)。
This particular company offers another layer of safety, as it's a giant in this category and one of the largest publicly traded waste management companies around the globe.
Waste Connections stock has been a robust grower practically since its inception. It has risen by around 121% in the last five years alone. But despite this accelerated growth pace and outstripping the market by a significant margin, it boasts a healthy beta of around 0.72, putting it among stable, low-volatility stocks.
Waste Connections 的股票自成立以來一直表現強勁。在過去五年中,它的漲幅大約爲121%。儘管增長速度加快,並且超越市場,但它的貝塔值約爲0.72,顯示出它屬於穩定、低波動性的股票。
A retail chain
Regarding safety, retail stocks can be found on either end of the spectrum. The safest are the ones dealing in essentials like food and medicine, while the relatively unsafe ones exclusively trade in discretionary goods. Dollarama (TSX:DOL) is closer to the safest end of the spectrum.
關於安全性, 零售股票 可以在範圍的兩端找到。最安全的是那些銷售如食品和藥品等必需品的公司,而相對不安全的公司則專門交易可選商品。Dollarama (TSX:DOL) 更接近安全端。
As a dollar store chain (the largest in the country and one of the largest in Peru), Dollarama mainly sells necessary supplies to a wide range of customers.
作爲一家美元商店連鎖(該國最大,也是秘魯最大的連鎖之一),Dollarama 主要向廣泛的客戶銷售必需品。
Dollarama stock has had an exceptional run in the last decade and returned roughly 729% to its investors over this period. The growth pace has kept up much the same in the previous five years despite the pandemic, which showcases the stock's resilience. Lastly, it has a beta of just 0.54, roughly half as volatile as the market. This makes Dollarama's (informal) risk-to-return ratio quite compelling.
Dollarama 的股票在過去十年中表現卓越,給投資者帶來了約729%的回報。儘管疫情持續,但在過去五年中的增長速度基本保持不變,這展示了該股票的韌性。最後,它的貝塔值僅爲0.54,波動性大約是市場的一半。這使得Dollarama的(非正式)風險收益比相當吸引人。
A holding company
George Weston (TSX:WN) is a holding company that has existed for more than 140 years. It holds just two businesses, which are publicly traded entities—Loblaw and Choice Properties.
喬治·韋斯頓 (TSX:WN) 是一家擁有超過140年曆史的控股公司。它僅持有兩項業務,即上市實體——Loblaw 和Choice Properties。
The rationale is simple enough. Loblaw is one of the largest food and pharmacy retailers in the country, and Choice Properties has a diversified portfolio of commercial properties, most of which are anchored by Loblaw. However, the real estate investment trust (REIT) also has residential properties, making its portfolio adequately diversified.
其理由相當簡單。Loblaw 是全國最大的食品和藥品零售商之一,而Choice Properties 擁有多元化的商業物業組合,其中大多數是以Loblaw 爲主的。不過,這個股權房地產投資信託(REITS) 也有住宅物業,使其組合得到了很好地多樣化。
The underlying businesses, particularly Loblaw, are pretty stable. This stability extends to the parent company and is one of the reasons the stock boasts a beta of just 0.42, making it significantly safe, even when compared to the relatively safe market. The return numbers are impressive, especially for recent years—over 100% in the last five years.
Foolish takeaway
These three stocks offer powerful and predictable growth potential compelling enough, even for daredevil investors. They are also safe and low-volatility enough for conservative investors who prefer to play it safe. This combination makes them desirable holdings for a wide range of Canadian investors.