
Royal Provenance Crowns Apollo Art Auctions' Dec. 15 Fine Ancient Art & Jewellery Auction Exclusively Featuring The Prince Collection

Royal Provenance Crowns Apollo Art Auctions' Dec. 15 Fine Ancient Art & Jewellery Auction Exclusively Featuring The Prince Collection

PR Newswire ·  2024/12/10 21:36

Egyptian treasures include rare granite head of pharaoh, large vessel with painted image of Nile scene; Amarna Period sandstone relief of pharaoh worshipping the god Aton; Greek & Roman jewellery


LONDON, Dec. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On Sunday morning, December 15, 2024, Apollo Art Auctions will roll out the red carpet for a very special Fine Ancient Art & Jewellery Auction exclusively featuring The Prince Collection, one of the largest royal-provenance collections ever presented by the Central London firm. The 280-lot selection includes breathtaking antiquities of Egyptian, Phoenician, Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Asian origin, with a timeline that spans the 40th century BC to 16th century AD. The live gallery auction, with absentee and Internet live bidding available through Apollo Live or LiveAuctioneers, will begin at 10:30am GMT (5:30am US Eastern Time).

倫敦,2024年12月10日/PRNewswire/ -- 阿波羅藝術拍賣行將在2024年12月15日週日上午,爲一場非常特別的古代藝術與珠寶拍賣鋪開紅地毯,專門展出王子收藏,這是倫敦市中心公司所展示的最大的皇家來源藏品之一。280件拍品包括令人驚歎的來自埃及、腓尼基、希臘、羅馬、拜占庭和亞洲的古董,時間跨度從公元前40世紀到公元16世紀。現場畫廊拍賣將通過阿波羅直播或LiveAuctioneers提供缺席和互聯網現場競標,定於格林威治標準時間上午10:30(美國東部時間上午5:30)開始。

Rare Egyptian black granite sphynx head of pharaoh of the XXVth Dynasty (747-653 BC), probably Taharqa (690-971 BC). Size: 130mm x 120mm (5.1in x 4.7in). Weight: 2.25kg (4lbs 15oz). Provenance: The Prince Collection, 1990s-2014; ex Jack Josephson private collection. Opening bid: £20,000/$25,485
稀有的埃及黑花崗岩法老獅身人面像頭部,屬於公元前25王朝(747-653 BC),可能是塔哈卡(690-971 BC)。尺寸:130mm x 120mm(5.1英寸 x 4.7英寸)。重量:2.25kg(4磅15盎司)。來源:王子收藏,1990年代-2014年;前傑克·約瑟夫森私人收藏。起拍價:£20,000/$25,485
Rare Egyptian carved black stone ritual mortar, Middle Kingdom, circa 2055-1790 BC. Exterior shows standing figures, probably priests, in high relief, one wearing a long skirt, the other naked and wearing a long wig alternating to vertical lines of hieroglyphic inscription. Size: 240mm x 210mm (9.4in x 8.3in); Weight: 18.29kg (40lbs 5oz) Opening bid: £8,000/$10,195
稀有的埃及黑石雕刻儀式臨床石臼,中王國,約公元前2055-1790年。外部展示站立的人物,可能是祭司,採用高浮雕,一人穿着長裙,另一人赤裸並佩戴長髮,交替出現垂直線的象形文字銘文。尺寸:240mm x 210mm(9.4英寸 x 8.3英寸);重量:18.29kg(40磅5盎司)。起拍價:£8,000/$10,195

Prior to acquisition for The Prince Collection, many of the premier holdings were the property of esteemed collectors and institutions, including Jean-Paul Barbier Mueller (1930-2016), Robert Hatfield Ellsworth (1929-2014), Edith Bader Koller, W Arnold Meijer, Kurt Flimm, A Obrecht, Jacques H Carre, Jean-Marie Talleux (1930-1995), the Khawam brothers, and the Thalassic Collection.


