Top 3 Real Estate Stocks Which Could Rescue Your Portfolio In Q4
Top 3 Real Estate Stocks Which Could Rescue Your Portfolio In Q4
The most oversold stocks in the real estate sector presents an opportunity to buy into undervalued companies.
The RSI is a momentum indicator, which compares a stock's strength on days when prices go up to its strength on days when prices go down. When compared to a stock's price action, it can give traders a better sense of how a stock may perform in the short term. An asset is typically considered oversold when the RSI is below 30, according to Benzinga Pro.
相對強弱指標(RSI)是一種動量指標,它比較在價格上漲時和下跌時股票的強度。當與股票的價格走勢相比時,它可以讓交易者更好地了解股票在短期內的表現。根據Benzinga Pro,當RSI低於30時,資產通常被視爲被低估。
Here's the latest list of major oversold players in this sector, having an RSI near or below 30.
National Health Investors Inc (NYSE:NHI)
National Health Investors(NYSE:NHI)
- On Nov. 5, the company reported quarterly sales of $82.94 million which beat the analyst consensus estimate of $79.21 million. Eric Mendelsohn, NHI President and CEO, stated, "Fundamentals remain strong across much of the portfolio with occupancy and EBITDARM coverage improving sequentially from the second quarter across our major asset classes." The company's stock fell around 8% over the past month and has a 52-week low of $51.59.
- RSI Value: 29.55
- NHI Price Action: Shares of National Health Investors fell 1.6% to close at $74.35 on Monday.
- Benzinga Pro's real-time newsfeed alerted to latest NHI news.
- 11月5日,該公司報告季度銷售額爲$8294萬,超過分析師的共識預期$7921萬。NHI總裁兼首席執行官Eric Mendelsohn表示:「我們組合中的基本面依然強勁,各主要資產類別的入住率和息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤(EBITDARm)的覆蓋率環比改善。」該公司的股票在過去一個月下跌了約8%,52周低點爲$51.59。
- RSI值:29.55
- NHI價格走勢:National Health Investors的股票週一下跌1.6%,收於$74.35。
- Benzinga Pro的實時新聞報道提醒了最新的NHI新聞。

Site Centers Corp (NYSE:SITC)
SITE Centers CORP (紐交所:海豐國際)
- On Nov. 4, the company said third quarter net income attributable to common shareholders was $320.2 million, or $6.07 per diluted share. "SITE Centers completed the planned spin-off of Curbline Properties on October 1, unlocking a unique and scalable opportunity focused on convenience real estate and providing investors with two distinct business plans," commented David R. Lukes, President and Chief Executive Officer. The company's stock fell around 5% over the past month and has a 52-week low of $10.19.
- RSI Value: 27.10
- SITC Price Action: Shares of Site Centers gained 0.6% to close at $15.43 on Monday.
- Benzinga Pro's charting tool helped identify the trend in SITC stock.
- 11月4日,該公司表示,第三季度歸屬於普通股東的淨利潤爲32020萬美元,或每股攤薄收益6.07美元。"SITE Centers於10月1日完成了Curbline Properties的計劃剝離,解鎖了一個獨特且可擴展的機會,專注於便利房地產,併爲投資者提供兩個獨特的業務計劃,"總裁兼首席執行官David R. Lukes評論道。該公司股票在過去一個月下跌了約5%,52周低點爲10.19美元。
- RSI值:27.10
- 海豐國際價格走勢:SITE Centers的股票週一上漲了0.6%,收於15.43美元。
- Benzinga Pro的圖表工具幫助識別了海豐國際股票的趨勢。

Gladstone Land Corp (NASDAQ:LAND)
- On Nov. 15, Gladstone Land announced the retirement of COO Terry Lee Brubaker. President and Chief Executive Officer, David Gladstone, stated, "Terry has been an integral part of the Gladstone family since inception. His tenure at Gladstone has been marked by remarkable growth and steadfast dedication. Terry's commitment to our funds and our shareholders will be missed." The company's stock fell around 12% over the past month and has a 52-week low of $4.68.
- RSI Value: 24.17
- LAND Price Action: Shares of Braskem fell 5.8% to close at $4.82 on Friday.
- Benzinga Pro's signals feature notified of a potential breakout in LAND shares.
- 11月15日,Gladstone Land宣佈首席運營官Terry Lee Brubaker退休。公司總裁兼首席執行官David Gladstone表示:「Terry自創立以來就是Gladstone大家庭的重要成員。他在Gladstone的任期標誌着顯著的增長和堅定的奉獻。我們會懷念Terry對我們所有基金和股東的承諾。」該公司的股票在過去一個月下跌了約12%,並且52周最低價爲4.68美元。
- RSI值:24.17
- LAND價格走勢:Braskem的股票在週五下跌5.8%,收盤價爲4.82美元。
- Benzinga Pro的信號功能提示LAND股票可能出現突破。

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