
McDonald's Canada and Uber Eats Join Forces to Deliver Enhanced Savings for Canadians

McDonald's Canada and Uber Eats Join Forces to Deliver Enhanced Savings for Canadians

麥當勞加拿大與Uber Eats合作,爲加拿大人提供更好的優惠。
PR Newswire ·  2024/12/10 04:13

Uber One members can now enjoy $0 Delivery Fees and 5% off eligible McDonald's orders

Uber One會員現在可以享受$0的配送費用和適用於麥當勞訂單的5%折扣

TORONTO, Dec. 9, 2024 /CNW/ - McDonald's Canada and Uber Eats are giving Uber One members access to exclusive savings on their favourite McDonald's menu items. With Uber One, Canadians can now enjoy $0 Delivery Fees and five percent off eligible McDonald's orders from more than 1,300 locations across Canada.

多倫多,2024年12月9日 /CNW/ - 麥當勞加拿大和Uber Eats爲Uber One會員提供專屬優惠,讓他們享受最喜歡的麥當勞菜單。通過Uber One,加拿大人現在可以在全加拿大1,300多家門店享受$0的配送費用和適用於麥當勞訂單的5%折扣。

To celebrate, from December 9th to the 15th Uber Eats and McDonald's are offering Canadian Uber One members a free Big Arch Burger on orders of $20 or more. Uber Eats will also roll out special promotions for Uber One members throughout the month of December.

爲慶祝活動,從12月9日至15日,Uber Eats和麥當勞爲加拿大的Uber One會員提供在訂單滿$20時免費獲得一個大拱門漢堡的機會。Uber Eats還將在12月份爲Uber One會員推出特別促銷活動。

"Our expanded partnership with McDonald's is a double win for Uber One members and McDonald's lovers alike," says Lola Kassim, General Manager of Uber Eats in Canada. "With Uber One, Canadians can go anywhere, get anything, and save along the way through Canada's number one delivery platform. Now, Uber One members across the country can enjoy even more value while satisfying their cravings."

"我們與麥當勞的擴展合作對Uber One會員和麥當勞愛好者都是雙贏的局面,"Uber Eats加拿大總經理Lola Kassim表示。"通過Uber One,加拿大人可以隨時隨地,獲取任何想要的東西,同時在加拿大第一的配送平台上節省開支。現在,全國的Uber One會員可以在滿足他們的渴望時享受更多的價值。"

"McDonald's has always been the go-to destination for great-tasting, affordable food and we're committed to bringing Canadians even more ways to save on their favourite menu items every day," says Dan Logan, Head of Delivery, McDonald's Canada. "Through our partnership with Uber Eats, we're giving Uber One members more opportunities to get the food they love delivered at prices that hit the spot."

"麥當勞一直是品嚐美食和實惠食物的首選目的地,我們致力於每天爲加拿大人提供更多節省他們最喜歡的菜單的方式,"麥當勞加拿大配送負責人Dan Logan表示。"通過我們的Uber Eats合作,我們給Uber One會員更多機會以合適的價格獲得他們喜歡的食物配送。"

Uber One is a unique membership program that provides Canadians with a range of benefits, including savings on rides and orders across Uber and Uber Eats. For just $9.99 per month, Uber One members enjoy $0 Delivery Fees and five percent off orders of $15 or more from eligible restaurants, as well as discounts on eligible grocery and non-restaurant store orders with a minimum purchase of $40 on Uber Eats, and other exclusive offers.

Uber One是一個獨特的會員計劃,爲加拿大人提供一系列福利,包括在Uber和Uber Eats上的乘車和訂單省錢。每月僅需$9.99,Uber One會員可以享受$0的配送費用和在滿足條件的餐廳訂單滿$15時享受5%的折扣,以及在Uber Eats上最低購滿$40的適用雜貨和非餐廳店訂單的折扣和其他獨家優惠。

To join Uber One, open the Uber or Uber Eats app, tap the Account icon in the upper-right corner, then select "Uber One." Review the benefits, choose your plan, and select either the monthly or annual membership option.

要加入Uber One,請打開Uber或Uber Eats應用程序,點擊右上角的帳戶icon,然後選擇「Uber One」。查看福利,選擇您的計劃,並選擇每月或年度會員選項。

About Uber Canada


Uber's mission is to create opportunity through movement. Co-founded by Calgarian entrepreneur Garrett Camp, Uber started in 2010 to solve a simple problem: how do you get access to a ride at the touch of a button? More than 52 billion trips later, Uber is building products to get people closer to where they want to be. By changing how people, food, and things move through cities, Uber and Uber Eats open up the world to new possibilities. For more information, visit

Uber的使命是通過移動創造機會。由加爾加里企業家加勒特·坎普共同創辦,Uber於2010年開始運營,旨在解決一個簡單的問題:如何通過按一下按鈕獲得乘車服務?經過超過520億次的出行,Uber正在構建產品,讓人們更接近他們想去的地方。通過改變人、食物和物品在城市中的流動方式,Uber和Uber Eats爲世界打開了新的可能性。獲取更多信息,請訪問。

About McDonald's Canada

About McDonald's Canada

In 1967, Canadians welcomed the first McDonald's restaurant to Richmond, British Columbia. Today, McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited has become part of the Canadian fabric, serving close to three million guests every day. In both franchised and corporate-owned restaurants, nearly 100,000 people are employed from coast-to-coast, and more than 90 per cent of McDonald's 1,400 Canadian restaurants are locally owned and operated by independent franchisees. Of the almost $1 billion spent on food, more than 85 per cent is purchased from suppliers in Canada. For more information on McDonald's Canada, visit


SOURCE Uber Canada Inc.

來源 Uber加拿大公司