Perhaps the top prize of the day will be the handsome Egyptian black granite sphynx head of a pharaoh of the XXVth Dynasty (747-653 BC), probably Taharqa (690-971 BC). The pharaoh's face has defined and elegant facial features, almond-shape eyes, full lips, a prominent nose, and a contemplative expression. His nemes headdress is adorned with a frontal uraeus cobra. This rare item was reviewed by Simone Musso, consultant curator for Egyptian antiquities at Stibbert Museum, Florence, Italy, and member of the Nuri Archaeological Expedition. Opening bid: £20,000/$25,485

今天的頂級獎品可能是這件迷人的埃及黑花崗岩法老獅身人面像頭部,屬於公元前25王朝(747-653 BC),可能是塔哈卡(690-971 BC)。法老的面部特徵清晰而優雅,杏仁形的眼睛、飽滿的嘴脣、突出的鼻子,以及沉思的表情。他的頭巾上裝飾有前方的烏拉烏斯眼鏡蛇。這件稀有的物品由西蒙·穆索回顧,意大利佛羅倫薩斯蒂貝特博物館的埃及古物顧問策展人,同時也是努裏考古探險隊的成員。起拍價:£20,000/$25,485

Two notable Egyptian sandstone reliefs will be offered as consecutive lots. Lot #1 is a panel depicting the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten worshipping the ancient god Aton. This artifact is particularly significant because Akhenaten was the first to introduce monotheism in Ancient Egypt – a controversial move that led to the posthumous destruction of his monuments in an attempt to erase his religious reforms. A fortunate survivor, this relief will open for bidding at £10,000/$12,740. Lot #2, a relief depiction of two male figures, has appeared at Sotheby's twice in the past 26 years prior to joining The Prince Collection, and will open at £5,000/$6,370.


Other Egyptian highlights and their opening bids include: highly decorative alabaster jar from the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II, £8,000/$10,195; rare steatite head of the goddess Hathor, or a worshipper of Hathor, 664-332 BC, £5,000/$6,370; carved black stone ritual mortar with relief images of men, possibly priests, circa 2055-1790 BC, £8,000/$10,195; and hand-built blue faience shabti of Nesytanebetisheru, circa 1075-945 BC, £2,000/$2,550. The sale also features an exquisite array of Romano-Egyptian mosaic beads and inlays.

其他埃及亮點及其開盤價包括:法老拉美西斯二世時代的高度裝飾性石膏罐,£8,000/$10,195;女神哈托爾的稀有滑石頭部,或哈托爾的崇拜者,公元前664-332年,£5,000/$6,370;雕刻的黑石 ritual 臼,浮雕上有男人的形象,可能是祭司,公元前2055-1790年,£8,000/$10,195;以及手工製作的藍色法尤斯 shabti,代表 Nesytanebetisheru,公元前1075-945年,£2,000/$2,550。此次拍賣還展示了一系列精美的羅馬-埃及馬賽克珠子和鑲嵌物。

Apollo Art Auctions' Sunday, December 15, 2024 Fine Ancient Art & Jewellery Auction exclusively featuring The Prince Collection will be a live gallery event with online bidding also available through Apollo's bidding platform or LiveAuctioneers. Start time: 10:30am GMT/5:30am US ET. Goods may be previewed at the gallery by appointment only, now through December 13, from 10am-5pm daily. Address: 63-64 Margaret Street, London W1W 8SW. Apollo accepts payments in GBP, USD and EUR; and ships worldwide. No import charges are assessed on most antiquities sent to the USA. All packing is handled in-house by white-gloved specialists skilled at preparing precious goods for shipment. Questions: For additional details on auction items, bidding, or in-house packing and worldwide shipping, call +44 7424 994167, email [email protected]. Online:

阿波羅藝術拍賣行將於2024年12月15日星期日舉行精品古代藝術與珠寶拍賣,專門展示王子收藏,此次拍賣將以現場拍賣的方式進行,同時也可通過阿波羅的競標平台或LiveAuctioneers進行在線競標。開始時間:格林威治標準時間上午10:30/美國東部時間上午5:30。商品在畫廊可預約預覽,現至12月13日,每天上午10點至下午5點。地址:倫敦Margaret Street 63-64號,郵政編碼W1W 8SW。阿波羅接受以GBP、USD和EUR支付;並提供全球運輸服務。發送到美國的大多數古物不收取進口費用。所有包裝均由專門的白手套專業人員在內部處理,精通爲貴重商品準備運輸。問題:有關拍賣物品、競標或內部包裝和全球運輸的更多詳情,請撥打+44 7424 994167,發送電子郵件至 [email protected]。在線:

Media Contact:
Dr. Ivan Bonchev
+44 7424 994167
[email protected]

+44 7424 994167
[email protected]

SOURCE Apollo Art Auctions

來源 阿波羅藝術拍賣




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